Unity – It Snows In Hell
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   It Snows In Hell
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Jan 05, 2010 @ 8:36pm
Location   JAG Office
Timeline   Shortly after Dunham's release.
Tharek charged through the doors of the JAG office before the doors had a chance to open fully. He paced up to the desk and slammed his hands down. "Where is Commander Karen Villiers!?"

"Commander Villiers is in her office," the duty officer said, his eyes narrowing on the Cardassian. He had lived through the Dominion war and the experience had left him wary but diplomatically he kept his tone neutral. "Her hours in this office are by arrangement, her duties as Executive Officer of this station take priority. Have you an appointment ? She isn't due here until 19:00."

"Don't give me that vole shit!" Tharek shouted at him. He leaned onto the desk and spat words into the officers face. "Let me make myself clear. I'm going in there. Now."

Lieutenant Carrington unfolded himself from his chair. He almost matched the Cardassian in height, but he was not going to rise to this sort of baiting. "Commander Villiers is in her office up by operations o duty as the Executive Officer, she is not in this facility at this time, sir." he replied firmly, Villiers did not seem the type to overlook engagements, but she could have been delayed, and it was his job to help, regardless of how distasteful he found the attitude. "If you have an appointment I can contact her."

Tharek felt embarassed. So, using an abnormal amount of strength, reached behind the desk with both hands and brought the man forward by his collar. "Just bring her down here now!"

"Oh, I'll get her for you," Carrington hissed as he pried the lizard's finger's from his uniform and pushed them away. And diplomatic immunty or not, he was going to complain about the Cardassian. "You can wait in her office," he added with exaggerated politeness, "its the door to your left."

Tharek moved back to his original position and smiled, adrenaline pumping through him still. "Thanks." He said, moving off into the Commander's ofice, and, into her chair behind her desk.

Gritting his teeth Carrington tapped his comm-badge, =^= Commander Villiers, my apologies for interrupting you."

=^=Go on, Carrington," she said, "What's the problem?"

=^=The Cardassian has arrived - he behaved a bit worse than you expected. I've put him in your office."

=^=Good work, Lieutenant. I'm on my way," Karen had anticipated this from the moment she had ordered Dunham's release; the biggest surprise was how long it had taken him to react - an hour at least.

With an appropriate lack of haste Karen made her way to the JAG facility, her secondary base of operation. Carrington nodded in the direction of her office and returning it, Karen strode in.

Tharek stayed seated, but instead, put his feet up on Karen's desk. "Miss Villiers. So good of you to join me. I suppose you know why I'm here?"

"Once you remove yourself from my seat we'll discuss it, Vi'kar Gul," she replied.

He laughed dryly in his throat as he stood and made his way around the desk, and into her personal space. "Why, did you, a Human female release a Cardassian prisoner?"

Where the natural instinct was to move back Karen made a step toward the Cardassian; the practice of law was not about following instincts. "I, the Executive Officer of this space station released a Federation citizen and Starfleet Officer who was wrongfully incarcerated by Federation security," she said. "There are insufficient grounds for extradition, Vi'kar Gul, so why not say your piece to me as the Seniot JAG Officer aboard this facility; would you like to make a formal complaint?"

He lowered his voice to a whisper, but still kept a tone of anger, and tried to frighten the JAG official. "Dunham is a Cardassian prisoner, as far as I was aware, you kept him locked up here to stop him being taken away by me. Now he's released, I don't see why he can't await his fate in a Cardassian facility."

She stood her ground, you didn't become a top lawyer by showing fear. "The only legal recourse you have is to request extradition. I have assessed the evidence and I can inform you that any neutral panel would reject the request; if you wish to make such a request it is your time and your government's that you will be wasting. If you should make any attempt to abduct Lieutenant Dunham I can assure you that the full weight of the Federation will be brought to bare."

"And what, Dunham get's let to go after blowing up Cardassian military? Due procedure or not, that freighter was in my jurisdiction of space. Dunham blew it up in that space, so I decide the fate. If it were up to the Detepa Council; He'd already be dead."

As she spoke Karen ticked off her points on her fingers one by one; "There was no evidence of life on the freighter, repeated calls for identification were ignored, protocol was followed to the letter, preliminary evidence suggests that the ship though of Cardassian origin was no longer under Cardassian registry," Karen briefly paused for breath and introduced an arguement that even this Cardassian peacock could not refute. "Had that ship struck this station more than a hundred thousand beings were at risk, not least of them you."

Tharek grunted at Karen, before turning around and walking half way into the room, directly into the centre of her office. "There are many explanations for what happened. Let's not just blame the Cardasian military for once. What if, it was Dunham's fault. The freighters engines could've been on the fritz. Life support could've been down and the freighter just kept going. And, whether you choose to take my arguement into consideration or not; I'm taking him. He belongs to Cardassia."

"I wonder what the Detapa Council would say ifyou cause them the embarrassment of having your newly established consulate shut down and every Cardassian citizens expelled from the station." She curled her fingertips lightly on her hips - if she could persuade vengeful Klingons and Romulans into a temporary union she could surely get a Cardassian to see the benefit of a compromise; " Take the wise option, the one that I'm sure you superiors will smile upon - sue for compensation."

"And what the Hell do I need Latinum for?" Tharek said harshly. An idea, then popped into his sinister skull. "I want a ship."

"A ship?" Karen said as she turned away and linked her fingers behind her back. She paced slowly to the window and looked out apparently allowing her gaze to drift across the starscape. She was watching Getal's reflection. "What sort of ship?" she asked, not ready to close down this line of enquiry if it would buy Dunham's freedom; nobody would hand a colleague over to Cardassians without investigating all the options.

"What ship is the Federation willing to offer for Dunham's freedom?" Tharek asked, a devious smile spreading from ear to ear.

Karen continued to stare at the window rather than turn and look directly at the creepy, predatory semblance of a smile that Getal's reflection wore. "I'll need authorisation," she admitted turning eventually. "Name your ideal and I'll begin the negotiation process."

Tharek's grin couldn't get more wider, but it did. "I want... " He paused for dramatic effect and suspense, deliberately to annoy Karen. "... A Defiant Class."

"A good, if predictable opening gambit," Karen said.

The conversation she would have to have with Davies would not be fun and it was certain that she was going to have to pull in a favour from Admiral Brailsford. She twisted her lips into a smile; he would have to accept something less, but now was not the time for that discussion - this was a beginning, a slippery, bug infested one at that. "Before I begin negotiations I require your assurance that no attempt will be made to incarcerate on or remove Dunham from this station," she added - the potential of such a ship being much greater than an interstellar dispute over a scapegoat.

"I'll tell you what, Commander. Lieutenant Dunham, will be free... To roam around the Cardassian Embassy, Where he will stay until I get a ship. He will not be locked up, he will be able to have full access to the Embassy, besides the restricted, private things. He will be shown the same respect and courtesy this station has shown me. But, he will not leave that Embassy," Tharek said. He knew Karen had a hidden agenda to her 'negotiations'. But, Tharek was also playing her game, using his rules.

Karen shook her head, "Dunham will remain at liberty on the station, but I will ensure he does not leave until our negotiations are resolved."

Tharek walked right behind her and waited for her to turn around fully before speaking. "Agreed. Dunham is confined to the station and I recieve a Defiant Class vessel in 'compensation'. May I remind you of what will happen to Dunham should I not get what I want... " He said, smirking at the corner of his mouth.

"Its a negotiation not a guarantee, Vi'kar Gul," Karen reminded him, "I'm sure you've read my file and I will get you the best deal possible."

"You better Commander. Dunham's life rests in your hands, lest I not get that ship." He smiled slyly, before bowing politely. "Good day miss."


Commander Karen Villiers

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dignatary