Judgement – A Question for Command
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A Question for Command
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Nov 19, 2010 @ 9:09pm
Location   CO's Offices
Timeline   SD35 17:30

Trellis was filled to the brim with anger. He was trying his hardest to keep his anger contained, in front of his security officers and that of the rest of the crew. He couldn't believe that she had undermined his authority in such a cavalier manner.

Yes, he understood that she was the Commanding Officer of the station. But even she could appreciate the severity of the situation and recognize how keeping Dorian Gabriel contained in the brig was the best option for the trial, the crew, and least of him, himself.

He took several deep breathes as he stood before the yeoman. "Is the Captain available?" he asked in a controlled tone.

"Yes Lieutenant, she is in her office." Came the reply.

"Very well, I would like to speak with her and the Executive Officer as well." he responded.

"I will advise them both. Go on up Lieutenant." Her arm raised to the upper deck, though there was little point it was something she did automatically and as the security officer breezed past, she signalled Tahir and Villiers and for good measure, copied in the doctor also.

Chelsea had barely made it back to Sickbay before she found herself being called back to the CO's office. ~Already? By the Prophets, if this is the way it's going to be I'll need to get myself cloned to cope!~ she thought as she retraced her steps.

Allowing the door to slide open before stepping in, Chelsea glanced around the room and stood to attention before Tasha. "You sent for me, Captain?" she reported in.

Karen was still XO until her shift ended and she had been in her office using that time to tie up a few loose ends.

"What's going on?" she asked as she walked through the door to see the doctor, the captain and the gently steaming Acting Chief of Security gathered in Tahir's office.

Tasha stood at her desk and could see that Trellis was more than a little miffed.

"Please, sit down." She urged more to Trellis than Karen and Chelsea and allowed the security chief to vent his view and she could only guess that it was about Gabriel.

Chelsea moved back and let Tasha and Karen handle this, making mental notes.

Si'Lar sat down in the chair before him and waited for the other officers to sit before he began to speak.

"Captain, I just received word from the detainment center that you ordered inmate Gabriel to be released into his own custody?" He asked incredulously.

Tasha eyed him for a moment, not looking toward either Commander on her flanks.
"Not quite correct, I ordered that he be detained in his own quarters with a guard at all times." She took a breath and gave a long sigh. "He is still the Chief of security and as such, I feel that he does not need to be detained in the brig. In my opinion, he needs his friends, as well as his colleagues." She half explained her decision, leaving out the part of her own guilt.

"Ma'am, I'm sure that you can appreciate the unique severity of this situation. That man was the chief of this station's security. There is no telling what systems he still has access to, nor what he could potentially accomplish outside of the purview of my department."

This was the last thing Tasha had expected to hear, though she knew the current security chief had the stations and Starfleets best interests at heart, Gabriel was his department head.

"I would have expected you to have removed all of Gabriel's clearances and his quarters to have been thoroughly searched!" She remarked in defense. "Even he would not put himself in harms way?" The question was more a statement.

Karen happened to agree with Trellis; making Gabriel out to be some 'special case' did not sit well with her, nor would with a lot of people. He was accused of murder, and should be treated as such.

"I understand that, but he is not merely on administrative leave. He has been charged with *murder*, in particular, a Romulan Civilian. Appropriate measures should be followed." he replied.

She gave a single nod. "I concur, but we must still show that we trust him. There is a difference between 'Charged' and 'Guilty' and though I am usually one of the last to condone any of Gabriel's actions, I need him to feel comfortable, to feel wanted and needed. I need him to trust me." She stated. Tahir glanced towards Karen, and the thought that this may be influential to her as the presiding Judge, she was not sure how her First officer felt. "I need to trust him." She added in a quieter voice.

"Captain Tahir," Karen said, "In this instance, there is no difference. I'm working with an uncomfortable hybrid of systems here, and whilst we might believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' the Romulans have agreed to a fair trial in order to give him one chance to prove that he is innocent of this crime. Do you understand the nuance?" she asked. So this was the moment in which Karen formally shrugged off her role as Executive Officer, she realized, "And do you understand that your order to take him out of the brig is going to crack open a whole box of voles?"

