Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Bloodlines - part 4 - Propriety and Progress
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Bloodlines - part 4 - Propriety and Progress
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 17, 2009 @ 5:58pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD4 (backpost) After 'Fix You' & 'Keeping Score'

Adams froze. She couldn't think how she could have made that mistake. Isha had told her that the Romulans were reticent about letting anyone know, let alone use, their given names. It was too personal and an invasion of their privacy and reserve. She was horrified at the offence she had inadvertently committed.


"I.... " she spluttered. "I can't imagine how I could have become confused. I do apologise, I have been told that it is not appropriate to use given Rihannsu names without permission and although you did tell me that name yourself, i was using it in completely the wrong context by treating it like a Terran family name. I'm sorry." she took a breath but there was a more pressing part of what he had said that she had to deal with before she could stop.

"....but why would you *want* me to despise you? I'm no threat to you so it's impossible to imagine you could ever feel the need to keep me at bay - I'm too insignificant to even be showing on your radar!" she asked, a genuine bewilderment on her face.

He slipped lightly to his feet, “Sit down and listen,” he said pressing Chelsea firmly into the guest chair by the shoulders, things had changed a lot in the short time since he had introduced the doctor to Iawaain, his own plans included. He leaned over her looking deep into her puzzled eyes. “Thank you for saving my life,” he said straightening as he released his hold. “You can’t give me something for the pain can you?” he asked absently as he leaned against the desk, his half smile more a twisted grimace than a grin.

"You're welcome" she managed a weak smile, more confused than ever now he was being nice, in his own overpowering way. "And I can, of course!" she agreed, indicating with her eyes towards the small med-kit again, "But what's in there will do very little. It would be better if you would let me finish the repairs and regenerations to take away the source of the pain."

She thought about getting up and just doing it, no matter what he said, but he was still an intimidating presence, physically and mentally. The mystery of him was how she couldn't bring herself to despise him even when he could be so sinister. Chelsea was aware that he was ruthless and yet she was prepared to help him.

"i can't help but wonder if it wasn't particularly foolish of me to come back here after the last time I visited." she mused out loud.

“Very foolish," he agreed, "people who spend too much time in the company of men like me tend to get hurt one way or the other.”

Hnaev! Rh’vaurek swore, he could barely open his mouth to her without it sounding like a threat; try again!

He ran his hand over his chin, “You know there’s a woman down that corridor out there who would take a knife to me if she thought for a moment that I was threatening you. You think I’m joking, don’t you? I’m not. Isha was quite explicit in her warning and I really don’t want to know if she do could what she said. Isha I take very seriously. Tell me something, if I held her in one hand and the future of the Empire in the other, and I could only carry one with me which do you think I’d drop?” he asked.

"I would hope the answer would not be Isha, naturally" she replied, warming to him again as she convinced herself that she was correct.

His eyes glittered in the darkness, “And that’s all the ammunition you’ll ever need against me, but I’m betting that you’ll not use it, though that might just be damage to my brain speaking … I could have myself executed for thinking such a thought," he said sucking in a breath through his teeth. Rh’vaurek paused chuckling softly. “Where’s the padd you brought me?” he asked.

Freed from the obligation to remain in the chair, Chelsea got up and retrieved the padd and vial from where she had swept them onto the floor in her haste to tend to his ribs.

"Over here, but while you read it, I want to finish my scanning." she badgered him to let her return to work.

”Go ahead, scan away,” he took the padd from Chelsea and pushed himself up onto the desk, “Mr Rh’vaurek … I think I like that,” he said wincing as she touched a tender spot, “Ow, don’t prod!” he complained twisting away from her, “I thought you were going to mend me.”

"I am, but if you make fun of the way I misused your name, I might just find myself distraught enough for my hands to *accidentally* shake!" she retorted, a tiny smirk rising at the edges of her mouth.

Rh’vaurek grunted raising the padd again, “What’s the expression … grin and bare it?” he quipped as the seemingly endless stream of data scrolled before his eyes. “Can you summarise this for me, Chelsea, a name, a species? It could take me a while to draft in an expert to decode what I’m sure is excellent research.” With a shake of his head he threw the padd aside.

"The expression..." she paused for emphasis and rolled her eyes in mock seriousness. ".. is 'grin and BEAR it' she spelled the word to distinguish it because she couldn't tell from his pronunciation which way he might have thought it to be spelt.

"Just in case you were under any illusion about the meaning of the word - it is the action to have borne something, or endured it (the 'grin' part indicating to have done so with a good grace) - as opposed to the verb to 'bare' or render naked which is quite different."

Rh’vaurek grinned, “Well isn’t that a very clinical description,” he said raising an eyebrow.

"I shouldn't want you to damage your standing in polite society by inadvertently using the expression in the wrong context!" she explained with a hint of amusement in her eyes at the imagined scenario running through her mind.

Before he could reply Chelsea went on, in the same instructive tone. "The results show, in summary, that the subject is a perfectly healthy, if somewhat anaemic, Human/Betazoid specimen."