Interlude – DRAMA!
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   DRAMA!
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Jul 27, 2010 @ 5:05pm
Location   Romulan Consulate - tr'Tahn's quarters
Timeline   SD29 - Evening

"That's the last time I ever spar with you," Maiell vowed, walking into his quarters with his cousin in tow.

"You say that every time. If only you spend as much time training, you might actually win sometime," Arrienye criticized, stretching her arms up above her head once they were both inside. They'd spent the two hours in the gymnasium, first working out and then having their weekly sparring session. Though they had a rule to not touch the face, it only strengthened their efforts in hurting the body.

Usually, it was Maiell's body that got the worst of it. While his punches were very strong and efficient when they hit (and they certainly did), he wasn't very light on his feet, so Arrienye always had the advantage of speed. And determination. And training. And accuracy.

t'Merek walked over to pour them both some water, not wanting to get too carried away with contemplating her advantages and inwardly gloating about having won. Again. For the tenth time in a row.

"I could murder for a rub down," he groaned, putting his hands on his lower back.

"I can do it for you. I think I owe it to you after the beating I gave you," she offered, sipping her water.

He nodded his gratitude, though he knew she'd offer. She always did. It was her nature.

"Wait a few moments, I need to make a comm," he told her and Arrienye nodded in understanding before flopping down onto the couch and taking up a news PADD he had on a nearby nightstand.

Maiell walked over to the comm panel nearby and hailed Ma'erlit, with whom he had a date planned that night. One that, with his inability to bend his middle well would be Hell.

Ma'erlit answered on the first ring, "Hi, love!" She beamed when she saw Maiell.

"Hi," he smiled back. "Listen, Amalia," he began with a clear note of disappointment. "I've had a really rough day and I don't think I can make our date tonight. Do you think we could reschedule?" He definitely didn't spare some puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." She nodded, with more than a little sadness at the prospect of them not being together, then she noticed the other woman, the blue eyed goddess, behind him, "Oh, yeah, of course. Never mind. I need to go."

"Wait, Am..." But he couldn't finish as Ma'erlit cut the connection. Blinking a few times, he pushed away from the desk and went back to his cousin. "Anything interesting?" he asked, sitting down.

"Not really. Who were you talking to?" Arrienye asked him with a knowing smirk.

He smiled nervously. "No one," he shrugged.

"I'm sure," Arrienye said, rolling her eyes at Maiell.

Ma'erlit fighting back tears, simply could not fight the urge to go down there and confront this tramp NOW, "Computer initiate site to site transport, quarters of Maiell tr'Tahn."

In seconds, Ma'erlit stood in front of his door, now in tears but fully enraged as she rang the bell, "All right, answer the door so this bitch can get an earful." She muttered.

"I'll get it," Arrienye told him, handing the PADD to Maiell before walking to the door. Pressing the panel beside it, it opened before her to reveal a Bajoran woman. Raising a curious eyebrow, Arrienye looked at her. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"You bet, bitch!" Ma'erlit snarled with uncharacteristic anger. Maiell was the first guy in a long time she'd even thought about getting serious with and this little blue eyed bimbo rolled up in between them? Oh, HELL NO! "You can start by staying the frack away from my man before you find out Bajorans aren't all peace and Vedeks. I'd hate to rearrange your pretty face for you."

Arrienye stood there, taken aback by the verbal attack. "Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like this? I suggest you go back to whatever asylum you crawled out of and get some help," she shot back.

"Asylum?" Ma'erlit snapped, stepping right into the woman's face, "I hope you've got a good plastic surgeon, princess! You're about to need it! And you!" She turned to Maiell, tears streaming down her face, "You better have a great explanation!"

"Ma'erlit?! What are you doing here?" he asked, walking up to the pair of angry females.

"Who the hell is this?" Arrienye asked him pointedly.

"This is Amalia. Amalia, this is my cousin," he quickly explained to the Bajoran as he felt himself begin to sweat from nervousness.

"Yeah, Amalia, his girlfriend." She began, still angry and not fully digesting what he'd said at first. Then, it hit her, "Cousin? Crap! Sorry, baby."

"Girlfriend?!" It was Arrienye's turn to be outraged. "What do you mean girlfriend? She's Bajoran!"

And just like that, Ma'erlit's planned apology went up in smoke, "Hey, what does that mean?"

But Arrienye ignored her, turning to Maiell. "Is this why you've been avoiding the subject of who you've been dating? Because you're dating...her?"

"Arrienye, we really shouldn't discuss this in front of Amalia," Maiell began.

"The hell we shouldn't! I don't care if she's listening. I want an explanation!"

"What's to explain?" Ma'erlit interjected, "We're both adults and we want to be with each other and it's none of your fracking business! There's your explanation!"

"You stay out of this," Arrienye snapped at her, looking at the woman as she did before turning her attention back to her cousin. "Well? Explain yourself. What the hell are you thinking?"

"Hey, I am perfectly capable of making my own decision, Arrienye!" Maiell told her firmly.

"Yes, but obviously you incapable of making good ones," she shot back, putting her hands on her hips. "You seeing this...Bajoran is evidence enough of that."

"That is not for you to decide! I am perfectly satisfied with my relationship with Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia," Maiell emphasized his girlfriends name and rank, his cousin's xenophobia stinging a bit.

" You mean she's enlisted? Not even a full officer? Elements help us, you really went scraping at the bottom of the barrel for this one, didn't you?" Arrienye being outraged was an understatement. She was positively fuming. Why couldn't Maiell see that this couldn't lead to anything good.

"Excuse me, but the fact that I'm enlisted doesn't make you any better than me, you racist bitch." Ma'erlit snarled, she was ready to knock this woman on her ass.

But both the Romulans seemed to be too focused on each other to even take notice of Amalia at this point.

"That is out of line, Arrienye!" Maiell told her angrily.

"Don't you dare tell me I'm out of line after pulling a stunt like this!"

And that was the point when things began to get ugly, and Arrienye, inwardly at least, regretted her next words.

"What would S'anra say if she knew she'd been replaced with this woman?!"

Ma'erlit had had enough, she'd heard a very little about S'anra, but knew if she was the angel Maiell said she was she'd have done exactly what Ma'erlit was about to do, "I think she'd say she was glad he'd found someone to make him happy." Ma'erlit snapped, "And she'd also say the same thing I'm about to. Get the frack out of here!"

"I've told you once and I'm telling you again - stay out of this!" Arrienye shot at Ma'erlit.

"And I'm only going to say this once," Maiell interjected, his voice angrier than anything both Arrienye and Ma'erlit had heard from him. "You have no business interfering in my personal life. And I'm getting pretty sick of you acting like I'm a child who needs protecting. You can't protect people from themselves and you better get used to that. You couldn't protect Lai and you sure as hell can't pro..." Maiell suddenly stopped, looking more than a little horrified with himself. His gaze softened and for that moment there was a cold but heavy silence. Arrienye had taken a step back, giving her cousin a look of disbelief.

"Arrienye..." he began, reaching out for her but the blue-eyed woman slapped his arm away violently. Her breaths were heavy and it was obvious she was trying to control herself from giving off whatever emotional outburst that may come from her. She swallowed heavily and meet Maiell's eyes before looking at Amalia, a strange look in her eye. Then she looked back at her cousin.

"Do whatever you want. But don't speak with me again, 2nd Lieutenant," she said finally, her voice almost unnaturally even, as if the emotional argument had never taken place. With that, she turned and moved quietly passed the Bajoran and disappeared down the corridor.

Ma'erlit was tempted to tell her not to let the door hit her in the ass on the way out, but realized that would do no good for anybody, so she focused on Maiell, hoping he wouldn't hate her too much for this, ~Smooth, Amalia, damn smooth!~

His cousin out of sight and only himself and Ma'erlit left, Maiell turned away from the door and walked over to the couch before sitting down heavily, as if a great weight had been thrown onto his shoulders. He murmured something in Romulan Ma'erlit didn't understand before burying his face into his hands.

Ma'erlit took the seat next to him and placed her hands comfortingly around his shoulders, "I'm so sorry, baby."

"I am such an idiot..." he said, his voice muffled behind his hands.

"No, baby, you're not an idiot." Ma'erlit comforted him, "She's just got some real issues and you were defending me. You're a good man, Maiell, she'll get over it and hopefully have the decency to apologize because she was all wrong in this."

"Arrienye has nothing to apologize for. What she said was what she truly felt, it wasn't her trying to be mean. I'm the one who should go and apologize, but she'd never accept it. I should consider myself lucky if she ever calls me by my first name again after what I said," Maiell explained, resting his head lightly against her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, baby, this will all be okay in the end." Ma'erlit promised, though she wasn't sure exactly how this would end up being okay, ~I'll figure out something. Why is he being like this though? She was a total bitch!~

"I doubt it," he said honestly, lifting his head from her shoulder to look into her eyes. He watched her for a moment, reaching up to caress her cheek softly with the back of his fingers as he seemed to contemplate her. "Stay with me tonight," he whispered.

"Of course." Ma'erlit smiled, "I'll get my things from my quarters and stay right here with you."

He was about to protest, not wanting her to leave, but let her go, knowing it wasn't his right to control her actions. "I will be here when you come back."

Ma'erlit could look and tell he didn't want to be alone, so she decided he wouldn't be, "You know, I'll need some help carrying that stuff back." Ma'erlit said, "Could you help me with it?"

He gave her a small, grateful smile. "I would be happy to," he told her. "But, I will need to change," he said, looking down to see he was still in his sparring uniform.

"Okay, take your time, I'll decide what I'm going to make for dinner while you change." Ma'erlit promised, "We might have to stop by the Bajoran market on the Promenade for a couple things, though."

He nodded, disappearing into his bedroom. After a few minutes, he came out, this time dressed in a colour she hadn't seen him in. Or any other Romulan on the station, he guessed.

He wore what looked similar to a military uniform, only the belt and harness were less elaborate. He wore black trousers with black boots, but the jacket of the uniform was an almost angelic, pastel shade of pale minty green. It was worn over a white undershirt, with a white harness over it. The light colours seemed to make him appear younger, and more open and inviting.

"Nice!" Ma'erlit smiled, it certainly was flattering to him, "So, we ready?"

He nodded. "Yes. And, thank you. It is my House uniform," Maiell explained, motioning for her to exit before him.

"I like it." She nodded approvingly, taking his hand, "Let's go."


2 Lt. Maiell tr'Tahn


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek


Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia