Judgement – Favour's And Flight Time
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Favour's And Flight Time
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Wed Jan 26, 2011 @ 2:03pm
Location   Strategic Operations
Timeline   Current

With half his command away on operations, dealing with pirates, Rick needed to bolster his star fighter wing numbers, namely in the areas of Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters and Peregrine Heavy Fighters. Knowing there were Federation ships in the area but also looking for an excuse to see his friend that he hadn't seen in a while, Dunham rhythmically knocked on the door to Tan's office hoping he could allocate some ships from other operations to help fill out his ranks.

"Hold on, hold on!" Tan shouted, sincerely hoping it wasn't one of his superiors. Villiers would have had his head if he talked to her in that tone. He finished the last line of data entry before he punched in the command for the computer to open the door. It wasn't Commander Villiers. Much worse.

"Mr Dunham," Vincent put up his hands in surrender. "I know what you're here for and the answer is a big fat no. Definitely no."

"Good to see you to Mr Tan" said Rick with a smile, and patting the man on the shoulder in a friendly gesture as he crossed the threshold into his office. He sat down in the chair opposite the desk and smiled again. "you don't even know what I'm going to ask yet"

"I know that look on your face, Mr Dunham. I know that look," Vincent repeated darkly, like a lead actor in a Shakesparean tragedy. "The undeniable look of a man seeking to curry favor with a minor functionary. And as my minor function is to regulate the space around the station, I have a very clear idea of what question you are to ask."

Vincent came around to the front of his desk. He folded his arms and stared down at the still seated Dunham. "You want fighters up in the sky, don't you?"

Dunham grinned like a cheshire cat in conformation. He placed both hands behind his head, put his feet up on Tan's desk and leaned back in his chair. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"You can drop the act, Dunham," Vincent said, dissappointment all over his face. "I'm busy enough as it is. I've got to keep an eye on all space traffic within a 2 parsec radius of this station - both commercial and military. And with Gabriel otherwise engaged, I've got to coordinate all cargo and customs inspections. Do you have any idea how many cargo ships pass through our space everyday?"

Rick had a very good idea about how many cargo ships passed through the system, as wing commander it was his job to assign fighters to escort them on there approach to the station. But that didn't bother him now, his thoughts had switched ~Bloody hell, someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning~ Thought Rick to himself. His expression changed to one of worry for his friend. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Vincent said flatly. "Just the old leg playing up," he said, tapping his cast, "and extra workload. Look, if your fighters could run security scans on cargo containers for me, it would save me a lot of time. Customs inspections are supposed to be a security thing but they can't do them and, in case you haven't noticed, my department isn't exactly as big as security."

Ironic really, mused Rick to himself, strategic operations was one of the smallest departments on the station, yet ironically one of the biggest in the sector. As it was de-compartmentalized across many different stations, basis and starships. Here on deep space five they planned the operations of the entire sector fleet. Rick nodded his agreement, “no problem all you had to do was ask.” He smiled, the job wasn’t really that far out of his remit, and shouldn’t be a problem for the fighters on duty, they could simply do it while doing flybys on approaching vessels.

"Thank you," Vincent nodded. Now in a better mood, he decided to push his luck. "Of course that means that I might to catch a ride in one of your fighters, make sure the inspections are going along nicely and all that..."

"You have a level five piloting grade to use a fighter?" asked Rick sceptically. Level one to four were for flying shuttles. Fighter craft piloting in starfighter wing took a minimum of grade level five. His friend seemed to be a multi talented kind of guy not only was he a strategic operations officer but there had been that time Rick had found him helping a medical student, presumably he must of had some skills in that area.

"I have a level 3," Vincent admitted. He, like many others, had picked up the skill during the Cardassian as a matter of necessity. "Which does not qualify me to fly one man crew fighter, like your Peregrines for example. But I can easily slip into the co-pilot/gunner's seat of a Valkyrie. And I know for a fact that you have some of those. I need the hours. What do you say, Commander?

Maybe he was just sleeping with the medical student? Probably. Thought Rick to himself, hell he would of it he wasn't in a committed and loving relationship. Still Rick couldn't shake off this encroaching feeling that something was up with Mr Tan. He smiled in agreement. "Ok but you owe me one"


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Lieutenant Vincent Tan