Judgement – Belladonna
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Patrick Shark

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Title   Belladonna
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Patrick Shark
Posted   Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 4:56am
Location   Quit's Bar
Timeline   SD 39 2200

Shark sat there inside of the Quit's Bar, sipping on a glass of Aldebaran whiskey. He was awaiting the Trill woman whom was working on something for him for his next job. He didn't completly like using someone he didn't know, but with a job he didn't know he was going to get, he had to use what he had ahead of him.

"What's your poison?" The woman inquestions seemed to almost materialise at his side.

Shark smiled a little at the woman. "Aldebaran Whiskey."

She signalled to the klingon barman to pour one for her, then pushed away from the bar. "Lets find a table. you might prefer a bit of privacy." She headed deeper into the bar, till she found a booth, and pulled the ratty curtain across it.

He nodded and followed her into the depth of the bar, carrying his glass with him taking a few sips along the way. Once she found the place she liked, Shark took a seat and pulled a silver case from his jacket and opened it up. Inside were a few cigars packed together. "Care for one? You were puffing on one last time we met and figured I'd offer."

"Thanks." She took one, and then smelled it. "Bolian. Nice." Then she produced a small scanner, like a half sized tricorder and subjected the cylinder to an inspection. Finding nothing more harmful than it should be, she clipped off the end and lit it with a tiny blow torch. As the chemicals hit her system she gave a happy sigh and closed her eyes for a minute.

When she opened them again, she was all business, swinging a case up on to the table. "You show me yours, I'll show you mine."

Another smile came from the lips of Shark as he grabbed one of the cigars from his case, perched it between his lips, only to put the case away. He bit part of the end off, in fashion as he always does, and lit the cigar and took a puff himself. "Careful, I can respect that." He took a leather pouch from the other side of his jacket and placed it on the table. "First, what's your name? I didn't ask last time, and I like to at least know whom I'm working with."

"A sensible decision. I'm Hex. And You are Patrick Dean Shark, Bounty Hunter. Ex Marine Intelligence, Ex Starfleet Operations. Went AWOL, and now seems to be his own man."

A chuckle stammered through. "So you did some checking. You at least know my history. I can respect that my dear Hex."

"I had to be sure you were legitimate. before I showed you these." She held her finger tips on the scanner locks of the case for a moment, and then the catches flipped up, and she drew the lid up, revealing half a dozen bottles, and vials and other things, nestled in black foam.

"Oh, goodies," he said a little more audible than he probably wanted to. Forgetting it ever slipped through his lips he shifted forwards to see inside the case. "What have we here?" he asked in a little bit of excitement.

"From Left ro Right,"Hex began, tossing her long braid over a shoulder. "Tetrodox in a glycerin microbeads. Straight injection, will break down in about an hour releasing the active agent. Bloody obvious as it then causes paralysis, and he'll arrest inside a few minutes later. most pain is likely to be when he hits the floor. Voraxna for ingestion and modified Voraxna for projectile. Both are death guarenteed, but fairly obvious poisons and easily traced. but will probably point Trrellis at other Cardassians first. You still have to get close enough to shoot or poison though." She drew on her cigar, and watched him to see that he was taking it in and not glazing over. "Felodesine Chips, ingested, will point to the Romulans." She gave a big grin at that. "That will insult him as well as kill him."

A smoke ring puffed out. "Moving on. Finally we have an oldie but a goody - Novichok 47, with a little tweak. Projectile or injection. Chances are the medic will give him atropine to try and counter it. Except that will act as catalyst to a little additive, and will make sure there's a brain melt down they can't resuss from. And then there's this." hex pulled the small phial of blood red liquid out of its foam nest and held it up. "This is a compound of my own creation. In small doses its completely undetectable, no taste, no after taste, and it breaks down in a matter of hours so that there is no trace in blood or urine. Only drawback is it needs to build up slowly. You'd have to get him to ingest at least a dozen doses."

He nodded, taking it all in and thinking about how he wanted to do this. He took a big drag from the cigar and instead of puffing it out, inhaled it in. Most people would have at least coughed, if not chocked on the smoke, but nothing came from him at all except a small dose of smoke through the nose. "What happens if all the doses are not given? Say if he only gets about half or just over?"

" If the build up stops, there's a day or two of peace and then the body will start trying to process it out. It will be the worst gastroenteritis of his life. He better stay close to a bathroom. He won't die, but he may wish he had."

He nodded a little thinking about what he wanted to do.

"So what's your thoughts?"

He popped his neck a little and took another puff of his cigar. He started nodded a little at the choices in front of him. He reached in his jacket and pulled another leather pouch and placed it on the tabel next to the other one. "Projectile Novichok 47 and your specialty."

"As you wish." she pried the projectile version of the neurotoxin out of its foam and set it infront of him, and placed the red vial next to it. "25 strips of latinum."

"Less than I thought," he said aloud but more to himself. "Both pouches will get you 40. You can have it all if you'll be willing to work with me more if I need it. I don't know how long I'll be on this station, and I have another job which I haven't decide how to take care of this one yet. It would be nice to have a - friend aboard."

Hex grinned as she inhaled another mouthful of smoke. "Have you got a plan on the when and the where. I want to make sure I'm nowhere near." a cloud of blue smoke escaped her lips as she spoke. "And Any man who's willing to give me two bricks of latinum can be as friendly as he likes."

"I wouldn't say something that open if I were you my dear," he said with a cheap wink and another sip of his whiskey. "And I don't know yet. Just got the job so I need to do a bit more research. I'd just suggest staying away from the Cardassian's for a bit, but I have a feeling I don't have to tell a woman in your standing words like that."

Hex gave him a knowing smile. "Why? Is such a big strong man as you going to take advantage?" She blinked innocent eyes at him. Then she shut her case with a snap. "Cardassians are good customers. They'll know if I dissapear. Just try to be a long way from me when you execute."

He gave an innocent but playful smirk. "Oh, I just might," he said with a wink. He took another puff and then another drink. "And don't worry, when the job goes down it won't come back to you. And you won't be anywhere near it."

"Welld one, that is the correct answer." Hex grinned. "A pleasure doing business with you, Mr Shark. I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

He lifted his glass to Hex and nodded. "As long as I don't get myself killed or jailed." He raised the glass higher. "Slainte!" he said and slammed the rest of his drink.

"Qa'pla!" Hex replied, and clinked her tumbler against his. "honey, I'm 300 hundred years old. I can cope if you go to jail. Just don't die. Dead clients don't become repeat customers."

Shark laughed as he stood up from the table. "Oh, for 300 you look Hex. And don't worry, I've been doing this a while. I doubt it'll be either. And I'm sure you'll see me again. Besides," he said looking around the bar. "Seems I know your hiding place."

"Its a bijou little bistro, to be sure." She snorted a cloaud of smoke out of her nostrils, laughing. "Just don't leave it too long, Shark. I may change my meatsuit, and you may find my new abode less pleasing."

"Stich with what you got Hex. A beauitful women's body in this day and age will get you further than an ugly one, or even a man's at time. But what do I know? I'm just a hired gun." He winked at Hex and started off, stuffing the posion in his pocket for concealment. He knew that if things went well with the Cardassian, he could use her again. Hell, he might even be able to have an actual friend out of her, but that was going to take time. Shark, was not a trusting man very quickly.


Patrick Shark
Bounty Hunter

Trill 'Pharmacist'