Judgement – Applying Grease Where It's Needed
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Applying Grease Where It's Needed
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Aug 23, 2011 @ 9:47pm
Location   Stations Customs
Timeline   SD 39 0930
=^= Stations Customs, Deep Space Five =^=

Zane walked into the customs office which just looked like the old Earth DMV or any other old Earth governmental office. Windows and long lines of unhappy looking people and this was when Zane was glad that he didn't join StarFleet or at least the services section of StarFleet. As he looked at the lines trying assume which one was moving the fastest and also being able to have a female customs agent.

He decided on the center line it didn't have as much people and a very attractive female agent sitting there. He just hoped he would get up there before the switch happened and end up with a man or a not so attractive female agent.

"Next." Dana called out, already severely aggravated at the lack of appreciation for her efforts in keeping the stations rules and regulations in order. Nobody came forward as she cursed the lack of interest. "Next" She shouted again, this time with a little more brutality to her tone.

"Sorry........." Zane said walking up to the customs agent, "bad day?" He asked with a small smile knowing that it must be hell working a job like this.

Tapping at her PADD, she cast an upward glare at the fellow who was after all, trying to appear friendly. Dana also knew the friendly ones had something they wanted to hide, or usually so.

"No, on the contrary. A day like every other. Authorisation and identity?" She questioned, holding up her free hand to take the PADD he held somewhere about his person.

"Civilian Scientist, Zane Donovan." He said pulling out his ID chip and handing it to her.

The customs officer took the chip and scanned it. "What is your area of expertise?" She asked whilst the confirmation was being authorised but avoided looking at Zane concentrating on the screen.

"RnD mainly computers and military equipment." Zane said not sure if this was just small talk or she was vaguely interested what he did for a living. "Speaking of equipment I've a contract pending and that's actually why I'm here I need to expedite some paper work for some incoming materials."

Now Dana turned her head upward to look at the man who had identified himself as a scientist. His piercing blue eyes were in contrast to his dark hair and he had a muscular physique, which belied the fact that he was a scientist.

"Computers and Military equipment?" A small smile came to her lips. "And you want to expedite some paperwork. Do you mean you want someone to speed up the process a little? Perhaps move your name to top of my list?" She questioned as she figured that if it were only paperwork, then there may be a free lunch or even a dinner if she helped him along.

Zane just nodded feeling if he did get caught a nod would be easier for an excellent lawyer to prove never happened than an actually saying yes. "I only ask seeing how close my deadline is." He said with a smile.

She could hear in his response that he had done this several times before and he knew how to manipulate certain situations to his favour. In a similar vein, she responded.

"And how close is your deadline? And what would be the repercussions of you missed it?" Her smile widened as her brow arched upward.

"I have month and half. Millions in credits lost plus the time, effort and cost of supplies." Zane said looking at the women seeing that not all Fleet personnel were exactly on the up and up.

Dana looked back down at his chip, slid it to one side and took a clean PADD from her middle drawer. "Well Mister Donovan, a great deal can happen in six weeks." She spoke a little quieter as she transferred data from the chip to the PADD, "and we never know just how important a scientists research is, until he explains it in more detail." She slid both the PADD and the ID chip back across the desk.

"I know a very nice restaurant on the promenade deck that serves the best linguine in the quadrant. If you have the time to explain to me in a more comprehensive manner, we may be able to improve the chances of your deadline being acquired saving you time, effort and credits and maybe, just maybe, you could find yourself with a little extra." Her smile widened even more so as she tapped lightly on the PADD.

Zane just nodded again taking the hint and deciding that actually agreeing to anything within the confines of the customs office would look really bad. Than again what just happened could be seen as not good in the eye of the law but than again that's what Zane enjoyed about his job.

Dana watched as the scientist walk away and hoped that he would turn around, just to let her know he was as interested as she was.

As Zane walked away he just smiled for several reasons one he actually accomplished what he wanted to do without being arrested and detained. And than two he somehow ended up with a date out of this. Chuckling to himself he turned around to take one more look at the women giving her a smirk he finally walked out of the customs office feeling lighter.

She waited as a another client stood before her and cleared his throat as an announcement that he was waiting.

Dana rose her finger and wagged it sidewards as a signal to wait until she was ready and it was not until Zane reached the door before giving her the signal she had waited for, a glance over his shoulder.

Dana smiled to herself as she flattened her hand towards the overweight Ferengi.

"Authorisation and ID." She asked in a more pleasant tone than she had given Zane as she was felling quite pleased with herself.


Customs Officer Dana Pugh
By Tasha


Civ Zane Donovan
Civilian Contractor
Deep Space Five
(Apb Rhiana t'Riuurren)