Incommunicado – The Domestic Boundry
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Domestic Boundry
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Apr 16, 2012 @ 10:32pm
Location   Dunham's Personal Quarters & DS5 Creche
Timeline   SD57

Chelsea was still waiting for news of Rick. She had been working and managing the children alternately and then lying awake worrying ..... "Fussing" ..... ~Damn the man how is it even remotely possible NOT to fuss about him. One minute he was flipping back and forth in time, then he was suffering third degree burns in a temporal incident involving the Sarek, then he was shot on holiday, then he was suffering from Amnesia as a result of a temporal overload or paradox, then he had broken his own ankle and now he was MIA, the same as his brother in law.

~BY THE PROPHETS! What is Margaret going to say? And Eric? I have never even thought of letting them know......... but then how could i?~ she thought as she dropped off the kids and started yet another shift in Sickbay. Chelsea Dunham was working on auto-pilot... or was it closer to Zombie-mode?

When she came home for a early lunch/late breakfast she found Rick laying face first on the sofa. He was evidently very much alive, this was proven by the loud snoring emanating from him like some hibernating grizzly bear. He hadn't even gotten out of his flight suit, he was that tired. One arm dangled over the edge of the sofa, it had some, make up flowers tied in a bow.

Too relieved to say anything but too exhausted to do much other than sink to the floor beside him and squeeze his hand. "Where the hell have you been?" she said gently into his ear, kissing his neck to wake him and smiling when he opened his eyes to let him know the words meant nothing.

He looked at her sleepily, his eyes slowly opening and closing in the manner of someone just softly waking up to the real world. He thoughtfully twirled a finger through her hair. "I lost two pilots today" it hadn't really sunk in, they where still missing in action and there was still hope for finding them but where.

"Babe, I'm sorry for your loss." She took the flowers from his hand just before he dropped them. "Did you find who or what killed them?" she assumed he meant lost as in dead rather than literally.

Chelsea slid onto the sofa beside him horizontally and into his arms, her body lying along his own, stroking his hair back from his temple gently and nestling into his neck with her lips.

"I thought for a while there that I'd lost one too." she muttered quietly as she pressed her body against his to stay on the narrow sofa beside him. She was not about to fall out of his arms no matter how small the space it was necessary to take up.

Rick instinctively wrapped his arms around her tighter. "Don't know what happened, we found their fighters drifting abandoned in space....." he paused as he got the chance to reflect on it for the first real time. "But they were driftng in some sort of bubble of communication black out, and this bubble though unseen to the naked eye is getting bigger, making search and rescue difficult at best"

"That's scary. Is it threatening the station?" she asked, nestling against him and breathing in deeply, enjoying the scent of his skin and the comfort of his arms. Chelsea was tactile person and it was this that she had craved and missed most whilst he was gone.

"Not yet" said Rick dozily "just playing havoc with our communications" his eyelids were feeling heavy again. With Chelsea close he always felt safe and secure, it was both comforting and reassuring to have her next to him.

The feeling was mutual and the pair lay there in silent harmony with Chelsea listening contentedly to Rick's rythmic breathing as he dozed. She waited until he was deeply asleep before she slipped softly off the sofa and went to fetch him a cover. Gently she kissed his forehead with love and prepared him his favourite sandwich for when he woke up later.

Then she went quietly back to work leaving a note that said how much she loved him.

When Rick awoke, his eyes snapped open, as if he had been jolted awake, he had been dreaming but he couldn't remember what it had been about. He saw the sandwich first and smiled then he saw the note, which after sitting himself upright he read and smiled even more. He then spotted the time, realising he had to pick up the kids, he held the sandwich in his mouth and got changed, eating it he headed down to the creche.

Eight year old Todd beamed with instant pleasure as soon as he saw Rick but just as he was about to make a fuss he noticed Carolette Dray looking at him curiously. Carolette was Todd's nemesis, if only he had understood the word. She was both the most fascinating and at the same time the most annoying ten year old girl he had ever seen.

He was too young to have a crush as such but she teased him and it REALLY affected him. He couldn't understand this but in response to it he tried to play it cool with Rick, strutting over to him with a pleased look that he had managed to suppress into what he thought was a *cool nonchalance* but which was actually more of an awkward swagger and a twisted grin. He held out his hand to shake.

Ellie, the two year old had no such qualms. "ReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeCKK!" she yelled and threw herself at the tall CAG, arriving at her full height just above his knee! She had to attempt to clamber up the rest of his leg to try to reach the *hug* canopy high above her.

Tyler, from the arms of the Creche Infants' Nurse, gurgled and kicked, waving his arms indicating excitement and recognition the best way he could, dribbling fit to deluge due to the onset of his first tooth which was making itself known just below the red and swollen gumline.

"You're getting bigger every time I see you" said Rick with a bit of an effort as he picked up Ellie and gave her a hug. He then had to put her down to take the baby, and delicately dabbed the dribble from off the baby's face. Then he looked around in a little confusion and asked Todd "Aren't we missing one?"

Todd looked up at him in a slightly bemused manner. "What, you mean your daughter? Kim?" he asked, still confused. "She doesn't come to the Daycare Centre. She's too old.... like *i* am really." he adopted a bit of a strut as he declared his own opinion of his seniority here.

"Niece...she's my niece" he looked about again confusion showing on his face "Am I suppose to get her from somewhere then?" asked Rick thoughtfully not really wanting to embarrass himself with the wrong questions or her for that matter.

"You're early" Todd stated as if that explained everything. He looked a little put out that it didn't do so for Rick and on being asked what that meant Todd rolled his eyes. "She goes to train with the Marines and comes back before Chelsea gets here." he stated matter of factly.

Just at that moment Kim herself walked in, wiping camoflage paint off her face and neck. She had obviously changed back into her normal clothes but was expecting to have time to get cleaned up before anyone would be there.

"And what have you been doing young lady?" asked Rick with a disproving look and wondering from the outset ~when had he started sounding like his mother?~

"Don't be mad with me Uncle Rick. I need lots of training ready for when I join up with the Marines." She decided she might as well admit where she had been, after all it was pretty obvious from her attire and he would find out anyway, he always did find her out.

Rick let out a long sigh and slid the palm of his hand down his face in slight exasperation. He had no problem with people doing their own thing and choosing for themselves, but did it have to be the Marines "Why...why the marines" ~bet she takes after her old man~ thought Rick to himself.

"You know I met up with Colonel Darson and he said I'd be a brilliant Marine and that I could come back and join them as soon as I was old enough..... " Kim protested at her uncle's seeming lack of memory on the subject they had discussed when she had run away and come to stay with him last year.

"Yes because you should trust the opinion of a man who dresses up like Darth Vader" replied Rick sarcastically.

"You don't know him." Kim replied defensively of her hero, her body language telling Rick immediately that he had made a mistake in calling Darson or his armour anything less than credible. Kim pulled herself up to her full height and glared at her uncle defiantly.

"You are the one who told me NOT to judge a book by it's cover, Uncle Rick." she shot back.

Rick held both his arms up for a bit of calm. "Yes you're right I did." he said a little sympathetically "but I also said look before you leap."

"I am not leaping. I am just being the Battallian mascot and getting a bit of gentle training in until I am old enough to join." she said, glad to see him soften a bit, matching his deflation with some of her own.

"Want me to take Ty?" she offered, holding up her hands for the baby as his sister was pulling at Rick's leg again, wailing with distress because she could sense that things weren't right around her.

Rick hadn't heard the question all he heard had been...."Mascot! you're the bloody Mascot" he said in disbelief.

"Well I'm too young to be a cadet, Uncle Rick!" she replied with a tone that was crossed between indignant and hurt.

"But a bloody Mascot....what the hell? They dress you up in a furry suit with a baseball cap on and mouth that acts as a horn"

"No they do NOT! They're really nice to me!" Kim retorted indicating both hands, palms emphasising what she was wearing, i.e. a mini-camoflage set, perfectly replicating what the marines themselves wore in combat. "Do I LOOK like a fancy dress bear with a sore head?" she challenged, defying him to say anything derogatory.

"No." he agreed "but it looks like they dressed you all up"

"I think I look cool and I think you're being mean" She began to get tears in her eyes as she took baby Ty and began to walk out of the creche with him, leaving Rick to pick up the 2 year old and follow with Todd looking uncomfortable bringing up the rear.


Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer
Commander Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham