Judgement – Plotting Their Revenge
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Plotting Their Revenge
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Mon Oct 11, 2010 @ 8:20pm
Location   Replimat
Timeline   SD 35 1030

The human male slid into the seat opposite Luesha Darque with a cheery smile. She returned it, and leant forward to exchange air kisses. "Hello dah-ling," the betazoid woman purred. "You look fabulous."

It was a greeting for the beneift of anyone who might be overhearing them in the crowded replimat. Through her telepathy she said,~ Booth, you are late.~ the flat imperious tone implied that this was a sin that would be dealt with later and harshly.

Booth tried not to wince. "Thank you, I found this fabulous tailor down on the third level." he said out loud. Across the link he said, ~Customs inspections. I took an authorised path into the station.~

~What?~ Luesha hissed, ~Imbecile~, "Its a wonderful fit," she said for the replimat in general.

~Worth it though. I spotted a Romulan warbird coming in to dock. It looks like it has a permanent berth here~

Luesha frowned for a moment, Then she continued the two conversations. To any watcher it appeared that they were simply having a rather shallow though pleasant coversation, whilst the real discussion continued in the privacy of their heads.. ~I feared the Romulan presence here might be higher than we originally planned. Don't worry. I've thought of a way to get us around that.~


~You'll see.~ Luesha replied.

Helena was watching the crowds go by and saw the meeting between her boss and...whatever he was. She was jealous of that partnership and she couldn't quite figure out why. Her business associate sat beside her and his eyes followed hers. "Let's go." She said without moving her lips and stood up making her way to Luesha.

~Luesha~ She said as they approached. Helena smiled flirtatiously at Luesha's counterpart and slid in next to him.

~Helena~ the betazoid woman acknowledged Helena with much more warmth than she had Booth. "Sweetling, this is Booth," she said out loud, an introduction being nothing she minded saying aloud here.

Booth gave Helena a smile that was only just short of leering. "Pleased to meet you."

~Booth, Helena is going to do what those large lobed idiots failed to do, and get us the necklace. Then we can go dig for the rest of it.~

Booth looked sceptical "And how is she going to manage that with your old friend now on the alert?"

"I am going to manage it because it was 4 years ago and she isn't as religious with her guarding practices...plus I have have worked with her when I was a 'cadet'." Helena smirked.

~Befriend, and then betray~ Luesha summarised. There was more than a hint of smug maleovalnce in her tone. ~But just to be on the safe side, you, Booth, are going to give our little lieutenant all the more reason to trust Helena.~

~I am?~ Booth wasn't expecting that.

Luesha smirked, ~Tell him, sweetling~

~But she has already found someone new Luesha...we can't use that angle...just because we got rid of Damon, don't think she would be in mourning for so long...She is with someone named...Ben Kensington. She is suspicious of men in her lab...since the Ferengi incident. I think it would be better for me just to get reacquainted with her. That is what you meant isn't it?~

Luesha digested this new information. ~It was plan A, but I think this news actually works in our favour. If she's leery of men in her lab, we can use that. Booth, we are going to engineer a situation that mirrors Kasikova's fears. When she chases you away from Helena's 'findings', it will be both a chance to renew acquaintance, and to speed up the gaining of trust. Kasikova will be so busy looking out for the enemy without, she won't notice the viper she's taken to her breast."

She sat back, and laced her fingers together in her lap. ~And should we need it, this Kensington will give us some extra leverage.~

~I am really liking this idea.~ an evil smile came across Helena's face. She was going to enjoy taking from Jana what was rightfully Luesha's. The pay was also a big factor in why she took this job.

~Good, then we have a plan.~ Luesha looked from Helena to Booth, and briefly to Helena's shadow, watching from behind Helena's shoulder. ~Booth, you will get as close as you can to the labs, establish the best place and method for our little charade. Helena, I want you to investigate this Kensington further, learn how best we can use him, or attack him if needs be.~

~That shouldn't be too hard, Kensington and the Chief Surgeon were duking it out over Kasikova in sickbay the other day. He is easily provoked when it comes to that woman. ~ Helena said completely disgusted. ~She will definitely be the leverage we need to keep him in line.~

Luesha clapped her hands together, delighted. ~Using the one to control the other, until we're ready to finish with Kasikova. Helena, you do have your vindictive moments.~

Helena's index finger played against her lips seductively at Booth. "I do try." She replied for the benefit of those around her.

Luesha stood. "Well darlings," she said out loud. "We have a busy few days, and I'm going to have to dash. It was lovely to see you all again." and telepathically she added ~Get to work; if everyone does their job, we'll get a little bit of payback, and an awful lot of profit.~

~I do like that thought...~


Helena an NPC by Nan

Luesha & Booth
NPCd by Notty