Judgement – Rescue of Lacey
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Rescue of Lacey
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 7:45pm
Location   Stephen's Lair
Lacey lay broken and bleeding from the latest beating that Stephen had given her. She had given up on a rescue and now prayed that the next time she slept she would die. Unable to move she lay on the metal table in her cell wondering why Lance had handed her over to this monster.

There came a nerve wrenching scrape of metal, as the door to Lacey's cell opened to reveal Stephen, returning yet again to inflict all manner of indignities upon her. He gave her a fatherly smile and moved over to the table of surgical implements. "Hmmmm let's see... Cutting or tearing, cutting or tearing..." He looked over to her trembling and battered body and gave her a naughty wink. "For a bad girl like you it will have to be tearing!" He grinned, selected the appropriate instrument, a pair of sharpened Wrigley's forceps, originally designed to assist in childbirth, Stephen had sharpened and twisted their form to suit his own perverse ends. His face a mask of evil, he approached her quivering form.

Aboard the runabout, Lance sat contentedly puffing on a cigar, whilst he studied the scans of Stephens facility with the others, the time for their assault was at hand.

Rhianna leaned over his shoulder, comparing the tracer position with the schematics. "We can enter there." She pointed to a small access door, big enough for one or two people at a time, that opened out in the waste processing area. "Its likely to have fewer guards. He'll be expecting frontal assault most likely."

Lance checked his modified tricorder again, "The most accurate reading I can get indicates she is somewhere here..." He pointed to an area near the center of the facility. "He has some sort of field in place that prevents beaming in that area, probably to prevent escape, so we will have to do this the hard way." Lance sat back and puffed his cigar once more.

Rhianna looked to Kel'tor. "What about a diversionary assault on another area. One of us goes in, makes a big noise and draws security on a wild goose chase, whilst the others go after the girl?"

Annie, who had been watching the exchange finally spoke. "Let's get this show on the road! I know what men like Stephen are like...I would rather rescue a broken Lacey but one that is alive than a broken and very dead Lacey."

Lance looked up and extinguished his cigar on the fabric armrest of the shuttle seat. Leaving a burnt hole."You're right! I'm bored with all this anyway." He stepped up to the transporter pad. "Somebody once said: A bad plan violently executed today, is better than a great plan tomorrow! let's go!"

Annie knew that Lance was going to kill Stephen but she wanted to get a shot in anyways. Hopefully he would let her, she mused grabbing her pack. She lived for this sort of adventure...even if this time they were rescuing a damsel in distress and from what Annie saw...Lance's damsel.

AS they beamed away, Rhianna swore outloud. Amatuers! They were going to get everyone killed. Grabbing her type 3 phaser, she reset the pad for a few meters from their destination, and followed.

They materialised into a vacant corridor. Lance looked up and down. "This way!" he said, setting off.

Annie grumbled as she took in her surroundings before following Lance. "Wait!" She hissed and pulled out her phaser.

Taking her cue from the other woman, Rhiana raised her rifle to her shoulder. "What?" she hissed.

Lance had ignored them both as was casually strolling down the passageway, just before he reached the end two of Stephen's thugs came around the corner. Surprised, they raised their rifles. Lance put his hands in the air. "I surrender!" He said with a grin.

"Who are you?" said one as the other shoved Lance against the wall and began to pat him down.

"Red... Red Herring." Lance turned to smile at the two men. Allowing the others to get the jump on them.

Rhiana took the one on the left, her phaser set to heavy stun, the burst of light hitting the guard square in the chest. He dropped to the ground like a sack of sand.

Annie quickly took care of the other guard. "You are here to rescue Lacey...not get yourself killed." She mumbled.

Rhiana padded over to Lance. "That's going to get you killed. The next lot will just shoot first." She didn't wait for him to respond to her reprimand. "Which way now?"

Lance consulted his tri-corder, "This way," he nodded down the corridor, pressing a hypo to each of the unconscious men's necks he set off down the corridor again.

Annie heard a scream and her body shivered in reaction. "We had better hurry up.",

They hustled hard, ducking round corners and checking cross corridors, closing on the small blue spot that indicated Lacey's position. They didn't encounter any further patrols. Three minutes later they were creeping towards the chamber, an observation deck, that was Lacey's prison. Outside, standing with feet planted, hands clasped together in front of his stomach, was a single guard, bulky and solid, quietly observant.

Lance took one peek and turned to his companions. "I'm open to ideas?" he said mildly.

Annie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Are you serious Lance? We thought you had a plan here! Why not just go in phasers firing at this point? As long as we don't hurt your Lacey."

Lance gave her a steady look, "Right two points here, firstly she's not 'my' Lacey and second, you're about as subtle as a brick thrown through a window. But I like it! If you can take out that guard with one shot, then go for it. But remember, once we get inside, Stephen is mine!" the Doctor said with a malignant gleam in his eye.

"We want him alive," Rhiana warned as she raised her rifle. "Trial, justice, all that jazz."

