We All Fall Down – Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Aug 24, 2014 @ 9:37pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   WAFD02 7:32

Senior nurse Betara Q'iel looked at the padd. The bolian in front of her snuffling like a elderly tribble smiled weakly and sneezed again into a hankerchief. "When did these symptons start?"

" A day or so, not long, but its so bad!" The bolian smiled weakly, apologising with his look for caving in and coming to sick bay so soon.

"Well, there's not a lot we can do for the common cold." She held a tricorder scanner over the Bolian;s chest, tutted at the readings, and went onto check his sinuses and throat. "You're quite blocked. I can prescribe a decongestant but other than that, go home, put your feet up, and get plenty of fluids. You just have to ride it out i'm afraid." She turned to the dispensery replicator next to her desk and ordered the medication. "there you go."

He nodded, "Thanks. Take care." and he stepped out of her office and back to the turbolift.

Betara stood up and put her head round the partition between her office and the duty GP. "Can I ask a question, doctor?"

Lydia looked up from her padd and turned her head. "Of course," she said with a smile.

"How many people do you have come in with flu? Becuase I've just sent away my 20th patient today. And they're all saying they started feeling ill in the last 72 hours." Betars crossed her arms over her chest. "Its more than we've seen in a while. And we're in space, its not as if its seasonal."

She ran a hand into her hair, "Fifteen, it didn't look like anythng other than a bug," she continued as she got to her feet.

"That makes what, 2 out of every 3 appointments?" Betara looked over to the other offices where the various nurses and doctors were seeing their patients. Nothing could be seen through the frosted glass walls, but she was wondering if her colleagues had the same odds.

Having stepped in after the disaster Doctor Quick was still catching up - "That's not right - close on eighty percent (allowing for other admissions)."

Lydia turned. "Anyone not urgently involved, in my office please."

Staff filtered in, mostly prescribing nurses, and the two junior doctors. Eight in total, with the other four still to finish with their patients. There was worry and apprehension alround. Dr Ling sneezed. Betars flinched.

"I've been reviewing the files and we had an outbreak about four five years ago. The symptoms seem the same, Todays stats are a concern."

"Flu like?" Staff Nurse Verell consulted a padd. "I had 12 come through triage when I was covering Allison's break. I don't normally do it so I wasn't sure if that was unusal." He frowned. "But now you mention it, it did seem high. And not species limited either."

"I've had ten," another nurse volunteered, and the numbers kept coming. Twelve, eighteen, twenty five, thirty per consultant over the morning shift. Betara looked at Lydia. The Doctor was right, the stats were a concern.

"Ler's put this into the database and see if anything tallys," Lydia directed while hoping it was not the case. "I was reading a report from the last CMO. There was a surge in cases several months ago, but they died down and the research was put on ice. I'll cross reference and check just how similar these events are," she added as she set the computer to link the cases.

Betara looked at the screen with its legend of 'working' wonderingwhat was taking so long. She was going through in her head the implications of an outbreak. The environmental filters would catch almost every pathogen known, and even a few not. But if this was new...

The computer pinged. No matches. Everyone started looking at each other nervously. a small but noticeable gap opened up around Dr Ling.

Lydia spoke. "Ling, you're relieved of duty until we find out what this is. We'll take a swab. After that, you're confined to quarters for the next five days as a precaution. Understood?"

Ling looked mortified, but she nodded, and immediately went to get a swab.

Betara did some quick math in her head. Ling had worked the last three days. Which meant if this was the same thing as everyone else, she most likely caught it some time in the last 72 hours.

"Ling, wait!" The young doctor turned. "When you get to quarters, can you work out everywhere you've been. We should try and figure out where this coming from."

"Good thinking, Betara," Lydia said, "Any and all of you who have been on duty in the timescale return to quarters. We'll get a new shift in, but you're not off duty. See what you can do to identify. Notify immediately if your synptoms intensify."

There was a nervous shuffling of feet as the affected staff separated themselves from the rest of the room. Betara and two others were left in a tiny know, with the others to the left of Lydia Quick's desk. Betara and Lydia exchanged looks. two thirds of the staff had shuffled across. That was unprecendented.

"I'll get the staff roster." Betara realised that it would take a lot of hunting to get qualifying staff into sickbay. The sooner they started the better, or there would be no sick bay.


Doctor Lydia Quick


Senior Staff Nurse Betara Q'iel
(NPC by Notty)