Unity – Almost Done
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Almost Done
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 9:11am
Location   Star Fighter Hanger Main Hanger Bay
Timeline   MD15 Backpost

Dunham walked across the metal girded gangways of the flight deck. Below him engineering crews worked hard on fighters. Pilots did weapon checks, and officers inspected and drilled crews. He leant on the railing and looked down below him and nodded in appreciation. It was a machine, Gabriel may have security, Darson may have the marines. But this, this was his world, and he was damn proud of it.

He looked down to see the final touches being done to their runabout project. A fuel carrier for the fighter crafts that could refuel the small craft on the move, expanding the range of patrol missions from the station. Dunham headed down to the runabout hoping to catch Mr Freeman before he had to go else were, he was a very busy man.

Bruce threw a plasma torch down onto the deck. "Why is it that whenever something is close to being finished nothing can go right?" He yelled to no one in particular. "Because you treat everything so nice through the rest of the process." Came a reply from one of his team. "Yeah yeah shut your trap." He added walking around the back of the runabout and noticing the requester of the project. "No I am not going to add anything else to this piece of scrap." He said kicking the roundabout.

"Whats up chief?" Said Dunham with a smile as he walked towards the engineering tea and the project.

"Oh not much just unexpected problems. Luckily its almost finished."

Dunham walked around the heavily modified runabout, taking in all the modifications to the small starship. It was a fine bit of work and a good job done by the engineering crew and deckhands, the vessel was now capable of receiving a fighter in mid flight to refuel it. The convertible module section that went on top of the runabout had been modified to contain a compact fuel substance. The formula for this had been provided by Mr Tovon, head of the science department. “this is really good work chief, really good work. Were there any problems?”

"Just some aesthetic ones nothing too substantial. Give us another day and you will be able to take it out and test it."

“What technical modifications did you have to make?” said Dunham continuing his snooping around the ship.

"Not to many technical modifications more of aesthetic changes. We stripped out all in innards to make room for as many anti-matter injection pods as possible. We changed around a few conduit pathways to allow as little decline in power as possible to occur also. This shuttle should get you at least twice as much flight time as you would have been able to do."

Dunham’s smile broadened across his face. “That’s damn fine work Mr Freeman, I’ll you to it.” He gave the engineer a friendly slap on the back and then carried on his rounds of the hanger bay.


Lieutenant Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineering Officer


Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader