Unity – Interactions
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Interactions
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Thu May 27, 2010 @ 8:55am
Location   Chief Diplomat's Office
Timeline   SD17 - 1123 Hours

Vincent stumbled nervously as he exited the male bathrooms. He had given the need to relieve his bladder as an excuse to get out of his department, but given the situation he actually had needed to pay the head a visit. Times were trying, and Vincent's age was catching up to him.

The recent events surrounding Deep Space 5 made Vincent worry. There were too many strange craft flying around and it was difficult keeping track of where everyone was. Trying to work out a ship's intentions from its movement was even more testing. In any case, Vincent recognised it as a situation where he needed backup or at least an overseer who advise him on how to act should the proverbial hit the fan.

It was imperative for him to get in touch with Admiral Uhlan on the Thor. Even if he was too far out of range to render assistance to the station, at least the admiral could report the activities back to Starfleet, whom, Vincent felt, was building up quite a case against Deep Space 5.

But with the station on red alert and having only a few minutes before his absence was noted, Vincent could not use his usual methods of communication. It would have to be a rushed job, but it needed to be secure and certain. There was only one department in the whole of the station that possessed communications gear of that standard.

He sauntered into the department, ignored the Assistant and knocked on the Chief Diplomat's door.

Mathew was watching the growing development reports from the laptop on his nice, new desk with great intrigue. He didn't consider this a time to properly act as I't frankly wan't his problem yet. But after the fighting he was expecting requests from at least 17 different admirals and ambassadors minority of which he didn't like, on the situation which meant he would have to go and see the lovely security chief again about the situation.

As Mathew contemplated this he heard a sharp knock at the door.
He wiped his eyes and stood up, phaser hidden under the desk he hoped he would not thank himself for sealing the door today today.
"Computer have I any appointments for this time."
"All appointments have been canceled today."

Vincent swore and knocked some more, with extra force this time.

"Come in?"Mathew said wearily phaser ready incase he could feel his heart beating and slowed it.

"Lieutenant Vincent Tan," Vincent said as he stormed into the room, angry for waiting around when all that was needed to gain entry was a more forceful knock. "An urgent transmission needs to be sent on your most secure channel. I have it here."

Mathew was disgusted at the arrogance of the man, Coming in and demanding for him to use his secure channel. But he kept his cool.
"Well lovely to meet you Mr Tan."Mathew smiled and reset the phaser under his desk unknown to his visitor.
"Now what would I get out of this Mr Tan?" Mathew could sense anticipation from the Lieutenant.

"You will "get" out of this, lieutenant," Vincent said, using the voice that had chewed out juniour doctors and officers for years, "the very satisfying sense of doing your duty. This message is to be sent to the USS Thor-A, under command of Admiral Uhlan. It conveys our current situation to him and asks him to either render assistance or report back to Starfleet HQ."

Vincent threw the disk containing the message onto the table.

Mathew picked up the disk and smiled.
"I am a Star Fleet officer, I Do Not take demands Lieutenant."
He paused and returned to a calm state.
"I thought you, would be at least important enough to have your own secure channel? But since you don't. I think I have a proposal."

"As Chief Diplomat, one would hope that your communications channels would be more secure than mine," Vincent said dryly, sensing that his bluff would not be getting him anywhere. "And what is this proposal of yours, Totti?"

"In exchange for you having full access to my channel. I want full access to your Classified Intelligence files." Mathew stated.

Vincent was slightly taken aback. The truth was that this incarnation of "Vincent Tan" would not have any files. But if the diplomat snooped around a bit more, he might just find out what the real Vincent Tan knew. "What do you hope to achieve by this?"

"Why I need those files? Well there are a lot of Important Diplomatic people that come through here and I would like very precise information about them."

Vincent laughed out loud, more out of relief than anything. "Totti! Do you actually think I have any information on anyone? Me? I hardly know about all the staff in my department. But I will give you something..."

"Your supposed to be The great Intelligence man are you not? And what will you give me?"

"The "great intelligence man"? I think someone has been spinning some very tall tales for you to hear, Totti," Vincent said flatly. "I am the Chief of Strategic Operations Department. You must have me confused with Gabriel..."

"My god your right, I had you confused with Lieutenant Jarred Wallace!" Mathew was scared now. He had let his Fatigue get the better of him.
"Well then Mr Tan. I would like access to your classified data files on all ships in DS5 space. You know what you get in exchange." Mathew held Vincent's Data disk and tapped it lightly on his desk. "Well?"

Vincent was getting frustrated. He was wasting his time here and it would not take long before his absence was noted. "I've already told you that I don't keep any classified data files on anyone. But if you mean you want to look at the classified section of my record, then that decision is not mine to make. You'll have to ask the CO or XO if you want to look there. And you better have a better reason than the one you're giving me now!"

"If I want your file I'll have on my desk in an Hour Lieutenant." Mathew stated very calmly.

"You're being obstructive, Totti. You can either do as you're asked and send the message or I can find someone more willing to do their duty properly. I think spending all that time with Romulans and Klingons and Cardassians drinking tea and holding hands has blurred your loyalties, Totti."

Mathew was annoyed by Vincent's remarks and realised he had nothing to offer "My duty is not to send messages Lieutenant! Or to sit around drinking tea with my colleagues. My duty is to the federation. Now get out. And If your lucky I'll send your message.

"You can forget about the message," Vincent said, snatching the disk back from where it still lay on the desk. "It's enlightening to know what you would do for your diplomatic "colleagues" but not those who work their arses off to actually keep you nice and safe tucked away in this office!"

With that, Vincent stormed out, some of his internal frustration taken out on Totti. Whether the diplomat deserved or not, was a different matter and whether it had been Vincent's wisest move was also up for debate. In any case, he had to run back to his department.

Mathew smiled. He could sense Vincent's frustration and something else. He didn't know what it was though. he picked up the disk and placed it in a socket. "Computer he is of no use to us. Send the message I prepared earlier on my channel. Authorisation Mathew Jurani 2."
"Message sent." The computer replied in it's cryptic tone.
"Thank you computer." Mathew sat back in his chair and laughed but was curious why Elizabeth had not warned him of Vincent's Presence.


Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Lieutenant Vincent Tan