Beg, Steal or Borrow – Back too work
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Back too work
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jan 18, 2009 @ 2:29am
Location   Jarreds office
Timeline   Early hours Sd7 (0330)
Jarred hadn't Been too bed in 29 hours, the work was stacking up in his office, 30 survey reports, 7 tactical reviews, and 3 fleet status reports. Half the stack on his desk was two weeks old, the other half had to be compiled into a report for the acting Captain before he arrived.

There were six summaries of a new variant on the Romulan D'Deridex class, it could become a matter of concern down the road. Another report said the Romulan security command reported a major security break, something involving a ship from DS5 and some damage with suspected Federation involvement, that was an odd Item.

The Final stages of the Legacy investigation are going no where, Jarred had recovered a few fuzzy surveillance still images that would need too be enhanced, but with the stations intelligence department on the thin side it could take weeks too finish that.

Jarred finished with the Fleet readiness report he'd received at 2330hrs, it was largely of no consequence, accept for two items, USS Asia was being decommissioned and USS Hannover was still at McKinley Station for repairs after a run-in with a type 4 Ion Storm. Jarred looked again at the USS Asia info, Ensign Vironika Hill was still assigned too the Asia, he'd submit her name for the Technical Specialist.

Jarred needed a break, two weeks of work in 29 hours was almost too much. He quickly closed all the files on his terminal, the last thing he did before he left the office was transfer his report to a PADD and leave. He walked over too the turbo lift, it hissed open, jarred stepped in and it closed behind him. Jarred mumbled for the officers quarters. As Jarred stepped off the lift he walked the few paces too his quarters and staggered in, he collapsed on the couch, and slept there.