Beg, Steal or Borrow – Counsel for a Commander
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Counsel for a Commander
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Feb 13, 2009 @ 7:02pm
Location   Counsellor's Office
Timeline   SD8 9:00

Claire returned to her office still weak from the mind storm the night before. She sat down at her desk and held her head in her hands. Claire's head throbbed and she was emotionally drained. She refused to open her mind again until she was positive that she could control the bombardment again.

She sighed at the mountain of paperwork in front of her. Claire didn't mind taking over for Zorana while she was playing spy and keeping the captain emotionally stable...she just didn't want to deal with the paperwork that seemed to have grown overnight.

Claire decided to procrastinate and go meet the Commander.

- Command Office -

David had returned to the mounting pile of PADDS, glancing across each, and piling them in separate piles according to importance.

The Commanders office was pleasant, if a little sparse in decoration, which surprised David. He expected pictures and ornaments from a female commander, but perhaps she kept them for her quarters, which was of course, the proper thing to do.

He was tempted to call upon Tasha, to find out the combination for the safe, or if indeed the safe was in use as the computer would not grant him authorisation to open it.

He leant back in the chair, tilting his had backwards and following the lines across the ceiling, just to distract him from the requisition orders that were currently waiting, when he heard a cough from in front of him.
Startled, he fell forwards and was standing in an instant, facing a very attractive woman. Funny, but all women seemed attractive to David.

"Lieutenant, sorry, I was a little distracted. What can I do for you?" He asked, motioning to a seat at his right.

"I thought I would come and introduce myself. I am Acting Chief Counsellor Claire Mackenzie." She said taking the seat the Commander had offered.

David eyed her suspiciously for a moment before asking. "Are you here to conduct a preliminary on me?"

"No Commander, I had no intention of bombarding you right now. You just got here." She smiled. The one thing that she hated about being a counsellor...everyone was always suspicious...

He relaxed a little. "Commander David Davies." He stated, as if for the record. "So what can I do for you Counsellor?" He enquired, not sure of her rank, before adding. "tea, coffee, chat?"

She waved her hand to the tea and coffee. "I just came down to introduce myself and I am your service." She handed him a PADD with her file on it not knowing if he had had a chance to read it yet. Knowing that she was able to read people's thoughts and emotions could be of some service to him.

He reached for her PADD and felt the tingle of static in her fingers. He leant back and glanced through her record, straightening up when he read that she was Betazoid. "You're an empath!" He remarked, taken by complete surprise as he glanced into her brown eyes.

"Yes sir, I'm not reading your thoughts right now either." She smiled.

"Good!" He responded a little too quickly. He took a sharp breath and forced himself to relax. "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against counsellors, it's just that I get a little perplexed around empaths, you have a tendency to pick up things I prefer to keep to myself, no offence counsellor." He explained, the breathing exercise having little or no effect.

Claire laughed. "You can relax Commander. I don't 'read' people like that unless I have their permission...unless of course there is a need for me not to tell someone...say in an interrogation?" Claire didn't want to tell him of the mind storm she suffered and that she was still worried about what would happen if she did open her mind in her weakened state.

"I get this a lot. You are not the first to question my motives as an telepathic counsellor." She smiled dryly.

David bowed his head. "Super!" He remarked not sure now what it was that Claire actually wanted. "Well, in that case, I don't want to detain you from your duties, unless there is something I can do for you?" He enquired.

"No no, nothing else! I just came over to introduce myself. I am at your disposal." She replied referring to her 'abilities'. Claire stood up and waited for him to dismiss her.

David stood with her and gave a small smile. She had made him a little nervous but she also seemed genuine and open. "Thank you counsellor, I know where to call if I need you." His smile widened a little as it dawned on him that she was waiting for permission to leave. "Your free to leave." He said with a slight nod of his head.

She smiled and left. ~Oddest meeting I have ever had...~ She thought to herself.


CO: Commander David Davies


NPC: Acting Chief Counsellor Claire Mackenzie (played by Mandy)