Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Destination - Sickbay
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Destination - Sickbay
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 9:17pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD3 18:15

The music had started and though the atmosphere had lost its charge, the mood was changing as people started to sing and dance. The commander had stood and watched, seeing a multitude of both security officers and marines milling amongst the crowd. She could not see Darson, but she knew he was watching her as her thoughts went to Rakka.

Tasha could not recall ever seeing the Nausicaan looking so bereft and she knew that Riley and she had a special bond. The Captain allowed a few more minutes, before turning to Annis and offering an apology, but she was needed elsewhere as Annis gave her blessing, Tasha thoughtlessly didn't acknowledge it.

Tasha was shaking as she left the stage, her thoughts jumbled and her shoulder hurt like hell. She supported her arm at the elbow as she struggled down the steps as Petro appeared from nowhere. It took a moment for Tasha to remember that Petro had made an effort to dress up for the occasion, but she had seen what had happened and had made her way to Tasha.

"Are you alright?" Petro asked, her mind lost somewhere between the past and the present. Her eyes just slightly glazed at the remembrance. "I should accompany you to sick bay." she said. Her voice was almost monotone, practically automatic. Her movements were lifeless though present. In that moment she was so filled with emotion that she could feel none at all.

Tasha nodded and sighed. "As well as can be." Came her short reply, not wanting the J'Naii overwrought with the multitude of emotions that she as an intended target was going through, as Petro looked as though she had enough going on in her own mind. As she moved forward through the regrowing crowd, she continued, "I could use the company." Her hand gently stroking Petro's upper arm in a gesture of appreciation.

Petro nodded and lead the way. She kept a watchful eye on anyone that came close to them. No smile crossed her lips.

= Sickbay =
A few minutes later, the doors slid apart to a hushed sickbay. Tasha suddenly felt like an interloper as she entered the medical area with Petro close behind. The lights were on full and dazzled the Captains eyes and despite the pain in her left shoulder, she reached up and paused a few millimetres from Rakkas' back, stopping herself from actual bodily contact with the Chief Security officer., though Ryan had half turned to see who had entered into his domain.

Rakka flinched and spun around, sensing a presence behind her. She gave Tasha and Petro a brief look before turning back to the biobed and crossing her arms tightly. As much as she cared for both women, she really did not want to see them right now. She felt tightly wound, fragile, and irritable, which all the medical staff had already experienced in copious amounts.

The last several minutes had been filled with Rakka's shouting and cursing, and now her voice was raw, and the staff were half-deafened as well as frazzled with the combined burdens of trying fruitlessly to revive Ensign Riley and a very upset Nausicaan demanding that they work miracles.

Chelsea was assisting Ryan as they finally gave up with the paddles and stopped all CPR. Holding up both her hands, palms forwards, in a defeated gesture, she shook her head sadly and respectfully laid a light sheet over Lt. Riley's waxen, grey features.

Worried by the shade of pallor on Ryan's own visage, Adams took the lead in an effort to protect her CMO from complete exhaustion, even though she knew he wouldn't thank her for interfering.

Tasha stood back, giving the medical staff all the space they needed and required, but she was more concerned for Rakka. It was Petros own hand that now touched the arm of the Nausicaan Commander. Tasha felt her heart skip a beat, it was not the wisest move to make.

Petro knew it would be a risk, but it was one that she had to take. Rakka was irritated to be sure but Petro sensed that she was also scared. She looked up at her friend as she stood next to her. She wasn't sure if Nausicaan's could cry but she thought she saw a tear. It could have been her own imagination though.

Rakka flinched at the touch. Her instinct was to recoil and regain her personal space, but she slowly realized that she couldn't afford to push away the one person she might need more than anyone right now. Carefully she slipped her hand around Petro's. The J'Naii's hand was so tiny in comparison that two of Rakka's fingers ended up around her wrist instead. In this unusual yet surprisingly comfortable touch, she felt her rage slowly calming.

Switching off the monitor and placing the bio-settings to the appropriate level, Chelsea set the arch to cover itself with it's panel doors and give respectful privacy to the body of their departed colleague.

