Beg, Steal or Borrow – Rivalling Arrivals
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Rivalling Arrivals
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 1:31am
Location   Cardassian Embassay - Deck 143
Timeline   SD-9 - 13:30hrs

Tharek was behind his desk as usual, tapping away furiously at a control panel in his desk, he had paused for a second though, to make an important call ...

=A= Mr. Gabriel, could you meet me in my office please, i have urgent business to discuss with you. =A=

Gabriel looked up from his desk as he received the request.

*Taps* "On my way," Gabriel said with a curious expression on his face. Why was the Cardassan calling him, that's what Ens. Opaka was for, to handle the menial tasks that all diplomats find oh-so-important.

Several minutes later Gabriel arrived in front of the embassy and proceeded to enter through the front foyer past the attendant at the front desk without even asking which direction to go towards.

"You called?" He asked.

Tharek looked up from his console and threw the Commander an obviously fake smile. "Ah, there you are Commander, thank you for coming down personally." His 'smile' dropped and his face turned serious. "Commander. I don't like to play around, so I'll get straight to the point. I want you to make preparations for the arrival of The Rakara."

He had to have been joking.

"I'm not the Chief Diplomat, nor am I the Docking Master." He said as he turned to leave, "Either one of those would probably care more than I." He said

Tharek stopped him with the sharp return of his voice. "Oh, really Commander? I thought that the arrival of a Cardassian warship would have to be dealt with one of your many security rules and regulations."

He stopped and turned back towards the Cardasssian. "What Warship? Your people are struggling just to fly a Cruise ship, let alone a vessel capable of defending itself." Gabriel remarked thinking to the reports he read of how the bulk of the Cardassian fleet has been stretched thin protecting its own borders from pirates and raiders.

"This is my ship. I have requested it to be here. I will also have my Chief of Staff, and my security officers aboard, and I expect them to be shown the same ... courtesy as you have shown me, Commander."

~Courtesy? Do Cardassians know the meaning of the word?~ Gabriel thought to himself before responding. "Fine, I'll have a team meet with the Diplomacy Officer to meet them. I doubt they'll get the same lavish welcome as the Klingons, but that's not really my department." Gabriel added.

"Will that be all?" he asked.

"Yes Mr. Gabriel. Thank you for your time." Tharek made absolutely no attempt to hide the arrogance from his voice. He then gestured a waving hand towards the door. "My aide will give you the information."

Gabriel turned and exited the foyer towards the main hallway without saying another word.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Cardassian Vi'kar Gul
Tharek Getal
Cardassian Consulate Ambassador