Interlude – Suspicions and small talk
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Suspicions and small talk
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 10:50pm
Location   Promenade Cafe
Timeline   Current
Thomas had managed to find his quarters and had stopped in long enough to drop off his bag. Now he wanted to get out and explore. He rode a turbolift to the promenade and casually strode along the expanse, observing the others and looking at the various establishments. He chose a door at random and stepped inside, pausing near the door to look around.

Jana sat in the cafe sipping her Irish Coffee, it was exactly what she needed after her experience with the Romulan. Jana grabbed another PADD and started writing a report about her last escavation.

Thomas saw a young woman sitting alone and decided that would be a good place to start in his quest to get to know the inhabitants of the base. "Mind if I join you?" he asked a moment later as he approached her table.

"Not at all." She smiled and moved her work to the seat beside her. "I'm Lt. Jana Kasikova, alien archaeologist and anthropologist."

"Nice to meet you," Thomas said as he sat down. "Thomas Whitlock," he added, extending his hand.

"What is it that you do Thomas?" She asked.

"I'm a reporter," he replied simply. "What are you reading?" he asked, reaching for one of the PADDs on the table.

Jana grabbed the PADD back from him. "That is my work Mr. Whitlock!"

"What are you working on?" he asked her, unfazed by her tone.

Jana moved the rest of the PADDs out of his reach, "a report from my latest dig."

"What dig?" Thomas asked, glancing at the PADDs.

She frowned at Thomas, "why are you so interested in my work? Who sent you?"

"What?" Thomas asked, looking at her. "No one sent me. I'm merely curious."

"I have heard that before Thomas so excuse me for being a little paranoid."

"I didn't mean to upset you," Thomas replied. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Jana shook her head. "I'm sorry Thomas, I have been through quite a lot lately and I am still on edge...not to mention I have had grave robbers attempt to steal my work."

"Care to talk about it?" he asked.

"Not to a reporter." She laughed. "The last thing I need is to be made into some story or headline."

"Off the record," he said to her. "I'm just trying to be sociable. I don't report every conversation I have."

Jana frowned. "I am sorry Thomas, I am not used to having someone to talk to." It was the truth, she spent most of her time in the lab and in the quiet which suited her just fine...but something happened to her over the last couple of days that made her want to seek someone out, even it if was just to have a conversation and she was screwing it up!

"I understand," he said to her. "I'll leave you to your work," he added as he stood up.

"No!" She replied hastily and grabbed his arm. "Don't go, I promise to be nice. If you are truly interested in my work I will show it to you." Jana said and handed him the PADD that she had taken from him moments before. Perhaps she should have a little faith, a little voice in her head spoke.

Thomas looked at her then sat down again as he read through the data. "This is very interesting."

Jana folded her arms on the table as she leaned forward, "I thought you might, I have been working on this particular project for the last 3 years. I found a Temple of J'lire on Sibult III. The treasures that were found! I could hardly believe it." She laughed, she was acting like a small girl that just received a brand new doll for her birthday.

"What did you find?" he asked her.

"Well look for yourself." She pointed at the PADD, "There were the usual pots and bowls, I found a ceremonial blade, statues of J'lire and there are holophotos there of the mosaics that I couldn't take with me."

Thomas scanned through the data again and smiled. "I would love to see this place someday."

"It's quite far. I had to travel to DS9 and go through the wormhole, it took me another 5 days at warp 6 to get there...But I could take you there one day if you like...there is still much work to be done on the site. The civilization and culture there is dead...but when you are there it is like it is frozen in time, like Pompeii on Earth but we are not sure what killed off the Sibultusi..."

"You should program it into the holodeck," he said to her.

"I have thought about that but I am not an engineer and I don't think I would get it isn't the same. I know, I know...Nothing is as good as the real thing on the holodeck. It has come close for me a couple of times but..."

"What do you usually do on the holodeck?" Thomas asked.

"I ride horses. It is the only time I feel free. My horse is stabled in France."

"What else do you like to do?" he asked her, looking for something he could use to spend time with her again.

"What is it that you like to do?" She countered.

"Talk to people," Thomas said to her. "And I enjoy camping."

"I love camping but unless you count being out on a dig I haven't been camping in years." She laughed.

"We should try it sometime," Thomas suggested with a broad smile. "It's a great experience, especially in the mountains."

"Which ones are your favourite?" She asked him.

"The Rockies on Earth," he said to her. "It's beautiful there."

"I have a house there, in the Canadian Rockies, near a lake." She beamed.

"That sounds amazing," Thomas said with a smile. "I would love to see that."

"Perhaps..." Jana replied and sipped the last of her drink. "I have to get back to my shift. It was nice meeting you Thomas." She smiled.

"Why don't we get together later for a drink," Thomas suggested with a broad smile.

"That would be nice." Jana returned his smile again and headed for the door.

Thomas watched her leave and smiled as he turned back to the table and sipped his drink.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist