Unity – Opening the Box part 3
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Opening the Box part 3
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jan 16, 2010 @ 4:43pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   Sd 16 19.30
It had been an exhausting last few days, but it had worked. The band had shown up. She managed to find some experienced local staff, and called in a few favours to bring in extra from from outside. Klia had made the replimat do things she didn't even know was possible, and the previous day had turned into a frantic placement of furniture. Thank the stars the entire Second Lounge was computer generated. They wouldn't have managed without it. In fact, everything was placed, painted, decorated, plumbed in, hooked up, working, all the staff washed up and ready, She'd even found time for a long soak and rest before she squeezed into her slinky black dress and silly four inch heels. She'd probably regret the heels in the morning, but it was all about the first impression. And a six-foot-eight purple woman was an impression that was going to be hard to beat.
And not only had they managed all that, all that setting up, all that preperation, all that getting ready, but they had done it with half an hour to spare.
Something was going to go wrong. She could feel it in her bones.
Yolanthe paced the length of the wave shaped bar, turned at the end and paced back the other way, her high heels clicking on the floor. By the Dabo tables, the head croupier was dividing up the chips among the various dealers and croupiers, and they moved to their tables one by one. Up in the holodeck-come-second lounge, the band was tweaking the PA one last time. Waitresses and waiters lounged around by door to back of house, waiting for the doors to open.
'Have a drink and calm down.' Klia put a shot glass on the bar and poured a liberal splash of Kanar into it. She slid it down the other end of the bar.
Yolanthe stopped pacing, and looked at it. 'I'm not drinking on the first night.'
'You need to relax. Everything will be fine.'
She shook her head. 'I can't. Not till I get through tonight. This is my baby. I won't be happy until its kicking and screaming.'
'I can see that. Lani, you're the same colour as two day old vomit. Or worse, a month dead Orion. You can't decide if you're green or grey, and that really doesn't match the decor.'
The Bokkai looked down at her hands. Klia was right. They were a horrendous colour, more akin to fetid swamp water than any colour the owner of a sparkling new night spot should be. She went back to pacing, and add nibbling on her grey fingernails for good measure. 'What if no-one comes?'
'We've been advertising live music and free booze. Not to mention that both the real gambling and the virtual trollops both have no limits. They'll come.'
Yolanthe got back to the end of the bar opposite her untouched shot. One way to find out. She went over to the shutters and peeked out. Milling around on the promenade was a whole bunch of people. Some of them were even loitering with the obvious intent to come into her bar.
'Maybe I should go out and mingle, stir the crowds up a bit.'
'Not that colour you shouldn't. Why don't I get Blake to give you a massage?' Yolanthe gave that some consideration. Blake the waiter, beautiful but dumb, would very definitely improve her mood. 'After all, you didn't hire him for his brains...' Klia waggled her eyebrows.
But it would be wrong to dally with the staff, even if they were gorgeous totty. 'Because I'll clash, and I'll make the whole place look tasteless. Aqua and raspberry are not a good combination.' But even just thinking about it had the desired effect, and distinct shades of pink were warming the grey-green.
'Don't worry about it. Its a beautiful bar, filled with beautiful people, and its going to be fabulous.'
Yolanthe took a deep breath and stilled the fluttering in her stomach with a few deep breaths. She looked at the Kanar on the bar. 'Why don't we all have one.' She pulled out more shot glasses and emptied the Kanar bottle between the lot. 'Everyone, come over here'. All the staff milled round, each taking a glass of the syrup-thick Cardassian spirit. The girls and boys running the game tables were all dressed in a suitably distracting fashion, ready to nudge the odds just a little further in the house's favour. The waiters and waitresses all look elegant and sophisticated, and even Klia had made an effort, changing her normal overalls for a smart white satin trouser suit that made her look even greener. 'I just want to say that I'm really impressed at how good everyone looks, and I know you're all going to put in an amazing effort tonight. For those of you who've helped us set up over the last few days, and extra thanks. We couldn't have done it with out you.'
She raised her glass. 'So here's to you, and to the Box. Good luck.' She saluted with the glass, and then necked the entire thing in one go. It burned on the way down. But it felt good. and did lift her mood. around her others tried to follow her example; it was possible for some, and the less experienced drinkers dissolved into gasping coughs.
'Right. I'm going to go out there and start stirring the crowd. Good luck everyone. We're going to make tonight really go with a bang.'