Cascade – The After Party
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis

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Title   The After Party
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis
Posted   Thu Nov 29, 2012 @ 5:46pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD70 -12:30
As the party began to wane, Juliet began to explore the bar, she made it up to the third floor and eventually returned to the bottom floor where she made her way over to the gambling tables.

Luke wasn't one to sit down at a table and bet his money away but he felt the need to de-stress after the excitement at work today, he noticed a party going on downstairs so he had picked one of the tables placed on the third floor with an over looking view of the rest of the bar.

Moving over to the dart boards where she played a short game with a Bajoran who lost quickly to the pilot. When she was done she surveyed some of the other games.

After moving of from the last attempt of a game he found himself downstairs playing taboo, maybe not his most enjoyed game but he seemed to be having a run of luck.

The dark haired woman, wearing a black dress moved away from the dart boards and found a seat, ordering herself a shot of rum. While she watched the other milling about.

After loosing most of what he had won Luke decided to retire to the bar. Ordering himself a half pint of whiskey and coke he turned to see no spare tables, resorting to the next possible action he moved over to where a single female sat alone. Approaching from behind as he spoke he startled her slightly "Hi, is this seat taken? Its just that with this party going on all the others are taken" he said explaining his predicament.

"No, please." she said while lifting her drink to sip it.

Luke sat opposite the female, after a short awkward pause he smiled "So tell me. Why would you be sat here all by yourself when the party is over their?" he asked.

Turning to look at the man she smiled, "I just thought I would watch for a while. See what I could see."

He wasn't to sure what she meant but he nodded as if he did, "And what is your conclusion?" he asked as he caught the attention of an attendant and asked for a drink.

"Hmmm, let's see, the Ferengi over there is cheating at Tongo. Big surprise there." Juliet offered, as she moved her eyes over to a man at the bar. "That man at the bar with the green shirt, he is contemplating a big decision about something regarding his next job. While the woman at the door" There at the entrance-way stood a woman studying the promenade. "she is upset that her date is late." Returning her attention to the man who had just seated himself across from her.

He smiled "You must be security? Intel? Marine?" he asked no-one can look so deep into their surroundings without some training.

Giving him a sidelong grin, "Let's say I'm insightful..." Seeming to decide she offered her hand. "Juliet Dallis, aerospace division."

~One thing worst than a 'flyboy' and that's a'flygirl'~ Luke thought to himself However he still polity shook her hand "Ahh so there is a military back ground, What got you into becoming a flygirl then?" he asked.

"Got hooked on it early on in life because I was raised mostly on starships." She reached down and picked up her drink then she added. "Clearly, you are not a flyboy." a mischievous grin on her expression. "So what do you do?"

He smiled, "Ha! I am a Marine" he said simply, almost excited to see her response, some pilots love them but others carried on the tradition and had that unconditional hate for them, which was mostly banter.

Looking the man up and down she then shifted her eyes to the man's "A Marine? Impressive." Her remark was not sarcastic as she sipped her drink.

He cocked his head, "Impressive? Should I be offended or pleased" he asked unsure what she meant. Luke continued to sip at his drink, ever since he found out that all his drinks went onto a collective Marine Tab he had sure been using it to his advantage.

"I'll let you decide." This little game between them was quite fun. "So what does a girl do to have some fun around here?"

He smiled slightly to the thought but keeping to his limits, "Your guess is as good as mine, but I do hear that this station has a variety of entertainment area's, bars ,clubs and holodecks of course. If that's your sort of thing... Or I guess there's shopping and beauty parlors" he joked knowing she was probably more of a party kind of girl especially from her line of work. However he could be wrong.

A rich, delicate laugh came from the woman at the mention of shopping and beauty parlors. "See I always told my friends that it wasn't true that Marine's don't have a sense of humor." Tilting her head towards the man she smirked. "What do you do for fun?"

"HA! Marines have the best kind of humor" he gave a wink "And for fun well in all honesty this is what I do for fun... well relaxing. I Don't tend to have to much fun with my line of work" he admitted.

"Maybe you aren't going to the right party?"

"That could be so or maybe I am just a bitter worn out Marine" he joked remembering what his daughter called him earlier that day.

"It's all in how you look at it." Giving him a quick grin she lifted to her feet. "How about a game of darts, no stakes...just for fun."

"I'd love to! However I am doing an Armory check in about half an hour and as much as Darts is a gun game I'll have to give it a miss, sorry" seeing the disappointment in the girls eyes "But we could pick it up sometime soon?" he offered.

With a genuine cheeriness she nodded. "Duty calls, I understand. I look forward to it." With that she stood up, "It is getting on I should be making a move myself."

Luke stood up and placed the chair back under the table, "Its been a pleasure" he said finally and making his way to the Armory.


Squadron Pilot
Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis

First Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt