Incommunicado – Klingons on the Starboard bow (Part 1)
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Klingons on the Starboard bow (Part 1)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Thu Aug 16, 2012 @ 8:21am
Location   Hangar Bay
Timeline   SD58. 1100 hours

Valkris was a fraction of a parsec away from taking Commander Villiers' insistence that she hold on to her message for now as a personal affront. It was obvious to any fool that the state of the qul mI'wI' and the storm outside were of insignificance beside the fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant.

As the last of the Starfleet technicians left after swarming over the hull Valkris sat heavily on the lowered ramp, one leg dangling over the edge whilst the other supported one mail clad arm. She snorted, as she drank from the silver flask in her her hand, wondering what change had come over the Commander since they had last met.

Still, knowing that a team were coming to perform a more detailed inspection, she had secured the container that held the message on her own person. It would take a man worthy to be her husband to take that from her, and Valkris considered there to be none.

Relma's work on the Pollux had told him a great deal, but from the initial scans he'd seen of the Klingon ship there were few similarities in the damage sustained or systems affected. With a thorough report from Commander Dunham as to the actions taken by the Pollux he now needed a similar level of information from the Klingon pilot. After pausing to read up on this class of vessel he made his way to the vessel in the docking bay. Engrossed by the information on his PADD he wandered towards and right up to the ramp.

"Stay where you are, Bajoran," Valkris said. She didn't raise her head but took another swig from the flask. Her mind was as clear as a diamond, though that was not the impression she gave. In a fluid seamless stream of movement she pulled herself to her feet, plugged the flask and hooked it to her belt. A blade took its place. "Your name."

Meryn knew how to deal with Klingons - he'd dealt with many before. Stopping, he raised himself to his full height, looked the woman straight in the eye and in a louder than necessary voice addressed her in turn. "nuqneH! I am Relma, Chief of Operations. And you are?" He new full well, but asked anyway out of respect.

"'eDjen qoH!" It carried one of the names that the Commander had led her to expect. "If you do not recognise Valkris of the House of Inagh then your eyes need an operation that I'd gladly perform!" she growled.

Relma smiled. "'nguq 'uSgheb!" he jested in reply, "I have never had the honour of fighting alongside a member of the House of Inagh, but I managed to pilot my ship to the station without nearly getting it destroyed - so perhaps it is not my eyesight which needs testing! If not: I require a full account of your actions prior to, during, and after your encounter with the anomaly."

"And you never will unless you learn to speak clearly! Your accent is flawed," Valkris retorted with a snort that might have hidden a laugh. She looked around the hanger, "I see why this place is such a pit - your underlings cannot understand your orders. When you cease to mumble you can try and interrogate me, not before."

The Bajoran let out a large belly-laugh - far larger than a non-Klingon had any right to put out. "I have not had the chance to whip these petaQs into shape. It pleases me someone is of the same mind. Once I have them sorted you won't recognise them. As for my accent you'll have to excuse me: it's been too long since I've last spoken Klingon."

"We'll see," Valkris replied her mouth widening into a toothy curve that could have been a grin. She slung the blade back over her shoulder and away but almost as soon as she had down Valkris' brow darkened again. "Villiers led me to believe there would be more than one coming. I don't have all day to wait for a bunch of 'ejyo' Ha'DIbaH still langouring in their feathered beds. We will start without them!"

"Sounds good to me." replied Relma with a smile. "I'd like to start with you deflector array if you don't mind." He took a couple of steps up the ramp - awaiting approval. He'd seen from the schematics that the deflector array component-access was via a tiny crawl-space on the underside of the ship's nose.

"Don't expect me to haul you out if you get trapped," Valkris said. That was all the approval he was going to get for now. "Release protocols have been activated so you will have access."

The Bajoran nodded to the Klingon and proceeded into the ship to begin edging his way through the cramped space towards the system he wanted to look at.

"Wait, Chief!" Saria said, coming from the docking port. "Mind if I would join you? I need to collect some data about the particles that struck the ship." She smiled.
In the corner of her eyes, she saw a Klingon female standing near the Chief. "nuqneH" Saria said toward the Klingon.

Relma gestured ahead of him for the science officer to come with him. With the space so small she'd not be able to go inside herself until after he'd had a look, but a second more specialised scientific mind would certainly be of use.

"Is there anyone here who doesn't think they can speak my language?" Valkris roared. She jumped down off the ramp and landed on the deck with a solid thwump. "Do whatever it is you are here to do and get out of my way!" Whether she was annoyed by the interruption was unclear, but annoyed Valkris appeared, she still had to speak with Villiers about her reason for being here, and overseeing these petaQ was delaying her.

"I don't," voluntered a dark haired boy with the telltale pointed ears of a vulcan, but a cheerful demeanour, "I only speak standard, vulcan and risian, and according to Ensign Tholos, A Lot of Shit." Lash grinned and nodded at Relma "Which is just as well, as I have to come to take poop samples and download the waste processing logs in case there is something in there." He winked at Valkris. "Take me to your crapper!"

Valkris snarled a laugh as she turned to take in the new arrival. She could crush him with one hand. "Your Ensign Tholos seems to be a good judge of character," she replied, "You have the schematic, find your own way."

Lash rolled his eyes. "Klingons. NO sense of humor." he nodded at Meryn, "Back soon chief." And he headed amidships to get on with the job of sampling the septic tank.

Saria came walking out of the ship already and greeted Relma. "I got all I need, Chief. I'm off to my office." She said, walking further.

A muffled acknowledgement emerged as an echo from the depths of the ship's inner parts, followed by a loud bang, a string of profanities, followed by further smaller bangs, each of which was met with a further loud curse.

Valkris shook her head and muttered something under her breath.


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer


Valkris of the House of Inagh

Crewman Lash
Operations, DS5


Ensign Beren

et al