We All Fall Down – Breakfast with a side of conversation
by Ensign Rioan Mellar

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Title   Breakfast with a side of conversation
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign Rioan Mellar
Posted   Fri Aug 08, 2014 @ 5:55am
Location   small restaurant on the public prominade
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2. 09:00
Tag   Ensign Mellar Rioan and Lt. JG Katz
Sarah lay on her bed when one eye popped open.

'I need to get up. If I don't I will never be able to get to sleep this evening' thought Sarah to herself. 'I also need to get some water in me to dilute the alcohol. '

Sarah got up, shook her head violently until the sleep was out of her body and then looked at herself in a long mirror.

'Disgusting. That is how I look! My uniform is one big wrinkle and my hair....well, I will not even go there!' thought Sarah to herself. Reaching into a closet, she grabbed a new and wrinkle free uniform. She glanced into the mirror and noticed that her cute little figure was a bit pudgy in places....especially around the hips. 'I have got to get to the gym. I wonder if this place has one?' thought Sarah to herself. After sliding into the uniform, Sarah walked into the 'bathroom' and reached for a natural bristle brush that lay on the counter. She ran the brush several times through her hair and did a touch up job on her make-up. Looking into the mirror again and deciding she looked perfect (well as perfect as she could at the moment) Sarah picked up her old uniform and threw it in a cubby hole in the wall where she knew it would automatically be sent to the cleaners. She then grabbed a bottle of water, took a large and deep gulp and then commanded the door to open. Entering into the hall, Sarah walked down it and then into a room with a calm and half lit atmosphere.

Walking up to her table a tall and sparsely clad woman walked up to her table.

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" she said with a smile.

Sarah quickly hid the bottle of water in her pocket and then looked up at the woman.

"Just water, please.....a very tall glass of water!"

When it arrived, Sarah noticed that it had what looked like a tasty slice of lemon in the water and she smiled.

Rioan half blinked under his blankets and proceeded to roll of his bunk and onto the floor.

"OW...oh right. I'm on a space station." he mumbled to himself as he crawled back up the bed and a sitting position.
He should meet up with the team a bit later in the day but was in dire need of nourishment immediately.

Rioan dug into his gear for a fresh duty uniform . he threw it on the bed as he headed for the shower humming the rolling stones 'paint it black'.

After the much needed shower, he checked himself out in the mirror and paused. It's been 2 years since he and Morgan were together and he thinks about it still at least once a day. An enigmatic smile always hit his face when he thought of his beloved.

Rioan managed to shake off his melancholy , decided his beard didn't need a trim as he went back to his uniform and got dressed in a surprisingly rapid time for him on his first day.

Giving himself a once over he opened the door to his quarters. He had noticed earlier a place to get something to eat. He normally hated public places, but his hunger overruled him. He also figured he needed to get to know some of the station besides his lab and quarters.

Singing ancient earth tunes like 'Billie jean' and 'Thriller', Rioan made his way to a place down a few corridors to a place which looked like a fairly decent restaurant. He made his way to an unoccupied table when he noticed a Starfleet officer at another table. The face looked familiar. He looked up the personnel roster after he settled in . 'She's the security officer or something' he thought to himself.

He almost didn't see the barely dressed server come up asking for his order.

Rioan mumbled just audibly enough to say " 2 eggs and a side of bacon and a Bajoran blend Cappuccino ."

He smiled nervously to himself as he started singing 'welcome to the jungle' to himself.

Sarah was enjoying herself when suddenly she heard a faint singing, or at least a song coming from somewhere on her left. Looking in that direction she noticed what seemed to be a rather nervous person sitting at a separate table.
She looked him over out of the corner of her eye. He seemed about her age, tall (even though he was sitting down), had beautiful green eyes that were set off by what she thought was brown hair, was definitely Bajoran (he had an earpiece and nose ridges) and wore a science patch on his shoulder.

Sarah thought to herself and then turned to this person while staying at her table.

"Hello. My name is Sarah. I am chief of Security. What is your name?"

