Beg, Steal or Borrow – Hushed Talks
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Hushed Talks
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 8:56pm
Location   Red Lion Inn
Timeline   MD9 11.30

Vincent returned to the small table with another two pints of beer. He had asked for Victoria Bitter, the predominant brand drunk in his hometown and one whose fresh, crisp flavors and lightness had been familiar to him since his teenage years. Of course, Richard Dunham had never tasted VB before and Vincent took it as his personal quest to introduce the pilot to this wonderful drink.

"Here you are, Richard," Vincent said, handing him the mug. "You can get it for your strategic know-how. You can get it after a bomb singes your brow. As a matter of fact, you've got it now. Vic Bitter." He chuckled at his variation on the classic advertising rhyme. At least he thought it was witty. "See how you like it..."

Dunham put the beer to his lips and took a sip. He nodded in appreciation to the taste. "That's good stuff. Tastes like a lager though not a bitter? Cheers." Dunham raised his glass in salute.

"Glad you like it, mate," Vincent said, taking another sip. It reminded him of home and his family and friends, people who he had not contacted for a while and was not allowed to contact indefinitely. "I've only been for a day and I'm already homesick," Vincent chuckled. "What about you, Richard? How long have you been onboard DS5?"

"I've only been on board a couple of days Vince. Got on board then the things got out of control. next thing I know I'm fighting Romulans on my first day."

"Everything is quite sudden and intense around here isn't it? I've hardly found time to sleep these first few days," Vincent said. "I'm glad I'm not the only experiencing such fatigue. I was beginning to think I was too old for this," he chuckled. "But tell me, Richard, don't you find this odd? CO's missing, sabotage, traps in wreckage?"

Dunhum thought this last bit over. Odd question he thought to himself. "If you were asking anybody else in any other kind of job then yes. But this is Star fleet mate and here we are on the edge of federation space. Things are going to be a different kind of pace out who you know?"

"Aye," Vincent mused this over. In his career he had had his daif share of mishaps but never to such an extent and so often. "But still... There are some on this base that seem questionable to me."

Not sure were he is going with this. thought Dunham to himself. He frowned. "What do you mean by that? Are we talking civilain types here on the station or are you about to say that a starfleet officer is questionable?"

"It would improper to go too deeply into this now. However, with the way some officers on this station act, it would not surprise me to find that those conspiracy rumours might have some truth in them," Vincent said, having unconsciously lowered his voice. "As for civilians - this is not a starship, we can't control their numbers or their makeup. It is more than possible for undesirable elements to make it on board. But it would the actions of the Starfleet officers that worry me the most."

"Whoa their. Back up a bit. Conspiracy what conspiracy? What rumnors? Actions by strafleet officers who, what when and why? I mean thats allot to take onboard their Mr Tan and I'm not sure what your getting at?" Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought and smiled. "I mean it can't be that bad can it?"

"You haven't heard any?" Vincent asked. "I thought there were many flying around," he said. He genuinely thought that these rumours must be numerous enough and be threatening enough that they required investigation. "About corruption and things like that. Selling Starfleet medical supplies to the Romulans and the like..."

"Let me get this straight. Yor saying their are corrupt members of starfleet personel selling starfleet medical supplies to Romulans!" Dunham siad hs voice raising in shock. He then lowered his tone looked around then huddled back down to talk to Tan. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I'm not 'saying' that. I'm saying that I've heard other people say that," Vincent clarified. "Amongst other, nastier things. But I am surprised that you haven't heard anything..."

"I haven't heard a thing mate. Most of us pilots dont get much of a chance to get out and about around the station. Were so busy."

"Hmm," Vincent scratched his chin as he sensed an opportunity. "It might be a good idea to keep an eye out for this sort of thing from now on. You never know what you might hear and who it might interest..."

"I stay out of that sort of thing to be honest. I like to keep life simple and anyway that sort of thing is really the area of security or intel. I'll stick with flying. It's what I do." Dunham thought to himself that it was a little odd thing for his new friend to ask.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt JG Vincent Tan