Beg, Steal or Borrow – Commencement
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Commencement
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Thu Apr 02, 2009 @ 6:51am
Location   Romulan Warbirds
Timeline   SD8 13:55 -14:00

Taibak's heart was beating deeply in the pit of his stomach as the excitement and nerves of the incursion they were about to make started to come to fruition.

Call it luck or just plain stupidity on the person who had taken it upon him or herself to raid their ship, but as far as he was concerned, it was fortuitous to their cause.

Approaching the transporter platform, he gave the Romulan salute as his hand came from his chest.

"Centurion, ensure that you place me on the bridge, I do not want to waste any time walking further than I must!" He remarked with a scowl.

"Precise co-ordinates have been locked in." The subordinate replied reciprocating with his own salute.

Taibak ir-Elahu gave a single purposeful nod as he bridged the distance between the console operative and the platform. He took the single step up and spun about on his heel.
"Proceed." He ordered and mere seconds later, he found himself back on the bridge of the Rhiandhaell.

The crew all stood and saluted him as he appeared; the solemnity on their faces dispelled any apprehension that Taibak had, that this plan would fail.

"For the Empire!" His voice boomed as he sidestepped into the command chair. "Comm, open a channel to the Ayller and the Vrelnec. Priority red." Taibak commanded as he slipped his hand beneath his tunic and sat down, bringing his ankle to his knee and resting the leg.

The view screen flickered as the 2 Commanders; Nniol & Si’Van appeared side by side. He stole a breath.

=(*)= "Commanders, the Rhiandhaell reports its readiness." =(*)= Taibak said with the hint of a grin appearing on his face.

"Good," Nniol tr'Illialhlae responded. The image of his nephew visible behind him. As he continued Nniol turned his head so that he could see the absence of reaction in Fveirrolh's expression. "Just in case my brother's wife decided to be obtuse I transmitted my request to her privately," Nniol broke into an unpleasant chuckle as if he could reach out and touch what he had been waiting for so long. "She declined to abdicate in my favor therefore you find my resources as committed as yours are. There could be a million lives at risk, but as I reasoned she would conclude, she finds her own status is more important to her. We are ready to proceed." Nniol smiled.

Si'Van sat in his chair and crossed his legs as he observed the view screen in front of him. His bridge was filled with soldiers of the Empire preparing for battle against their so-called "allies". Si'Van had been a loyal solider during the Dominion War and even took part in the peace-keeping force within Cardassia following the war. However, he never fully trusted the humans nor their so-called altruism. To him it was nothing more than a false pretense.

He was a faithful supporter of Senator Cretak before her arrest and subsequent incarceration. The official story was that she had betrayed the empire by accessing classified files. However, Si'Van knew that she had merely become the target of the Federation and their Romulan pawns within the War Plans Council. The same pawns that sacrificed Senator Vreenak to justify the Romulan's entrance into the War. Official records state that the Dominion was responsible for the Senator's assassination; however Si'Van knew others were involved.

=(*)= Si'Van here. The Ayller is ready to proceed =(*)=

=(*)= "Greetings Commander. I am pleased to hear." Taibak addressed the Ayller's Commander, before turning his attention to Nniol. "Nniol, Si'Van, now we position ourselves under cloak in preparation to our attack. The first shots upon the station will trigger the explosives on the shield generators and with their guardians out of action, we shall be inflicting major and catastrophic damage. Nniol, your commands?" Taibak asked, just to gain assurance that he would be leading the assault.

“They do not yet know what is out here. Taibak, you will be the first to decloak, if you’re still set on retrieving your damned artifacts this will be the time to issue your final demand; that will let them think there is still a chance for them though that thought will not last long. You will act as a decoy and draw their fighters. Si’Van, it will then be your turn to pick off their craft and to make the first assault on the station. Meanwhile, the Vrelnec will be ready to decloak and move in to follow. I for one am very interested to see what this plasma cannon can do - for the life of me I cannot think why that woman wanted the Vrelnec equipped this way, but its worked out in my .. Our favor,” Nniol said, distracted by the personal aspects of his part in this campaign as he so often was these days. “When their shields fail Si’Van will then begin boarding – if necessary (if that bloody mercenary hasn’t done his job properly, he thought) we will lend out support in the area around the embassies.”

Tal'Veek stood ready at the weapons station aboard the Vrelnec. He had been listening to Nniol prattle on, repeating things they already knew. Still, despite his impatience to begin the attack, he waited for orders. The last time he acted on his own in haste it lead to... he shook his head, no time to think about the past now.

Si'Van steepled his fingers and continued to listen to the Commander detail his instructions. Instructions that had already been transmitted to the various Tactical and Navigation officers throughout his vessel. There were more pressing matters.

"Before we place our troops on enemy soil we need to ensure that they cannot call for reinforcements. It would do us little good to seize the station, but have to withdraw upon the immediate arrival of Federation reinforcement." Si'Van said, raining on Nniol's parade.

Taibak felt the glow of pride from within, his ship would lead the first run. "Duly noted. After our initial attack run, the communications array should be our secondary target. No guardian platforms, shields or communications, they will be severed from the whole Federation!" He gloated, folding his arms across his chest, now eager to undertake the directions as planned.

Now all he had to do was to sit back and at last sanitize himself from his previous mistaken endeavors and this time, all avenues of failure had been taken into consideration, this time he was adamant that nothing would deny their goal.

Onboard the Vrelnec, the relatively young chief tactical officer S'Tev Sullan approached the area where Nniol was conversing on the view screen with the other commanders. An up and coming officer, he had quickly made his way up through the ranks of the Empire through a combination of shrewdness, talent, and political alliances. He had also earned a well-deserved reputation for his tactical skills, which were considered to be among the best this new generation of their great species had to offer.

As he was only a lowly Centurion, he remained back a respectful distance away until he was acknowledged, then said, “Riov, all tactical systems are at full readiness. We are ready to attack at a moment’s notice. All of the Federation’s fighters are maintaining defensive positions around the station…however, almost half an hour ago, we registered power spikes on a large number of them consistent with Federation weapons. They have not made any overt moves to attack us though. As well, civilian comm traffic has increased dramatically in the last 20 minutes, as well as internal Military chatter. No calls have been sent out for reinforcements however…in fact, except for a series of highly encrypted subspace transmissions approximately 5 hours ago, the station’s command has not sent out any transmissions at all.”

Fveirrolh cast a sidelong glance at his uncle and wondered again at what age Tuvan syndrome typically began to take effect; to say his uncle’s behavior was increasingly eccentric was an understatement. But he was in command and so Fveirrolh had said nothing when inside he cringed with embarrassment at the tone the other commander had taken.

Normally it was easy to distract Nniol with simulated battle plans and flattery but on this occasion Nniol had to perform – at least until this battle was through and Fveirrolh’s mother had her claws pulled – then uncle Nniol would be free to play figurehead of the House. How long would he last, Fveirrolh mused before every member revolted; six months? A year? And when that happened it was him that they would turn to for leadership, he would make sure of that.

Fveirrolh leaned over to draw attention to what the centurion had said. “Vadi!” he hissed sharply in his ear, “It is time.”

A smile split Nniol’s face, wide enough for his old self to shine through, “Decloak,” he said, “and begin the first run.”

“Yes sir,” S’Tev said as he bowed his head in subservience. He turned back towards the tactical officers and said in a calm voice, “Let the Ayller decloak first. As she is making her first attack run, we’ll decloak in her trail and open fire. Focus all weapons on communications equipment, and then their weapon emplacements. Take on the fighters only if they become a threat to us.”

Tal'Veek was ready with the weapons. He had targeted the Starbase's key defensive components as much as their position would allow. He would be ready for the others when the time came. In his mind, you could never count on something being down unless you destroyed it yourself. His first targets were the weapons that were the predominant threat. Though the Starfleet Vessels appeared to be standing at the ready, Tal'Veek planned that they would not have the chance to exit the base before the volley began.

Si'Van signaled his tactical officer to target the upper docking pylon on the station. It was close enough to cause damage to any nearby vessels that were foolish enough to intervene in the matter, but far enough way from the station's OPS to be consider non-lethal and a warning shot.

"Maintain our position, I want to be able to swiftly engage any Federation vessels that attempt to engage." Si'Van said to his navigation officer.


Nniol tr'Illialhlae & Fveirrolh tr'Illialhlae, IRW Vrelnec NPCd by Louise

S'Tev Sullan - NPC'd by Maj. Darson

Tal'Veek - NPC's by Petro

Si'Van of the IRW Ayellrs - NPC'd by Gabriel

Taibak ir-Elahu - NPC-d by Tasha