Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Debrief
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Debrief
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 1:42pm
Location   Commander's Office - Ops
Timeline   SD6 08:00

She stood by the window as the department heads entered. The past few days had been relatively quiet, but there was still the question of why the Lytosians had backed down and surrendered their arms so quickly. What had prompted them to do so. She looked out on Ops, though her mind was already planning the service for later. What would she say? What could she say?

A clearing throat startled her; she was so wrapped in her thoughts.

"Commander T'Lan, good morning. Sorry, miles away." Tasha offered as an explanation as she turned, pushing herself to bring herself back to control of her senses. "What was the cause of our mysterious fire in the shuttle bay this morning?

Before T'Lan could answer, Bruce, who had just entered the room, explained.

Interruptions, T'Lan could not figure out why humans had to elevate themselves so much that they blatantly spoke when it was not their turn. T'Lan turned her attention toward Lt. Freeman. "Lieutenant Freeman, as much as I respect your abilities and your insights, I do believe the Captain asked me the question." The vulcan showed that she did not cut any slack.

"And I respect your authority Lt. Commander T'Lan, but when I am able to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, I like to take the opportunity. I apologize for over stepping my bounds. But by doing so I was able to explain what happened while also informing the Captain that it will take about a week to complete the repairs on the shuttle bay, putting it out of commission until further notice. Also explaining the work on trying to possibly salvage the shuttle that caused the fire in the first place. Which possibly could be another week added to the first one. And as a added bonus letting it be announced as to why so many of my Engineering crew are working on only two things and a shuttle bay is gone for two possibly more weeks." Bruce stated.

Tasha closed her eyes for a moment. "Thank you Lieutenant. It sounds to me as though you need more staff. I will put in a request for engineers. We don't seem to have much luck with your mates." She responded, picking up a PADD and entering the request to Starfleet and also a requisition order to the Quartermaster, for a new shuttle.

Jayfe entered the briefing room with a strange sense of urgency on his heels. Since returning from his away mission and discovering the Romulan ships hiding only a few hours away, he burned with curiosity as to what the Captain intended to do about them. His discovery had unexpectedly left the reach of his jurisdiction.

"Captain," Jayfe called her attention. "What are your plans for the... Romulan situation?" He didn't know how much thought she had given to his report, especially given the assassination attempt that coincided with his return to the station. He didn't even know if she had advised the other senior staff. She may have even had intel. that explained their presence. Jayfe didn't usually concern himself with the like, but this was his discovery. He clutched at it as he would a new catalogue of a star system. *Mine.*

Tasha shook her head, semi dismissively, she had other priorities at the moment and as the Romulan contingent had not shown themselves, she would let them alone, for the moment.

"Please Lieutenant, take a seat. I have no plans to do anything with them at present, but if they show themselves, then I am sure that we can attain a mutual understanding." Tasha said, now taking the top position at the small meeting table.

Jayfe furrowed his brow at her dismissal, but sat down resignedly. She didn't appear outwardly troubled by the fact Romulan ships were operating covertly so close to the station and he didn't care to probe beneath any outward impressions. Already the room was damp with emotion and errant thoughts of despair, no doubt a warm-up for the ceremony to follow. He shot a quick look around the room, exchanging a few nods of acknowledgement. It was probably time to get to know some of these people, he figured.

"Mutual understanding?" Dorian said as he entered the room. "There is already an understanding that is the mutual between us and the Romulans. They can move with impunity throughout Starfleet installations and we'll just roll over and let them. “He said as he tossed the PADD that he was carrying onto the table in front of him.

"In what reality would the Romulan Star Empire allow a fully-armed Defiant or Prometheus Class vessel maintain orbit around one of its installations without some type of response?" He queried.

Jayfe straightened at the entrance of the intelligence chief. He had an intense dislike for the man usually, but he had a point. The Federation was too often seen as soft. He decided not to add fuel to the fire that seemed to ignite wherever Dorian went.

Taking the silence as a response he decided to continue. "Those Romulans are simply floating around our territory waiting to create a 'mutual understanding'. If we move first then we will catch them off-guard and we can dictate an "understanding" on our own terms." He said looking at the gathering officers. "If not, then we're simply pawns in whatever scheme they've concocted this time." He said as he slid into his seat while straightening his tunic.

"On the contrary Lieutenant, “Tasha replied, "They have been there for a number of weeks, watching, but we know they are there, and they also know that we know. Ayren has been in contact with them, offering re-supply, but they are waiting for something, but she doesn't know what that is. The lead ship is a missionary craft, carrying a collection of deities. They are not warrior-class vessels, well, 2 of them are not." She informed the collected heads. Now, we are waiting for Rakka, Darson and Talitha, and then we can begin." She said, leaning back in her chair.

She was more preoccupied with other matters; her own transport to Earth was waiting for her and the temporary station Commander was still 5 days out. She had to assign a member of her staff to take charge of DS5 and also the funeral was on her mind, scheduled for later that morning. She unconsciously rubbed her shoulder.

"So wait . . . we know that the Romulans are orbiting our station with an armed military escort, despite the fact that they are supposed to be here for a delivery mission to deliver 'artefacts'? Nobody needs an armed body-guard to visit their 'allies'." He interjected. "Moreover, are we actually re-stocking their armed escort so that if/when they ever need to open fire on us, they'll be well fed and rested?" He asked incredulously.

T'Lan spoke. "Lt. Gabriel. It is not entirely necessary to answer border violations with aggression. If you believe these intrusions to be a threat, then we will act accordingly. However it is not logical to answer every situation with aggression." If there was another Vulcan in the room, he or she could see that T'Lan was not fond of Gabriel. T'Lan kept her logical demeanour.

Dorian spun his chair around to look the new Commander as she attempted to undercut his rationality with Vulcan-logic. "Logical Commander? You want to discuss what is logical in regards to handling Romulans? This isn't about aggressive vs. passive, this is about taking the initiative while the Trojan horse is still out the outside of our gates." he said as he looked back towards the Captain.

"Riddle me this: The Romulans have an embassy and a quasi-journalist on-board, what do they need with a military escort to deliver a religious artefact? Couldn't they simply arrange through the typical diplomatic channels for delivery of such a rare item, the same way they do for anything else that comes through that den of inequity?" He queried.

"If they really are there for peaceful purposes, then order the de-cloaked vessels to dock with the station, or at the very least, power-down all weapons and keep shields down while they are within firing range of the station." He suggested. " That way it'll be one less tactical threat to be concerned with and one less would-be assassin for our oh-so-capable Security office to worry about." he said as he leaned back in the chair.

Suddenly, with a hiss, the Jeffries tube hatch next to the conference table opened, and Darson gracefully pulled himself out of it, cloak, armour and all. As he did so, he said to the people in the room, “Sorry I’m late, a black cat crossed my path on the way to the turbo lift, so I had to take the long way around.”

He closed the tube door, took his chair, and then addressed Tahir in honeyed tones, “A thousand humble pardons my most wonderful Captain…but feel no fear! Your faithful Marine confidant, Major Darson, is here. And in payment for his lateness, he comes bearing shocking data that is relevant to this conversation."

Jayfe almost choked when the Major sprung out of some hole in the wall. Jayfe generally didn't pay much attention to marine types, but this was... unexpected. *Where is he getting his drugs?* Jayfe thought to himself.

Gabriel looked at the caped man as he climbed out of the hatch and startled response from Devero. "Shocking data?" Dorian thought to himself, "More shocking than that clown costume?" He silently mused.

Once again, T'Lan was wondering if humans were completely insane, or if it came natural. "Major Darson. May I ask why you took the Jefferies tube? I find the fact that you would do so out of superstition most illogical."

Darson sighed, “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. Well, if you really want me to tell my story, it would start about 3 hours ago, when I set out from my HQ for this very meeting, fully intending to get here early and make all of you look late by comparison. However, I stopped on the promenade for a quick drink. I would have to tell you how I ran into an old lady, and helped her carry her shopping bags back to her quarters. If pressed, I would then tell you how she gave me a cookie for my troubles. Certain details about the cookie would be vague, but the fact that it was chocolate chip, home made, and indeed very tasty would come up somewhere.”

“However, that’s when things would get interesting. If I was still telling somebody this story, I would be forced to digress into numerous humorous anecdotes, the relevance of which is not quite clear, that would describe the confusing circumstances that kept me occupied for the next 2 and a half hours and eventually had me end up at a party on deck 1086. After entertaining some people, I left for the meeting still comfortably within time limits, but that’s when the bane of my existence, the cat, showed up and ruined my plans entirely!”

“It walked right across my path as I was about to enter the turbo lift. Recognizing a bad omen when I saw one, and with no salt to protect, as well as the fact that it had a dangerous fish shaped object in its mouth, I beat a hasty retreat to the Jeffries tubes, where I immediately started climbing and didn’t look back. And then another 1072 decks later, I opened the hatch right next to a conference table, presented myself, apologized politely for my lateness, and sat down.”

Darson sat in silence for a moment, “Of course, that’s if I decided to tell you my story. So, before anybody gets sidetracked, let’s just cut to the bottom line. Don’t question my methods Commander, and I won’t question yours. Especially since my methods seem to be some of the few that actually deliver results.”


CO: Tasha Tahir
XO: T'Lan
MCO: James Darson
CEO: Bruce Freeman
CIO: Dorian Gabriel
CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka
CSO: Jayfe Devero
ACSO/ Swing Shift Talitha McCallum