Incommunicado – Cardassian Sunrise
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Cardassian Sunrise
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Aug 19, 2012 @ 6:22pm
Location   Box of Delights, Promenade level 2
Timeline   SD58, 1400 hours

"Afternoon already..." Saria trought, strolling trough the promenade and watching the people passing her. She had the feeling that she was in a city, rather than a giant space station. People ate, laughed, or talked with eachother, and all being a different species. Saria sunny smile was still on from this morning, and from her visit to the Plaice to Be. Not far from her, on the left side, was a bar. "The Box of Delights", she read.

She stepped inside, watching the people enjoying themselves while drinking or eating. She noticed the quite colorful bartender behind the bar, and looked closer at her. She was curious to see such a species having another color of skin. She picked an empty spot near the bartender, and sat down.

The statuesque alien soon approached, and smiled down at Saria. "What can I get you?"

The Trill looked back at the bartender, which seemed to be longer than she expected. "A Cardassian Sunrise, please. If you have it, ofcourse, because they mainly served it near the Cardassian border." She smiled.

"Do I serve it?" Yolanthe half scoffed, though there was no malice. "Your grace, Its a pleasure to meet someone who enjoys their kanar." She reached for the bottle, flipped it over one shoulder and caught it behind her back. Less than a second later the other ingrediaents were in the air, and she kept them moving, until one by one, the measures were poured. Capping the shaker, she span it in her palm and strained the mixture into a waiting glass. It was finished with the bright yellow syrup of stem yamok, dripped down a spoon and left to slowly sink into the red drink. "And there we go."

Saria was impressed by the skills of the bartender. She smiled and took the glass from the bar, then drinking for it. "Tasting like a real Cardassian Sunrise, finally. Thank you very much!" Saria said, satisfied, then drinking the rest of her drink. "If I didn't know who made it, I would say it was a Cardassian. You are... Yolanthe, right?"

"thank you, and yes I am. How did you guess?"

"Well, I read the most of the crew's biographies on the way to the station, and you happened to be one of them." She smiled. "I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex by the way, Acting Chief of Science." She said.

The bokkai raised a turquiose eyebrow, "I'm surprised to hear that. I'm just a business woman. I wouldn't trust anything you read about me."

"It was more like a little summary, just about notable persons around the station." Saria said.

The turquoise became a bright blue. "Notable person. I like the sound of that." She grinned at Saria. "What about you? Intentions to be 'notable' or merely 'notorious'?"

"Well... neither of both, but since I'm the head of the Science department, I think I'm notable right now..." Saria said, drinking from her thick drink.

"So... a bartender, what made you decide to become one?" Saria asked.

"Something to do, I kind of fell into it." Yolanthe started mixing drinks up for a shockingly handsome young man that presented her with a padd before sashaying back into the lunchtime crowd. "Nothing special about me. Why did you become a scientist?"

Saria smirked. "I wanted to try something else after 3 lifetimes of Tactical and Engineering. But my 4th last host was a scientist."

"You're joined?" Yolanthe asked. "Whats that like?"

"It's like... knowing what all happened 1200 years ago like it was yesterday." Saria said, while drinking.

"Sounds strange," Drinks began stacking up on a tray. "Is it like echoes? Does the symbiant swallow your soul when you die?"

"It takes my memories if I die. If the new host recieves my symbiont, he or she knows what I knew. Even my personality." Saria replied.

"Sounds Crowded." THe bokkai observed.

Saria smiled. "You would think so, but the symbiont stores the menories on a more efficient way than we humanoids would do. One of my former hosts once calculated that the symbiont could store memories for at least 30000 years."

Yolanthe blinked. "Thats longer than some species have been in their current form."

"I know it is, but I'm sure that my symbiont won't even last that long." She said, looking across the bar. "But I'm nog sure what I should do with it."

"Is this the you're supposed to take it around the galaxy and show it a good time thing?" Yolanthe guessed. Ahjess had mentioned something, but it had been laced with his usual sarcasm, so he had no idea if it was true or not

"Well, I've seen plenty of things in my life." Saria said, taking a sip from her glass. "Maybe I should write books about it, but... I wouldn't exactly know where to start." As she was about to take another sip from her drink, she noticed the glass to be empty. "Would you mind making another Cardassian Sunrise for me?" Saria smiled to Yolanthe.

"Sounds to me like you're finding your symbiant more of a burden than a blessing," Yolanthe reached for the kanar agian

"Oh no, the symbiont is a true gift, however I don't know what to do with the knowledge." Saria said, looking at her empty glass. "Please, make this the second and final glass, I need to rest a bit in my quarters."

"If you're sure?" Yolanthe put the finished drink down, the held out the thumb padd to the trill. "Becuase I have all manner of experiences right here in my humble establishment."

"Experiences?" Saria asked, while drinking from her Cardassian Sunrise. "Please, tell me more about them if you'd like to." She smiled

"All the experiences the galaxy can provde. Play the house at Tongo, play your friends at domjot, or face down the ravening hordes of Klingons, Romulans, Borg, or Breen in the holodeck. we have over two hundred thousand titles. anything you want, or could imagine..."

"Hmm..." Saria smiled, "could I take a look at the programs you have?"

Yolanthe handed her the padd with the program listing. "Everything you could possibly want, and more."


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights