Unity – A Bit of a Shock
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   A Bit of a Shock
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 8:46am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 16 - 21:45 After the Explosion

Mercy opened her eyes but closed them again quickly. The light hurt and her head was screaming at her with a high pitched headache from hell.

She tried again tentatively and managed to focus enough to see what she most wanted to see, Bryan's worried face looking back at her.

"I love those eyes. I always want them to be the first thing I see when I wake up" she muttered, holding her head and finding her hand bandaged and painful.

"Ugh. Who beat me up?" she muttered as she became more aware of the amount of parts of her body that hurt.

Bryan smiled and reached for her bandaged hand. "The bad guys as usual." He responded, "because it wasn't me. How you feeling?" He asked in a soft voice, leaning into her and smelling her perfume.

"Black and blue but I'm not badly hurt." she replied bravely. She was in a lot of pain but she didn't want to worry him.

"You?" she looked intensely into his eyes, anxious to find out that he was okay.

He nodded happily. "Thanks to you yet again. Only got a bit winded that time, so I'm fine. Hows the hand?" He bobbed his head at her and felt a great deal of love for Mercy as she lay on the bed.
The shoulder of her uniform was charred, her hair matted, her face smudges of makeup and soot, but to him, she was the most beautiful creature that he had ever laid eyes upon and he so yearned to embrace her, cuddle her close and kiss her passionately, at least he would when Dr McBain released her.

Mercy returned the loving look he gave her and squeezed his fingers with her good hand. "I love you" she murmoured softly. "Did I tell you that?" she grinned sheepishly, knowing perfectly well she was always telling him but never tired of it.

She did actually adore the man to distraction and would have laid down her life for him, if ever he might have needed it. Her current injuries weren't sustained protecting him as he thought, because he had actually pushed her aside just in time for the full weight of the heavy beam that had crushed her wrist and lower arm to have been deflected, just missing her head and spine by inches.

This evened up the score for them. She had saved him last time and he had returned the favour now. The medics had patched up her arm but there would need to be several more sessions of regeneration before it would be completely restored. Mercy didn't want Bryan to know how much pain she was still in so she smiled and pretended to be better than she really was. She had no idea that she was very pale which was a giveaway that she couldn't disguise.

Her words of love warmed him and he melted into her. His heart beat fast and his face broke out in a warm smile.
"I think you have, but you can keep on telling me and Mercy, I love you too and I don't think I have said it enough." He cradled her hand to his chest and watched her chest rise and fall in rhythm with each breath she took.
"I miss the days when I would tease you and hide your PADDS and move files just because I could, but if I lost you now, I would miss you even more than you could realise." He whispered as he nuzzled into her neck and placed a gentle kiss just below her ear.

Mercy smiled back. "Yeah, I can't imagine how bored you'd get if you didn't have anyone to torment at work." she was teasing, knowing perfectly well what he was *really* saying. She closed her fingers around his without making any attempt to move her hand away from his heart either literally or metaphorically. She snuggled against him feeling totally safe and completely happy.

That was how the two of them stayed for the few hours, whispering to each other until Bryan received a call.

=^= Ops to warrant officer Surzchenko. =^=

Bryan taped at his comm with his free hand.

=^= "Surzchenko here." =^= He responded and his brow dropped as he looked at Mercy.

=^= A request from shift commander. She has received a report that there is to be a meeting of the civilians on the Promenade tonight. They have asked that someone from Fleet administration be present to hear their claims. =^=

Bryan nearly laughed if the man on comms had not sounded so serious. He tongue came to his upper lip as he wondered what the shop owners were thinking and had a suspicion on how they were feeling.

=^= "Very well. If neither Ms Denoublier or I are able to attend, I will arrange for someone to be there. Surzchenko out. =^= He said, closing the comm.

Bryan stared at Mercy for a moment. "Think you can handle a crowd?" He asked with his most charming smile.

"As long as you're with me I could handle a mob!" Mercy smiled, not having any idea how prophetic those words might turn out to be.

Bryan smiled back at Mercy and admired her bravery. Inside, he felt more frightened that his face registered, but he also had to be strong for her.
He winked.
"Lets get the doc to discharge you and we'll go take a stroll on the promenade." He quipped hoping that the hint of fear in his voice would not be picked up by Mercedes.

It wasn't. Mercy was so absorbed by the feeling of well-being and safety that Bryan gave her all the time that she went to the Box of Delights like a lamb to the slaughter. Completely unprepared.


A JP between:

Bryan by


by Jools