Judgement – A slight change in plans
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   A slight change in plans
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Thu Dec 02, 2010 @ 3:45pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 35 - 17:45
OLD - 15:30

"Yolanthe, she's dead because some monster killed her in cold blood, not because of anything you did," he told her in a mildly scolding tone. "And you shouldn't burden yourself with what you should have done. Enjoy the memories of the good times you spent with Klia."

The suggestion, bolstered by the Deltan's natural empathy, raised better memories, and Yolanthe managed a real smile. "Thank you." She stood up, brushing the front of her trousers unconsciously. She was still mostly grey, but it was more a smokey blue that the flat lifeless colour it had been before. "Promise me you'll do everything you can to help me find who killed her."

Kaelin nodded, "I promise," he told her, meaning every word as he stood up with her.


Trellis was somewhat satisfied with his meeting with Captain Tahir and the rest of the Command staff. However, he still felt insulted that they would go completely over his head and completely remove a prisoner from his custody. He was the Chief of Security for a reason, not just some place-holder until someone else came along.

He was become more and more agitated. He rubbed the spots on the side of his head as he entered the doors for Sickbay and sought out the necessary individual.

A duty nurse saw him enter and approached him. "Can I help you, sir?"

Trellis looked at the younger human before responding. "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Stapleton." He replied.

"Ahh. She's over there, sir." The young man pointed.

Bridget's head came up as she heard her name. Scanning the room, she saw a rather officious-looking man in a security department uniform talking with a nurse, and wondered what was going on. Excusing herself from the Bajoran nurse she had been talking with, she pocketed her padd in her lab coat and approached the stranger, noting his rank. She nodded pleasantly at the young human, excusing him to return to his duties, and then looked at the officer.

"I'm Doctor Stapleton. How can I help you, sir?" The man didn't look like he needed medical attention, and she hadn't been on the station long enough to garner a reputation as a physician. Her curiosity showed in her brown eyes.

"I'm here in regards to the autopsy being performed on Klia, the Orion girl." He said to the woman.

That was unexpected. "Then you'll want to see Doctor Kaelin. He's our Pathologist."

"I understand that," he quickly replied to the individual. "However, the course of this investigation has taken a slightly different direction and I would prefer the autopsy be performed by a more Senior practitioner. Namely, Dr. Stapelton." He replied in as neutral of a tone as possible.

"I'm not a Pathologist, Lieutenant...." she let the question of his name hang in the air.

"Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Security" He responded. "I understand, however I would appreciate a person with more expertise handling this sensitive of a matter." he replied.

She paused for a moment, as if to consider options. In reality, there were none; he was a superior officer and he could easily make the request an order. It was odd, that he thought she were someone with greater expertise than Doctor Kaelin. Something was going on. But she didn't have the right to question his reasons for it.

"Alright," she agreed with a curt nod. "Do you plan on observing the procedure, or do you just want my report when I'm finished?"

"I'll observe while you perform the procedure. I have several questions that i wish to have answered based on your findings." Trellis replied.

"There is a small observation room around the corner and to your right, down that hallway," Bridget pointed. I'll be there in five minutes."

Trellis entered the observation room and waited for the Doctor to arrive. The purpose of this autopsy was to confirm whether she died due to a knife wound or any other source of trauma. if the cause of death was related to a stab wound, then it would definitely help lead him to the proper individual.

Bridget retraced her steps across the room, stopping to ask a nurse to replicate an instrument pack and place it on a tray in the Pathology lab. She chose an unoccupied terminal and sat in front of it. She quietly told the computer to connect her with the quarters she shared with her husband, Ed.

=^=There is no response, Ensign Stapleton. Do you wish to leave a message?=^= The computer asked the question in it's pleasant female voice.

~Shoot. Where are you, Edward?~ She asked herself.

To the computer, she said, "Yes. Begin recording; Hi Handsome, I'm calling to let you know I'm going to be late. Go ahead and eat without me, because I'm not sure how long this is going to take. I'll give you a call as soon as I can. Computer, end recording."

A tone sounded and then the computer replied. =^=Message saved.=^=

She got up from her seat and made her way toward the door marked, "Pathology Lab. Medical Personnel Only." She headed over to the sink to sanitize her hands and upper forearms.

"Computer, activate LMH," she said, looking up toward the ceiling.

Behind her, the holographic representation of Doctor Zimmerman appeared, saying in his slightly taciturn voice, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

Bridget smiled as she dried her hands. The AK-1 and it's subsequent EMH Mark 1, of which this program was based, used it's creator as a template, including his psychological and social quirks.

Turning to face the projection, she said, "I require guidance to perform an autopsy on an Orion being." She put on her gloves and headed toward the center of the room, the LMH following her.

"Have you ever performed such a procedure before, Ensign Stapleton?" It asked.

She stopped in front of a plastisteel table, upon which rested a refrigerated stasis box. "If I did, I wouldn't be requiring your guidance, now would I," Bridget replied, her tone acerbic.

She hadn't intended on snapping at the program; she was just tense, and it came out. She felt slightly guilty, even though it wasn't sentient life. She resisted the temptation to look at the viewing window, behind which stood Trellis, who would surely have heard her. Arguing with a hologram was like talking to yourself. People just thought it was wierd.

She pulled down the cables that hung from the ceiling and attaching them to hooks on either end of the box. A hiss of hydraulic locks and refrigerant broke the silence, as the top of the box lifted in the air above their heads, revealing a slab upon which rested the cold, pale green body of the humanoid Orion female.

From the nearby, sterile room adjacent to the Autopsy room, the doors opened and a tall man walked in. He wore a white coat over his teal-trimmed uniform and had a confused look on his face. Kaelin glanced at the hologram, then at the woman close-by. "May I help you?" he asked, concerned as he watched the body come into view.

Bridget recognized the attractive Deltan from his personnel file, and opened her mouth to answer him.

But before she could, Holo-Zimmerman was the first to reply. "You are interrupting an autopsy, sir, and if you don't mind, you should turn around and exit the way you came in."

"Exit? I'm the Pathologist! And who are you?" Kaelin asked the female in the room, looking her over as he walked towards them, ignoring the hologram.

Bridget stood with her mouth half open, looking from one to the other, and then back at the window. An eyebrow raised, she threw a questioning look at Trellis. Turning back to the Pathologist, she introduced herself.

"Bridget Stapleton. I've been asked to do this autopsy in your stead, Doctor Kaelin." She kept her voice intentionally neutral, knowing that her statement was bound to draw a negative reaction. Wow, this was awkward.

"Oh really?" Kaelin asked. "By whose orders?" he asked, stepping over to her side and looking down at the body for a moment, his promise to Yolanthe going through his mind briefly.

Bridget turned to face the window. "Lieutenant Trellis, would you care to step outside the viewing room and speak with us?"

She turned to Kaelin, and said, "Doctor, if you'll follow me, we can get this cleared up." She peeled off her gloves and stuck them in a replicator bin, even though they hadn't been used; leaving the sterile environment of the lab would automatically contaminate them.

"Fine," Kaelin nodded, letting Dr. Stapleton exit the room before him before they made their way to the viewing room.

As they were leaving the Pathology Lab, the LMH could be heard saying, "Wait. I thought we were going to do a proceed....." The door shut on it mid-sentence, and the LMH pouted, muttering to itself before ending it's own program.

Trellis stood up and walked outside of the viewing room to join the two doctors.

"Is there a problem?" He asked directly.

"Yes, there is," Kaelin said honestly. "Did you make a request for Dr. Stapleton to perform an autopsy that has already been done?"

"Yes, I did request that Dr. Stapleton perform the autopsy." He replied.

"And why is that?"

"I am in the middle of investigating the death of Ms. Kila and I have a belief that certain evidence might have been missed during the initial autopsy performed by this department." He said while crossing his arms.

"I did not perform the autopsy. I performed the preliminary examinations and the lab work following the autopsy, which is yet to be concluded. The autopsy itself was performed by Dr. Murdoch." Kaelin crossed his arms, the feelings of agitation building inside him.

Trellis tried not to roll his eyes in disgust at the mention of Dr. Murdoch. "Lance Murdoch, the same Doctor who recently assaulted a starfleet officer." he replied in an annoyed manner.

Bridget sensed rising tempers, and was concerned the argument might be heard in the main bay. Maybe the discussion should be taken to Chelsea. "Gentlemen, perhaps we should discuss this with Doctor Murdoch and Commander Adams?"

But Kaelin kept his voice polite and even as ever, not raising his voice at all. "I agree. This may be a Security matter," Kaelin stated. "But if the Head of Security is unsatisfied with the autopsy performed, then he should take it up with the Chief Medical Officer, and not go sneaking around, bypassing key Medical personnel to get to someone they can pull aside and get to do an autopsy. And that person," Kaelin said, looking at Bridget this time, "should consult with said key Medical personnel before doing an autopsy instead of just going into the Pathology Lab and doing it without supervision."

Trellis was trying to contain his anger. Dr. Adams had assisted to circumventing his authority by working with Tahir to have Gabriel removed from the brig. There was no doubt in his mind that she was more focused on her career advancement than how her Medical bay would affect his investigation.

Bristling at Kaelin's comment, Bridget got defensive. "If a superior officer asks you to do something that doesn't violate your standing orders, Ensign Kaelin, you do it. If he didn't have the right to make the request, that's between him and his superiors. In addition, I wasn't without supervision, either, if you recall. The LMH is is a fully equipped, up-to-date program with all the required technological expertise to guide a medical staff member in this procedure."

The discussion wasn't going well, and Bridget felt like she was caught between two egos. She couldn't understand what either man's problem was, though she was less understanding of the Security Chief's reasoning for going about this the way he had.

Kaelin looked down at the woman, then back at Trellis, seeming to calculate his position. He didn't like the position he was in. There was too much conflict and he didn't like conflict. It affected him badly. Finally, he sighed. "Fine then. I am obviously not needed in this procedure," he stated. "If I were, you would've asked for me. And the hologram should be enough supervision. So please, carry on." Giving both of them a nod Kaelin, left them alone.

Bridget watched Kaelin go, frustrated that the situation created a disturbance with a coworker... and on her first day, no less. She was going to have to track him down soon, and apologize for... well, she didn't quite know what to apologize for yet. Turning her attention back to the Chief, she made a quick decision.

"Sir, respectfully, whether or not you order me to continue with the autopsy, I'm going to have to speak with Commander Adams about this. I'm sure you can understand the position it puts me in?"

She hoped he did. And she hoped he would opt for an appointment with Chelsea and Lance, even though she had the feeling Trellis was reticent to do that.

"I understand, and if need be, I will speak with Dr. Adams after I have concluded my investigation." he replied. "Is there anything else or are you free to conduct the autopsy?" he asked.

If need be? After the investigation? Bridget sensed something was wrong here. Why didn't he want to work with the CMO?

"Yes, sir, I am free to conduct it. But I want to go on record as stating that I am discussing this with Commander Adams immediately."

She gestured toward the room he'd recently exited. "You are welcome to watch, as before." She turned on her heel and headed back toward the Pathology Lab, keying her comm badge as she purposefully strode.

=^= Computer, connect me with Commander Adams, please. =^=


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner) DS5

Ensign Kaelin
Doctor (Pathology Resident) DS5

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security