With sympathy etched on her face and genuine concern and sadness in her eyes, she stood again before Rakka whose earlier verbal onslaught against her junior staff had caused her to stand defensively between the Naussican Chief of Security and the harassed medics more than once in the past interminable minutes, attempting to shield them and co-ordinate the attempts to resuscitate Lieutenant Riley at the same time.

This time, Chelsea was not there to protect anyone from Rakka's angst but to try to explain as gently as reassuringly as she could.

"There was nothing any of us could have done. You did all you could, I know, and so did we. I'm afraid Lieutenant Riley was beyond our help some considerable time before he even got to Sickbay, but as you can see we have exhausted all the resources at our disposal in every attempt to snatch something from the impossible. I am truly sorry for your loss." she said. "For all of our loss!"

Tasha was about to thank the medical staff for their tireless efforts, but a tight throat and the howl that bellowed from Rakka stopped her in her tracks.

Petro jolted at the sound. She knew Klingons did something similar at the death of a warrior. She wasn't expecting it from Rakka.

Rakka pulled her hand out of Petro's, not wanting to catch her in the line of fire. Her cries were of frustration, anger, hurt, and somewhere deep inside, guilt. She spun around and drove a fist, hard, into the nearest wall, punctuating an abrupt end to her noise making. She leaned against the wall, silent.

Petro stood - frozen - as she watched her friend unleash her torment on the wall. She took a tentative step forward and reached out her hand. She stopped and retracted her arm, afraid of what would come next.

Rakka took a deep breath and declared sharply, still facing the wall, "I want a few minutes alone with him!"

The initial venting took Tasha by surprise, but not near as much as the damage done to the wall or the commanders hand. Tasha raised her head to Chelsea to signify her concern for Rakka.

"Of course." Tasha said in a soft, but heartfelt tone as she dipped her head, now holding back a tear of her own as the realisation that it could it have been her lying there made it into her mind.

Petro nodded in silence, her heart pounding in her chest. The myriad of emotions running through her veins kept her from identifying any of them. She turned to Tasha. "You need to be checked." she said.

Tasha shook her head. "Later. Let the Commander say goodbye to Mr Riley in private." She whispered back to the young J'Naii, who looked so in bloom with her new look.

Tasha caught Chelsea's eye and beckoned her to follow with a nod of her head.

= Operations =

The station was locked down All craft were halted from leaving or entering the station.
Ops was bathe din a subdued red light, but no klaxons sounded a red alert, just a constant reminder that DS5 was on high alert.

She tapped various console controls, sweeping the station with a narrow pulse beam, searching for any weapons that were not registered and the results would take weeks of sorting through, but at a time like this, the data had to be collected and afterwards, the person who would be responsible for sifting through it, Aieron Peters, would have a headache the size of of one of Vulcan's moons.
Never the less, the scans continued, especially on the lower decks, where things were usually lost or hidden.

Talitha cursed under her breath, and tried to project an aura of calm. She accepted the most recent report from the Lt. at OPS and resisted the urge to call down to Sickbay and demand an update. She stood around Main Ops watching as the scans delved deeper into the warrens of DS5. Her right hand seemed caught in a cycle of clenching and unclenching. She consciously made it stop, relaxing her fist and shook out her fingers. Glancing down at her fingers radiating from her hand, she wondered briefly if they were focusing inward too much, and almost asked the woman at OPS to widen the scan. She mulled the idea and decided to go with her gut. Hoping she wasn't going to regret diverting some of the station resources, she voiced the command.

The young looking warrant officer acknowledged and widened the scans, to include the immediate vicinity of the station, forwarding the results directly to the Commanders console. Talitha looked over the raw data as it entered her console. The waves and numbers sang to her trying to seduce her attention to her true love, science. Looking away she decided that it really had been TOO long since the last update from sickbay. She consulted her PADD to see who was most senior, and handing over the watch made her way to Sickbay.


CO: Tasha Tahir

CSO: Lt. Cdr. Rakka

SSCO: Lt. Cdr. Talitha McCallum

QM: Warrant Officer Petro

CMO Lt. Ryan Milarno

ACMO Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams

ACSO: Lt JG Jon Riley