Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Scrambled Eggs
by Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Scrambled Eggs
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 6:56am
Location   Promenade, Mick's Cafe
Timeline   SD6 07:30
Jayfe Devero liked eggs. Tarkelian Frosthens eggs were his favourite, but he often settled for Terran Chickens eggs. Scrambled. He forked at the final mouthful, delighting in it as he chewed. The dry toast with a scraping of butter mixed with those eggs to create the perfect texture.

"Mick, that was perfect." Jayfe sat on a stool at a bench that surrounded an open kitchen, pushing the plate forward. The cafe itself was set in the middle of the promenade, streams of people moved in and around it. It was like an island in a river.

"No worries, teal." Mick called him that because he was the Chief Science Officer, teal being the colour of his collar. Not very original, but Jayfe had always appreciated the personal touch of nick names. "Drinks tonight?"

"It depends on how this briefing goes this morning and how much work I end up with..." Jayfe turned from the owner come chef come waiter. He let his gaze move with the crowd. Stray thoughts plagued him most sharply in the mornings, before his mental barriers were fully formed. "I'll see how I go."

"No worries, teal," he repeated while pouring coffee for another patron. "Good luck."

Jayfe nodded and collected a PADD he planned to read over breakfast, but never got around to - like always. Good intentions, bad follow-through. Why did he always leave reading these damn reports until moments before briefings? *Another day,* he thought as he drew himself away from the sweeping windows that displayed the vastness of space he often forgot. Ships came and went. People moved. Reports to read. No Romulans here, no assassination attempts now. Another day.