Cascade – Cocoon
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Cocoon
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Dec 19, 2012 @ 10:33am
Location   Diplomatic Suite
Timeline   SD70. From 16:00.
The first round of negotiations had arguably gone well, but slowly. By the time the diplomats emerged from the cocoon of the Diplomatic Suite, a catastrophy had struck the promenade. The shockwaves did not reach that rarified space, nor did the news of hte explosion until the parties were ready to depart.

"Well, that could have gone worse," the Andorian Brigadier Meteh murmured to Valtek as they left. "Far more productive than I was expecting. Maybe we should open a bottle of tarrid, and drink a toast to finally getting inter-quadrant co-operation off the ground."

"AAAAAHHH HAHAHAH! The day that happens is the day a Vulcan learns how to use a Bat'leth properly." Ambassador Ven'Tak bellowed as he and the gathered ambassadors began to leave the confines of the diplomatic suite.

Legate Hydel Turvan was less than enthused by the Klingon's response. He had planted his feet and began to move his jaw to utter a response when the platform he was standing on shook violently in response to a shockwave that rippled down the corridor.

Meteh staggard and braced herself against the bulkhead, "Are we under attack?"

Turvan looked towards the source of the rising commotion. His face fell as reality set in, "The Embassy!" he shouted as he began to push through the Ambassadors and race towards the facility. "MOVE! MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" He exclaimed.

"Meteh dodged aside, and turned to The other federation envoys. "Is he right?"

"Do I look like a Betazoid?" Krah snapped back. For the floor to move like that there was something very wrong, but how typical of a Cardassian to think that the focus of the event was theirs.

Hydel raced down the corridor, shoving others out of his way until he got to the railing above the Embassay. He looked down and saw the rubble and smoke rising from the scene. He continued to scan the immediate area just as he caught sight of the body of Ambassador Getal beaming away with his colorful consort.

He wasn't surprised, even in a time of crisis, Getal still managed to look out for his own interest before those of others.

He looked back towards the gathered diplomats. His face, strained with ever-increasing rage inside of him.

"WE'VE BEEN ATTACKED" He declared.

Krah twisted her head back to the other diplomats, "If he's right, then its an attack on all of us," she remarked. Krah was too far away to see the carnage, but she was aware of the tensions that wracked the station - Federation member or otherwise, this was a time to stand against those who would see 'Aliens' sidelined, scapegoated and attacked.

"You have the assistance of Trill," Krah said, stepping forward. It was then that she saw that it was not Cardassian hyperbole. "Come on," she called back to the diplomats, "if we can assist, we will!"

Legate Turvan did not wait for a response as he immediately rushed past the gathering diplomats and made his way towards to his smoldering Embassy. "I will find the responsible parties for this and they will pay, no matter how large or small their involvement." He said through clenched teeth as he entered the nearest turbolift.


Melia Krah
Trill Diplomat by Louise

Nahir i-Orinwen
Representing the RSE by Louise

Legate Turvan by Thom

Ambassador Ven'Tak & Andorian Brigadier Meteh by Notty