Lieutenant Jana Kasikova’s Personal Log - Conflicted and counselling sessions

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Title   Conflicted and counselling sessions
Author   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Dec 14, 2008 @ 3:18am
I have come to the conclusion that this is going to be a busy place to work. There seem to be many interesting and fascinating people on the starbase.

I have met with the captain and with the commander . I hope to meet with the rest of the crew in the next couple of weeks and finish my assessments. Not to mention the reports for the commander.

The captain has dealt with the loss of a member of her crew. There is a memorial later that I will be attending. The captain seems to be taking the loss hard, understandably of course, since it was the crew member that saved her life. From what I saw she is feeling responsible for his death. I am hoping to bring the captain in for more sessions. I'm not sure the conversation will go over very well. I am going to choose my words carefully.
I will talk to her after the memorial service and in private.

The commander...what can I say about the commander besides she is Vulcan and everything is about logic. She has had a troubling past...It was difficult for her to talk about and I changed the topic, not wanting to push. I will talk to her about it later, she seemed conflicted and thought that her emotions started to come to the surface. It could be dangerous. I will keep my eye on the commander. She did say that she had lost control of her emotions a long time ago...

Frederick sent me a transmission today. He once again asked for forgiveness and wants to come to the starbase
and work things out. What is there to work out? He cheated on me three weeks before the wedding, with my best friend no less! Now I wake up in the morning feeling alone, more alone now that I am on this big starbase. I can't let him come here. We would just rehash everything and I can't do that and stay level headed enough to do my job. There, I've made my decision. *sigh*

End Log.