Annie gave Rhiana a sly smile. "That is not how Lance operates. " She turned her attention back to Lance. "And you are just a subtle...I can read it clearly on your face that you like her...why else would you rescue her? Or did you suddenly get a conscience?"

"Shh!" Rhiana hissed, and pulled the trigger.

The sentry took the blast in the side of the head, slumping against the door frame with a quiet thud, then sliding down to the ground, propped against the door.

Lance was already up and moving before the body hit the floor, he reached the prone figure moments later and pressed his hypo to the man's neck. Satisfied he pulled the guards body away from the door and listened for a moment.

Inside the room Stephen paused what he was doing, "Did you hear something darling?" He asked. Raising his head and holding a bloody hand to his ear. Lacey moaned again. Stephen gave a sadistic grin, and bent back to work touching the molten end of his soldering iron to the tip of Lacey's toes.

Lacey kicked him hard and screamed. "HELP ME!!"

Annie burst through the door followed closely behind by Lance and Rhiana. Annie stunned Stephen and left him for Lance to deal with. She quickly went to Lacey and began to untie her. "We're here...it'll be ok." She tried to soothe the traumatized woman.

Lance looked down at Stephens blood drenched hands, and across to the table filled with twisted implements of torture. The soldering iron was still smouldering on the floor by his feet. Lance bent down and picked it up. "Take her and Go!" He ordered. "Prep the shuttle for departure, I'll be along in a minute."

"Er, that's going to be tricky," Rhiana called out, and punched the door switch hard. A dozen of Stephen's security guards were charging forward, raising phasers. the doors clanged shut just as the opened fire. Rhiana smashed the door controls with her rifle butt. "We're trapped."

Lance gave her a look of stunned disbelief, "You idiot! We're trapped because you just smashed the door controls you Moron!!" He picked up pressed a different hypo to Stephens neck and picked the man up. "We have their boss hostage numbskull!!" He said, knocking on Rhiana's skull with his knuckles as if knocking on a door. "If you hadn't broken the door we could have used him as leverage to get past them." He explained. then he turned to examine the rest of the room. "Is there another way out?" he asked.

"Stun weapons, moron." Rhiana shot back. They can hose the entire room and sort it out while we're all unconscious." There was the sound of shouting and hammering at the door. "What do the plans say about another exit?"

"Its called taking cover and using their boss as a shield" Retorted Lance. "I would hope that that would buy you enough time to take them out. But that's beside the point. You got us in here, now Doctor Murdoch is going to have to get you out. Remove that grating from the floor, we'll go out through the drain. "

Rhiana dropped the rifle and heaved the grate aside. "You first," she nodded to Annie, "Then we'll get Lacey down to you. If we can get clear of this area Kel'tor can beam us out."

Lance waited for the women make their way down, then using Stephen as a cushion he followed them down. Lance noted the blood stains and other assorted effluent, in the drain. "Say... is that a finger floating past your foot there?" He asked Rhiana. "Has anybody checked that Lacey has all her digits?" He asked nonchalantly.

Rhiana switched on a small torch and clipped it to the bottom of her phaser rifle. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure they aren't hers." Her light tracked a pair of Andorian antennae, small and delicate, and putrefying.

Annie could hear screams of Stephen's past victims and she found it hard closing her mind to it. "Her fingers are intact." Lacey was hanging over her shoulders.

The sound of cutting equipment burning at the cell door prompted them to move and the shuffled through the collected detritus of a Stephen perversions. Evidence of lives and innocence destroyed stuck to their shoes and soaked into their trousers, till it slathered their skin; the unfiltered smell forced itself into their nostrils, raising memories of nightmares; the fetid air invading their lungs and gagging them on the tainted atmosphere.

"We have to hurry...I can't feel Lacey breathing as deeply as she was." Annie said trying not to gag and dislodge any stomach contents.

"Never mind that! I'm going to have to burn this uniform." Lance commented dryly. Never the less he stepped up to Annie and checked Lacey's pulse. Dropping Stephen, face first into the detritus at their feet, Lance paused only long enough to kick him over so he wouldn't drown. Then he reached into his satchel and withdrew a hypo, and pressed it to Lacey's neck. He checked her again with his tri-corder. "She's stable for the moment." He said, roughly hoisting Stephen back onto his shoulder, and slamming the man's face into a low overhanging support beam in the process. "Let's keep moving."

The group approached what looked to be an access hatch. they checked the tricorder, and happy that there was no immediate danger, Rhiana pulled the manual release and moved into the corridor.

"All clear," Rhiana turned back to beckon them through, "Lets get the hell out of here." She tapped her chest. =^= t'Sahen to War'lon, five to beam up.=^=.

No answer.

She tried again as Annie carried Lacey out. =^= t'Sahen to War'lon!=^=

[To be continued.....]

A post between

Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Doctor (Head surgeon)
Deep Space 5

(A psycopath)
NPC'D By Brad

Ensign Rhiana t'Sahen

Just along for the ride

Ensign Kel'tor War'lon