Judgement – Discovering the leak
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Discovering the leak
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Feb 05, 2011 @ 6:08pm
Location   Main Ops
Timeline   SD 36 - 08:50hrs
Trellis exited the turbolift in a hurry. He knew that he was several minutes late to the meeting that was undoubtedly in progress. He wished he could have known what it was that they were meeting about.

The Captain didn't really want to bring this up before the Intel officers had a chance to do a little investigative work of their own, but she was more than sure of her Security team and Colonel Darson’s department.

She had sent through a request to the key members she knew she could trust to see if they had any input into what it may be and more so now that a "Borg" lifeform had been suspected of being aboard.

She sighed to herself wishing that Dorian was here, but fate had ways of dealing low blows.

Rhiana was in one of the more foulest of moods, having hit the proverbial wall of silence when it came to dealing with security, even enduring a couple of racial slurs from several security officers, if she had to put up with the same from the marines she was going to rip Darsons' arm off and throw him in the fusion reactor, as she fumed she caught a glimpse of the captain, "Captain, I'm not making any progress with anyone from security they seem to have a phobia of dealing with the intel office, and if I get the same reception with the marines I may have to request some drastic measures."

The Captain was amused at her facial disposition. Her eyebrows arced downwards and the scowl would turn milk as her grandmother used to say. Obviously she was was having some difficulty.
"Drastic measures? Politeness is a far more effective tool, but failing that, take a tip from Mata Hari." She advised as she came to a stop aside the intel officer.

"I've tried that, I think its the pointed ears that are the problem." she said.

Tahir could understand her view, but perhaps it was just that the security teams felt they were being persecuted.

"OK, I'm heading to the meeting room now. I am sure that Lieutenant Trellis will be as equally defensive, but you can only ask." She advised as she continued towards the operations meeting room.

"The only positive of the last eight hours, is Chief Ayers finally got into the Lieutenants' files, there is a list of six security and three marines that were and still are suspects, the three marines are all in the brig on something unrelated, and five of the six security officers are on duty right now." Rhiana paused "There's also a rather embarrassing collection of surveillance of the Romulan embassy staff and a cloaked ship in the docking bay."

Tasha only nodded. She knew what the intelligence was talking about, as she had given permission for the Romulan ship to remain cloaked in the station but was not entirely sure what she meant by embarrassing surveillance and for the files, if there were secure, that could also be embarrassing.

"We'll talk about it in the meeting room." She stated as she picked up her pace a little.

Surprisingly enough, Darson was early. He had clamored up through the Jefferies tubes and was now quietly in the darkness in the conference room, where he had been waiting for the past ten minutes. The dim glow of the PADD that he twirled around in his hand was his only companion.

This was trouble, he thought to himself as he leaned back in the seat, melting into the shadows. Easy to handle of course, but the problem lay in picking what method to use, any one of which could lead to possible complications further down the line. Either way, he was about to have to pick one as his motion detectors indicated that there were several people approaching the hatch.

As Tasha approached the meeting room, she saw the Chief of the Boat, Chief Jackson stood outside. Tasha assumed he was waiting for her.
"Chief." She greeted as she pushed at the door.

Jackson stood at a strict attention, giving not more than a mere nod in Tasha's direction and adding in a formal reply, "Sir." he said simply.

As the lights rose, Captain Tahir grinned, seeing the colonel safely ensconced in his usual seat.
"Colonel." She smiled as she greeted him also and as the doors swung slowly to a close, they opened inwards, with a very perplexed looking security officer and someone close behind who Tasha could not quite make out.

"Good morning Captain" Trellis stated as he entered the room. He glanced around and saw several other individuals. Some he did not recognize. "I assume we are having a staff meeting earlier than expected?" He inquired as he observed Lieutenant Space enter the room behind him.

Rhiana saw the lack of acknowledgement and simply sat down, a grey clad crewman entered handed Rhiana a PaDD and quickly exited, she quickly scanned the PaDD, raised an eye brow and passed it over too the Captain. She debated dropping the bomb herself but decided to wait until the captain had read the message her self.

Tasha read the PADD and her mouth dropped as a shiver ran down her spine. "This is beginning to seem like a witch hunt!" She remarked coldly as she read aloud the paragraph 'Marines and Security are to fully cooperate under penalty of imprisonment or discharge from Starfleet.' Tasha shook her head as let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Who ordered this?" She demanded as the statement was unsigned, "Do you think I am about to let this happen on Deep Space 5. I think not." She slid the PADD over to Trellis. "Nobody is suspect and as for co-operation, that is what we are here for now. Damn it all, as if we don't have enough angst on this station already!" She spoke her thoughts aloud, much to the amusement of the Journalist.

Rhiana commented, "The order codes mean it was issued by more than one admiral, my guess is JAG, Intelligence and Operations, and since Jarred is on a first name basis with one specific admiral chances are she is beyond irate at him being captured."

"What investigation?" Trellis inquired, not exactly sure what was going on since his department had never been informed of such an occurrence.

"Six security officers and three marines are suspects in security breaches concerning the large number of pirate attacks occurring in a region between the neutral zone and the Paulson nebula, and potentially the capture and possible murder of Lieutenant Wallace." Rhiana said staring a hole through the security officer "One of your officers was found with the dead body of a known pirate contact."

Trellis was taken aback at the revelation. Someone in his department was leaking information to pirates. No doubt this would reflect bad upon his leadership if others thought he had passively allowed this to take place. Even worst would be if they thought that he had something to do with this.

"Well, Captain, I'm sure you don't believe that *I* had anything to do with breach of station security?" Rhetorically. "But I can assure you, that I will get to the bottom of this and find out whoever is responsible." he said as he looked towards the Intelligence officer.

"Send me the information you have and I'll begin an internal investigation into my department." he said assuredly.

"Due to the nature of the charges you can't conduct any investigation in this matter, Starfleet has already dispatched an investigator, all we can do is collect evidence and submit it for review besides last thing we need is more accusations of cover ups around here." Rhiana commented first.

"Captain." Jackson pined in gently, "If you'd like I can perform an internal evaluation of the non-coms and attempt to gain information they may have concerning the matter, specifically of those enlisted personnel who work under or are acquainted to those suspects aforementioned."

Tasha shook her head with obstinacy from left to right and back again and then the word 'evaluation' seeped into her mind.

She turned toward Jackson. "That sounds prudent. Initiate an evaluation of all the crew, not just the enlisted. Bear in mind, we have an intruder in the station somewhere, a Borg that can temporally shift. Keep an open mind, that's all I can ask." She turned to the other crew members before striding around the desk.

"This is not a witch hunt, this is not an investigation. As Mr Jackson has suggested, it is an evaluation. No fingers are to be pointed, no blame apportioned. We will leave that to the investigator when ever they may arrive." Her eye fell upon Trellis. "Nobody is above or below the line here, we are all to be evaluated and everyone is to assist each other fully.

Rhiana spoke again "The only other catch is we have less than 30 hours before Admiral Janeway steps in and all of us are being questioned, by people from HQ, so if some rules have to be broken to get answers then we had better get moving." Rhiana paused seeing the Captains reaction "The short and ugly of it is we have more like 40 hours, eight to ten to beat some answers out of the suspects, twenty-two to find the pirates and the Lieutenant, and another four to contact the admiral."

Jackson nodded understandingly, "Then I'll give myself 6." he said simply.

"And no beatings." Tasha added, knowing it was just a phrase but she had already been hauled over the ill treatment of prisoners and she didn't want the same said of suspects.

Rhiana looked at the captain "I'll wear padded gloves." she said smiling.

Trellis furrowed his brow as he listened to the conversation around him. The last thing he needed was for the leak to actually be within his department. It would make him look incompetent as a leader. He had to find out what was going on before Jackson started prying. At least that way he'd be able to put some spin-control on it.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Colonel James Darson

Ens. Rhiana T'Sahen

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

CWO Jackson Jester