Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Why Kanar and Spies don't mix

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Title   Why Kanar and Spies don't mix
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Posted   Wed Nov 05, 2008 @ 12:48am
Location   The Matahari/Airlock
Timeline   Station Time: 1900Hrs
Tag   All/Raka
"KANAR!!!" A Voice yelled at the bar. "I want Kanar!!!" Usually by this time, Natrina would've had the man howling in pain, but something instantly caught her attention about this man. Gul Korak, of the Obsidian Order, also known as Elis Korak. This was unexpected, for here she had, right in front of her, a former Obsidian Order controller for an entire sector of Federation Space.

But what was beautifully ironic about this Cardassian, is that he reduced himself to a swaggering, worthless drunk. Natrina spoke. "But ofcourse, good sir." Natrina poured the Cardassian a glass of Kanar. "Ya know, youuu're phamiliar." Natrina grinned wickedly, "What on Earth makes you say that?"

"You remind me of... somene. Red hair, like yours. Charming, beautiful, and a prize for any Cardassian Man. But she betrayed me." Natrina knew what he was speaking of, Karak always had a thing for her. "Well, take heart. It is better to have loved and lost, than to have loved and endure the harsh reality that seems like a blade cutting into your chest." He took a drink from his glass and emptied it. "Ain't that the truuth. More Kanar!!! More Damn you!!!"

Natrina spoke. "Easy there, I have more in my storage bay. How would you like to accompany me. I may have a fine vintage in; 2341." The drunk Cardassian spoke. "Well, your... alright... You know how to treat a man." Natrina's distaste for the man grew with every moment. "Follow me... we shall drink to lost loves and the Cardassian Union. She lead the man down the corridor, keeping a steady pace from him, she finally turned an intersecion. "Hey.... Waaaiiit for Meee....." The Cardassian ran after Natrina, but could not find her anywhere. The Cardassian began to look around, stumbling frantically, and finally checking inside an airlock. Without warning the Airlock closed behind him and a small device activated.

"Gul Korak, do you remember me?" A voice said.

His eyes widened at the voice, "It was you!! So this is where you rrran!!!"

"Oh my dear Gul, you know better than anyone that I do not run from my problems. I just deal with them, one day at a time. Don't bother screaming for help, this airlock is quite insulated from the rest of the base, and this communicator transmits on a frequency that Starfleet dose not scan for." The voice said.

"What do you want? Fame? Power? Glory?" The response came. "Why my dear Gul. My desires are not that ambitious or material. You should've studied humans more, as they are a fascinating race. Especially the Romantic Author; Henry David Thoreau. I am a simple woman Gul, and my desires are simple. Retirement, a fresh start if you will. The life I never had. I want to live Gul Korak, I want the galaxy to be my bowl of cherries for me to delight in. But you are a threat, and you will tell the rest of them that I live, and I cannot have that. For the next few moments, contemplate this Earth Saying. 'In Space, no one can hear you scream.' Goodbye my dear Gul Korak." The communication device vaporized.

A dread silence began to pervade the area. Suddenly the Airlock Door ripped off and the Cardassian was sucked out into space. "WARNING!! Airlock 478B Malfunction in Progress."


OOC: This is a little side plot between Natrina and Rakka :)