Rioan's eyes shot up to the human female. He glanced at her collar to check rank. He didn't seem to have as much of an issue talking with higher ranking officers. Luckily , she was just above his rank so hopefully he wouldn't put his foot in his mouth.

"Rioan. My name is Mellar Rioan. "

"Nice to meet you. May I transfer over to your table?" finished Sarah.

'You can do it Mellar.' Rioan thought to himself as he motioned for her to take a seat at his table.

"Please feel free. Sarah. That's from ancient earth Hebrew I believe. It means princess or ladylike if I'm correct."
Rioan turned off his scientist brain for a few moments.

"Sorry. Its my archaeologist training. We tend to look into the history a bit."

"Actually," replied Sarah, "I am impressed. I did not think that anyone outside of my country or religion knew that. To be specific, originally her name was called Sarai.....she was the wife of Abraham or Avraham. That was 2300-2000 BCE. I could tell you more if you are interested!"

Rioan shrugged with a half smile ." By all means fell free. I hope you don't mind me eating bacon. Since it probably came from a replicator though, I'm not sure if its kosher or not."

"I see that you are Bajoran. What is Bajor like? I have never been there. In fact, the only thing I know about Bajoran's is that they have nose ridges. I have never seen a Bajoran with nose ridges that were as.....shall we say....unpronounced as yours. Why? You are sort of young to be a Science Officer, aren't you? I have never seen someone so young in a position of such responsibility before! Do you have any brothers and sisters? What is the sun set like on Bajor? Tell me......." suddenly the barrage of questions stopped as Sarah took a deep breath and smiled at Mellar. "I'm sorry. That is me going ballistic again. I do that once in a while....go ballistic. At least that is what others tell me I do. I call it 'taking a deep breath and asking as many questions as possible with out consideration for the other person'. But 'ballistic' is a shorter way of putting it. I am going to sit back now and let you answer as many questions as you remember......ok?"

Rioan couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"And I bet you scored top marks in questioning during security training." He grinned as he continued.

"You are Bajoran....yes?" asked Sarah. "And no I did not score top marks in security training. I think it was something like 3rd or 4th. I don't remember."

"Well you are half correct. My father is Bajoran but my mother is human from Dublin Ireland, earth. I spent a combined 6 years of my live on Bajor while my father went on expeditions and my mother was working with the Starfleet diplomatic corp. It's probably where I learned my healthy appetite for science and history."

Rioan stopped for a second as his food arrived.

"Hope you don't mind. Since its more than likely replicated , I can't attest to my bacon being kosher."

'Bacon.....Kosher?' Sarah thought to herself."Despite your knowledge of Hebrew words, you are not Jewish, are you? Not if you think that bacon could ever be kosher." said Sarah out loud.

Rioan took a bite of egg and continued.

"Now where was I? I graduated fifth in my class and second in the science department. I do have a kid brother named Ross who is currently studying at Oxford and in case I didn't say it, the sunset over the northern seas of Bajor is absolutely breathtaking."

Rioan sipped his coffee." It seems I'm not the only youngster here. If I May ask, what is your story Lieutenant?"

"Well," started Sarah, "I was born in a small town on the coast of Israel called Caesarea. That is near Haifa...the large sea port in the north. Like a good Jew I learned all about my religion but found that Security was my passion. I went to the university there and spent 12 years getting my Ph.D. and several more years on different ships in Starfleet being mentored by the Chief of Security of the Cosmos. I also found that I have a very good ear for languages, that is why I know so many. But I don't know Bajoran. You will have to teach it to me. Anyway, I almost transferred from Security to Communications. I do have an older brother......Yonni....and a younger sister....Deborah. I find that despite were I go, I find that my heart belongs to Israel. You will have to go there sometime if you like Archeology so much. Lots happening there in the field of Archeology.

Sarah looked at her watch and said with excitement:

"I am so sorry. I need to get back to my quarters and change for a meeting. I have got to leave. Perhaps we could continue this some other time?

Rioan gulped down a few more bites and nodded.

"I understand. I have to get over to the science lab myself. I would like to do this again."

Rioan smiled as she departed as he made short work of his breakfast and departed