Chelsea could see both sides. She winced. "But it's not as if he's been set free?" she added quietly. "He's still under arrest and detainment, just with the dignity that his rank demands restored to him. Surely the Romulans would recognize that - they wouldn't have allowed one of their high ranking officers to be thrown into some common jail in the reverse situation." She defended.

"What they would, or would not do is irrelevant," Karen replied, "what the Federation has agreed is. Put him back, Tahir, or you risk voiding the co-operation agreement we have," she said in frustration.

Tasha stared at Karen, understanding the position as Karen saw it, to to maintain a balance of co-operation as her eyebrows arced downwards.

"Commander, my rank is Captain and you will address me as such. I read the accord that was put in place and I did not read of any Starfleet agreement to 'where' Gabriel is detained, as long as he is so. Confinement to his quarters under continual guard is not a liberty and whether it was you, I or any other department head, I would expect nothing less and I would give nothing less. If this is a problem for you, then I will personally sit outside his quarters and give the Romulan Ambassador my own personal assurance on Gabriel's behalf." She prayed that if it came to it, Gabriel would not betray her and that right now, it was her neck on the block as well as her Captaincy.

"Then you misread the edict, Captain," Karen said getting to her feet, "I am no longer under your command, but that of the office of the Judge Advocate General, it is my responsibility to ensure an unbiased trial. If you have a representation to make, you know where the court offices are."

Karen turned to leave. It hurt her to do this, she knew that Tahir meant well, but she also knew what was at stake.

Tasha felt the burden of responsibility and she knew what had to be done and though what she had ordered would have ramifications of their own, she was not about to let one of her officers be held on the brig and also was not about to relent on the command she had given.

As Karen turned, she was going to reply, but she knew when to say nothing and this was one of the times when a silence was required. Her eye fell back to Trellis, wondering what his rebuke would be and would thank Chelsea for her support later.

"Captain, this is undoubtedly a tough decision, but you must see the truth in Commander Villier's words. Inmate Gabriel must not be shown leniency or special favor due to his rank. An example must be made." He added.

Chelsea's light Bajoran ridges creased together. "An example?" she forgot to check if she should actually be speaking and simply said what she felt.

"Surely we need to ascertain if he's actually *done* anything that we need to deter others from copying before we put him in the stocks and pelt him with rotten vegetables, Lieutenant?"

Adams had to take a breath to rein back the color of her chosen metaphor, especially as it seemed to reveal a horror at the zeal that appeared to be emerging from Trellis. She realized she had been reminded of the middle ages and was therefore in danger of slipping on from that image to the subsequent one of history's 'witch-finder-generals' if she allowed her mind to continue down that route. She did NOT want to believe that was what they were facing here, on this base, in this Century.

Chelsea made Tasha want to smile, but she could not be seen to be flippant under the current circumstance and turned her head to Trellis.

"I am not questioning Dorian's guilt or innocence. I am however, questioning the fact that the station's Chief of Security is incarcerated in the brig under the behest of the Romulan government for a crime he supposedly committed. I will not allow them to dictate to us how we treat one of our own just because they see fit to demand such." She slid the PADD across the desk.

"He has not been 'Charged' with murder, he is being held on suspicion of murder. A subtle difference Lieutenant." Tasha stated.

But the pertinent subtlety, the single one that had secured the agreement of the Romulan Government was not grasped - in their eyes he had to prove his innocence, and that was the point of this trial; and by that, he was de facto charged and guilty. That was what Tahir did not understand, by defending his 'rights' she had violated the agreement between the two powers, and invalidated the one that protected Gabriel from extraction.

Trellis sighed deeply as he took the PADD and stood up, still facing his Commanding Officer. "Your orders, Captain?" he asked.

Tasha was unsure. Her actions had been guided by emotion, she needed counsel and there was only two people she trusted to give her the best advice..... Isha and her trusted ally in Starfleet, Admiral Robert Hardy Dowel.

"For now Lieutenant, I want Commander Gabriel taken to his quarters where he can freshen up and change his clothes. He will have 30 minutes whilst I seek advice. You are to remain with him at all times. Thank you for your consideration." She ended and waited for them to leave.

Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers

Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO (Acting XO)

Lieutenant Si'lar Trellis
Acting CSO