Unity – Fraternising with the enemy.
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Fraternising with the enemy.
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Mar 17, 2010 @ 11:12pm
Location   Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD 17. 1230 hrs

Sotar strutted through the promenade, dragging his tired frame with him. The bars and clubs around him looked dull and bleak. Only one really caught his eye. The Box of Delights.

He instantly noticed the sassy sign, which made Sotar even more intrigued. He thought he'd have a small wander inside, just to look...

The capacity-meter under the bar counter chimed. The hundredth patron was through the door. Yolanthe began to turn blue at the sound, and looked up. A bulky Cardassian was heading through the main doorway. She lavished a radiant smile on him. "Welcome to the Box of Delights." She hopped off the stool she was sitting on and moved closer to the counter. "You're my one hundredth patron today. You get a special prize. Drink of your choice. On the house."

"I'll take the strongest thing you got." Sotar replied with a cheery smile.

Dunham didn’t know why, but he enjoyed the atmosphere of the box of delights. It was odd; he thought to himself in puzzlement, he didn’t really drink, and when he did it wasn’t allot at all, he definitely didn’t gamble, as he considered bad Karma, and he certainly wasn’t looking at girls as that would get him in trouble at home. But yet he liked it. He took a sip of his strong Tarkalean tea, and continued work on his flight schedules, and fighter crew rotation. Sitting in a corner by himself thoughts on his work, the entrance of the hundredth customer went unnoticed to him.

Yolanthe mentally amended the Cardassian's request to 'the strongest she had that isn't going to kill him outright' and nodded. 'I have terran absinthe, a particularly potent romulan ale, and if you don't like yourself much at the moment, I have Chech'tluth, though I save that for klingons who have managed to remove their tastebuds." She indicated bottles along the bar in turn, an almost neon green, a vivid cyan, and finally a cloudy brown with a head of smoke nudging at the bottom of the stopper.

"You only live once. Why waste it being scared? Chech'tluth." Sotar said in utmost confidence.

"You do indeed," She turned from him to get the bottle, picking up a glass. "But your're a braver man than I to drink this." She flipped a glass off the rack, and caught it one handed. With the other thumb she flicked the stopper from the bottle. White smoke billowed from the bottle as she poured out. The smoke rolled out over the sides and flowed across the bar towards the cardassian. "Bottom's up!"

Sotar took the glass and smiled with intent. "Cheers." He said, raising the glass and taking most of it down, leaving a centimetre in the bottom. Instantly, Sotar felt his tongue burning. He felt it burn all the way down his throat and ending up in his gut. Strangely, Sotar enjoyed it. "I'm going to need more of this stuff."

She topped him up, her violet skin taking on stronger tones of blue, pleased to have a customer with a bit of thirst. "Make it last. I'm not supposed to be letting this stuff out tonight, given last nights little incident. You could get me into trouble." The words were true, but the tone suggested she didn't care at all. "But its nice to see a man who knows how to party. Fleeters are just a little..." she searched her mind for the right word, "afraid..." maybe it wasn't quite right, but close enough, "of a good time."

She looked around the not terribly full Box of Delights. "Case in point, fly-boy over there." She nodded towards the corner Dunham was sipping his tea. "he's working." She shrugged. "Didn't even try and get me to give him a real drink." She settled back on to her bar stool, shaking her head at the strangeness of human males. "Its like fun is something other species have. Like yours."

Sotar instantly recognised him. "The Vi'kar Gul's been having troubles with that guy. Personally I don't care. I'm here to drink and meet women with at least two legs." He joked, but there was slight truth in his words. He was here to drink, and he was here to meet women.

For a moment she was worried that the large cardassian would want to take up the Ambassador's issues, and her skin greyed slightly, but his final words relaxed her, and she returned to a pale violet blue. "Well, I have some friends upstairs who were very taken with the Ambassador. I'm sure they'd just love to meet you too. Wait here a moment, and I'll go see if they're ready for visitors." She slid past him on the way to the stairs. "Don't go anywhere."

"I'm not going anywhere, don't you worry." He said, smiling. Sotar then looked to Dunham, giving him a quick raise of his glass. Something the Ambassador would have his head over.

Dunham saw the raised glassed offered by the unknown Cardassian, he smiled proffered his glass in return and toasted the man.

Sotar smiled politely, as he took another sip of his potent drink. It was nice to know that the Ambassador didn't make the entire Cardassian species look like a bunch of brutes. Sotar leaned back against the bar, awaiting the barkeeps return.

The lift from the upper floors opened, and rose-coloured Yolanthe swept out,an attractive woman was draped on each side of her. The first was a raven-haired Orion woman with a piratical air, provocatively corsetted in black leather and satin. She definitely had two legs. They went all the way up, as they said on Terra. The second was a blonde human, herself laced into a shapely and very suggestive parody of a starfleet officer's dress uniform.

Seeing Dunham still nursing his Tarkalean Tea, Yolanthe whispered something to the blonde who broke away and headed in the young pilot's direction, whilst the Orion poured herself along Sotar's side and gave his earlobe a coquettish nibble. "This is Neshari. That's Stella." The blonde glanced back on hearing her name, and blew Sotar a kiss, before bearing down on her initial target. "They dance with Madame Meow's burlesque, and as you can see from my practically deserted establishment, they'd love an appreciative audience. You'd have them practically all to yourself." She raised an eyebrow, "If you think you can handle them."

"I just handled Chech'tluth. I'd be more worried if your girls can handle me." Sotar said cockily.

Both Yolanthe and Neshari let out a peel of laughter that managed to sound both sceptical and suggestive at the same time. Neshari turned to Yolanthe. "Thats not the first time we've heard that in the last day," she purred. "Cardassians are so boastful."

"You'll just have to cut him down to size." Yolanthe replied. Then she turned to Sotar. "I think you've just set her a challenge. I'd surrender now, you might get out alive."

Stella put a shimmy in her movement as she slid into the chair next to Dunham, sending a million reflections dancing from the crystals encrusting her her outfit. "Hello Lieutenant. My friends and I have decided you've been working too hard, and should come and review our maneovers instead. We need a very... thorough... inspection."

Dunham glanced the women up and down, he smiled, and responded very politely, “Thank you kindly, but no.” He gave a small shake of his head.

The blond leaned forward, putting her hand on his knee under the table. "Are you sure? Or would you like it better if I made that an order?"

Duham looked over his padd he was reading, like he was looking over the rim of a pair of spectacles. “No thank you, I mean no offence….” He said very politely “but I’m a one women kind of guy.”

Stella nodded and stood, "Well, if you don't even want to look, I'm not going to twist your arm." She smiled as she slid gracefully away. "Why don't you bring your woman along another night? I'm sure she'd enjoy the show too. We usually have lots of women in the audience. Think about it."

She sashayed back to Yolanthe and Sotar, and gave the cardassian a theatrical pout. "He doesn't want me, I feel unloved."

Dunham shook his head; a look of mild amusement on his face as the women walked away. He then went back to his work, he had a long inventory of ship parts he would need to replicate for his new acquisition.

Sotar gave a very sympathetic look to Stella. "There's more than enough love in this Cardassian." He added a flirtacious wink to his sentance.

The dancer took up postion on Sotar's otherside, sandwiching him between herself and the Orion. "Then I'd be glad to help improve UFP-cardassian cultural relations."

"Well, shall we go sign up a treaty then?" Sotar teased. He sent a polite, playful and thankful wink over to Yolanthe.


Yolanthe ibalin
Owner & bar tender, the Box of Delights

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Glen Sotar Telet
Chief of Staff - Cardassian Embassy
(NPC'ed by Tharek Getal)