Cascade – Free at last
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Rakka

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Title   Free at last
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Rakka
Posted   Mon Mar 18, 2013 @ 4:49pm
Location   Main Security Office - Detention Cells
Timeline   SD 71: 12:00
Donovan arrived at the designated time and entered the main foyer of the Security Department. It was empty as he had expected, save for a cute young officer sitting at a crescent shaped desk.

Alexia looked up and smiled her signature cornflower-blue-eyed beam of welcome. "Can I help you?" she asked chirpily, her harmonious voice musical with pleasantness.

"Hello, I am here on behalf of Mr. Dorian Gabriel." He said as he passed a padd to her. "I believe Mr. Trellis is expecting me in regards to having him released from confinement." He said to her as he continued to observe the office.

Alexis's eyes flashed dark blue at the mention of that name and her smile vanished to be replaced by a pale, strained look that offered a wealth of tension but yet didn't define details.

"It must be quite an experience to serve in such a hectic environment. Officers leaving unexpectedly, being indicted and tried for murder, and now you have Mr. Trellis in charge." Donovan said, trying to strike-up conversation.

"How is it working for that man?" He asked her.

"Which one?" Alexia answered almost sulkily. "*Mister* Trellis is inside and you can see for yourself." she indicated over her shoulder with very little compassion in the way she mimicked the use of the salutation of mere *mister* instead of Lieutenant. She then dropped her eyes when she added. "Or did you mean *Commander* Gabriel? The tone had changed and although with her eyes no longer in contact with his, the mist of moistness was apparent in the use of Gabriel's full title and the reverence she wrapped it in.

Donovan picked up on the intended tone of the question. "Well, I was referring to Trellis, but I can see that you have reservations about his ability to lead this department?" He asked.

[Inside Trellis' Office]

Donovan continued to gaze around the office as he sat patiently. "I have to admit, there is something about Star Base Security Departments that just puts you in a. . .dreary mood." He said as he shivered for effect.

Trellis was not amused. He was still processing the necessary paperwork, but the more he listened to the attorney speak, the more he wanted to just throw him and his client out the nearest airlock.

*COM* "Trellis to Rakka, please bring the inmate to the front lobby for final processing." He said as he turned his chair back to face the civilian before him.

=/= "Will do--Rakka out." =/=

The Nausicaan sighed and squared her shoulders as she strode down the line of cells to find Gabriel's. She knew her best bet was to be as professionally detached as possible. Gabriel was going to gloat like he never gloated before, she had no doubt... particularly considering his extra-special abhorrence for her and her kind.

Taking a deep breath, she removed the force field from the cell and looked to Gabriel, jerking her head in the direction of the corridor.

"All right, Mr. Gabriel. Let's go."

Dorian sighed contently as he took a step over the demarcation line that separated the cell to the rest of the corridor.

"Try not to frown Rakka. . .or grimace. . .or whatever it is your kind does, I'm not really sure since your faces never changes expressions too much." He said as he walked down the corridor pass the other rows of cells.

"Besides, I'm sure you and Trellis can find another Human to deprive of his rights and toss in the Brig once he becomes too big for his britches." Dorian said, borrowing the old Human phrase.

"I am not a racist, Mr. Gabriel," Rakka said pointedly, gripping his shoulder as she walked him along.

"Of course you aren't, you just do the grunt work?" He asked rhetorically. "You know, if you ever studied ancient Human History there is a story about a dictator that killed a lot of people. When the War was over and he was dead, his underlings were prosecuted for their crimes." Dorian said as he walked down the corridor and finally came to the final cell.

"And you know what their excuse was?" He stated as he waited for the final force field to dissolve.

"Perhaps they thought they were killing Romulans--that, apparently, being less of a crime," the Nausicaan replied mildly.

"Wrong," Dorian said, unamused at the comment. "I can see that in addition to daddy issues, you've also got a dynamic sense of humor." He replied.


"I hope you enjoy what you do." Trellis said in a detached tone.

"And what might that be?" Donovan asked in return.

"Representing murderous scum like Dorian Gabriel. The man is a racist ideologue who doesn't even deserve to be in the same room as normal people." Trellis said, his voice dripping with disdain for the man who's position he had inherited.

Donovan laughed slightly. This wasn't the first time he had fielded a question about his motives behind representing criminals. People always asked that question, as if the idea of representing someone that everyone had considered, "Guilty" was a sin beyond all others.

"Mr. Trellis, if our justice system doesn't work for the worst of us, how can we ever expect it to work for the best of us?" He said calmly.

Before Trellis could give a proper response, he was interrupted by the arrival of Commander Rakka along with her prisoner.

Rakka steered Gabriel into the room, guided him ungracefully into a chair, and stood to the side of Trellis's desk, giving the Chief a nod.

Dorian dropped into the chair forcefully. He started to say something, but stopped as he looked at the desk before him. The irony of the situation was not lost on him. There he sat, disgraced, fallen from grace, and sitting on the OTHER SIDE of his desk. His tenure as Chief of Security was not extensive, but it was significant, if not to anybody else, it was significant to him.

But now he sat on the outside looking in. . .

Trellis placed his hand on the Padd before him and slid it to the attorney. "You'll find here the terms of his bond. Any violation on his behalf will result in having his bond revoked and placed back in a cell." Trellis said firmly.

"Any questions?" He asked both men.

For once, Dorian was without comment.

"Fine. . .Commander Rakka, please show them out." Trellis said, not certain if he could properly control his frustration if he had to be around either man for much longer.

Rakka directed a momentary glare in Trellis's direction. Lately he had been ordering her around like his personal assistant, and it was beginning to grate on her quite fiercely, especially in front of Gabriel, who had already referred to her role as 'grunt work'. Nevertheless, she escorted the pair silently to the door.

As Dorian walked out into the main foyer he was stopped by the sound of Alexia's voice.

"Commander?" there was a tremor in Alexia's voice as the object of her long-standing devotion came as close to her as he always did in her dreams but never in reality.... until this moment.

"It's so good to see you free again. It's about time they came to their senses." she said with vehemence as she referred to *them* in broad terms.

Dorian stopped and stared for several moments before looking back at the woman. "Yeah, I guess you're right. . ." he let the phrase hang int he air before turning and following his attorney out of the office.


Rakka returned to Trellis's desk, squaring her shoulders. "Lieutenant," she said in as measured and controlled a tone as possible, "have you forgotten that I outrank you?"

Trellis looked up from his console and stared at the woman before him. Her eyes were locked directly on his, waiting for a response.

"How could I, you've taken every opportunity to remind me, Commander." He said, pointedly. "If not a reminder of rank, then a critique of my handling of this office." he added.

"Then why is it, Lieutenant, that you cow to other Commanders to the point of babbling... and think you can treat ME as your personal grunt?" Rakka asked emphatically. "Do you see me as some kind of dumb sack of meat that's good for nothing but escorting your guests around?"

Trellis dropped his padd. "I did not cow to ANYONE!" He said defensively. "I did was was appropriate considering the situation and the facts therein!" He said to her as he stood from his desk, still not coming above the woman's shoulder.

"You are not in command of this department anymore, I am, and if you do not agree with my decisions then. . .then..."He said, still searching for the proper words.

"Then you can transfer and be a 'consultant' elsewhere!" He said defiantly.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Rakka snarled. "Well, I'm not going anywhere, Trellis, so you had better get used to me hanging around. I sure as hell didn't ask to work with you, and despite what you may think, I am NOT interested in commanding this department again. What I DO want is to uphold justice and ensure the safety of this station and its citizens, and I will work towards that goal whether I am part of Starfleet Command or a goddamn trash hauler. You could at least TRY to meet me halfway once in a while, especially in front of characters like Gabriel, the one thing we actually AGREE about!"

Trellis' took a deep breathe in frustration as he stared upward at the woman. He knew that inside she didn't respect him. Not as an officer, and certainly not as the head of this department. Here she stood, berating him because he did not go to her first and seek her approval before making a decision regarding a particular prisoner. He would not give her the satisfaction of seeing him give up to her.

"If there is nothing further Commander, I have work to do." He said firmly as he took his seat again.

Rakka snorted angrily. "Well. I won't keep you from your 'work' any further then. If you run into any problems, be sure to avoid asking for help and f*ck it all up instead--but of course, I don't need to tell you that, do I?"

Letting her question remain rhetorical, the Nausicaan spun to leave, regretting that there wasn't a free-swinging door to slam behind her.

Alexia raised her eyebrows as the Commander left in an impressive 'exit stage left' but it didn't make her as happy as it might have done on a different day when the confounding of Trellis would have made her day. Today she had seen Gabriel again and an old ache had returned dampening her enjoyment of the rest of the events.

~He looked haunted and tired.~ she had told herself, brooding angrily against those whom she saw as his oppressors. Alexia had always been too ready to put her own imagined thoughts and feelings onto the way she envisaged her hero.


I'shar Donovan
Attorney for Dorian Gabriel


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security


Cdr. Rakka
Security (something-or-other)


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Besotted Administrator
Security Department - DS5