Intermission – Sniffing for Trouble
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival John Quinn

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Title   Sniffing for Trouble
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival John Quinn
Posted   Sun Jun 02, 2013 @ 9:57am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD73
It had been a strange day. A long day, and yet it was barely past midday Station Time. John Quinn had arrived on the Station yesterday, had barely a night's sleep, hadn't adjusted to Station Time, and already had to deal with a strange Welcome Ambassador and a surly Bolion comedian of a Security crewman.
On the plus side the Security Crewman had allowed for the early release of their pet dog Chromie, so there would be at least some positives taken from today when Jamie would return for Dinner. Jamie had went off on her to explore the Station. Apparently it wasn't 'cool' to be seen hanging with your Old Man when you were a 14 year old Girl. John still had a lot to learn about being a parent.

The midday Promenade crowd were going about whatever regular business they had. John stopped and sat on a nearby bench that looked out over the rest of the Promenade below. Above them a large view window cast out into the vastness of space. John gazed at it for a while, wondering if anyone ever felt overwhelmed by such a sight, or if the concept of the Universe, Time and Space Travel had become a trivial matter to most Races now.
He sighed. It was far too early in the morning to start having deep philosophical mono-debates.

The Station seemed nice enough, at least from the tiny part of it he had seen so far. One thing was obvious - it was massive. Certainly the biggest Man Made Structure John had ever visited or been Stationed on. He had spent the early part of his Starfleet Career as a Science Officer posted on smaller science vessels here and there, before... before Molly's death...
John sighed again. Nevermind.

He heard a scratching sound coming from inside the crate. It was Chromie - the dog. He was trying to get out.

"How about we get y'out of there, eh?" John said as he looked at the containment crate Chromie had been kept in. The dog's little eyes looked back at him with a pleading look. "Aye." He opened the crate and let the Miniture Schnozer out. The dog lept from the box and into John's arms, painting his face with long wet dog licks.

"Get off..!" John said, trying to keep the happy dog's signs of affection away. He put the dog on the floor and closed the crate. The next thing he knew the dog was gone, a bark could be heard, and the sounds of shocked and giggling people could be heard further along the promenade. "Aww, bloody hell..." The dog had ran off.
John couldn't blame the little guy considering he had been kept in a crate for nearly an entire day now. Yet, that still didn't make the day any easier.

At the same time, Saria had finished up her reports and headed off to shop for some new clothes. Hence her Trill origin, she still liked Earth clothing the best. Much more style, color and variation than those on her homeworld, Trillius Prime, which she considered to be "stale". However, she enjoyed wearing chique dressed more, rather than her casual attires.

Pondering about what to buy, she noticed some people further to giggle spontaneously, and step aside. Before Saria could determine what was happening, she noticed the people looking down got more near her every second. Something was speeding into her direction, but as she randomly suggested, it actualy headed toward her. She stopped, and stood steady, ready to ace whatever came toward her. Though, she was baffled to see a miniature Schauzer running out of the crowd toward her. The Schnauzer leaned with it's front paws against Saria's legs, panting and wiggling it's tail. She'd expect it to bark furiously, but the dog remained silent.

She patted the dog on the head, and looked into the direction of where it came from, finding the possible owner. It didn't take long for her to determine that a civilian man wearing glasses, to Saria's amazement, to approach her trough the crowd of people on the Promenade.

John tried his best to weave through the group of people on the Promenade who had turned around to track the flight of the lone dog running excitedly through what was for most a normal day. Brief apologies were just enough to get by as he pushed his way through those in his way. It was still morning, yet this day was quickly becoming one of frustration and bordering very closely on becoming a full blown adventure.
So far John had dealt with an over enthusiastic Welcome Committee from the 'Neighbour', collected his dog from the local Security Sub-Station, which housed the Universe's worse Bolion Comedian, and now here he was chasing his dog through the walkways and 'streets' of the promenade. To make matters worse all of this was happening with little over 4 hours sleep. His temper was growing.

John's face dropped into a puzzled look of amazement as he finally caught up with Chromie - the dog causing all the trouble. It was making quick circles around a tall blond haired Trill. The way she had her uniform tucked into her boots only seemed to further elongate her tall slim frame. John frowned as he approached, Chromie gave out a weak yap, his tail wagging frantically. At least someone was enjoying the morning.

"I'm sorry, it's his walk." John apologised, trying to calm his anger and control the tone of his voice and Scottish Accent. He had learned over the years that despite the all the alien races, and all the alien languages in the universe, everyone still seemed to have trouble understanding a Scottish accent. Such is life.

Saria shook her head. "It's no problem at all. Dogs tend to be attracted to my symbiont, for what it seems. Probably some kind of bioneural energy that affects them." She smirked, stroking the dog's head. "Long time ago that I saw a miniature Schnauzer, and that was even way before my assignment at Deep Space 5." She turned her head toward the owner of the dog, and extended her hand. "Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief Science Officer aboard this station."

John slowly reached out and shook Rex's hand, only just realising that she was a Trill... and an ex-Borg? Her long hair had covered the spots and the implants from distance, but now they were plain to see. However, it wasn't that which disturbed him - while he wasn't overly comfortable with the thought of sharing your experiences and life with another living organism in the same body, and even the innate fear associated with the intergalactic terrors of The Borg didn't throw a chill down his spine as much as those little words had 'Chief Science Officer...'.

Typically, almost without fail, the one person on the entire Station Chromie would somehow manage to run into would be the Chief Science Officer. The dog knew.

"John Quinn. Civilian." He gave a brief smile and hoped it didn't look as fake as it felt.

Saria took notice of John's brief smile, but didn't comment on it. She knew that alot of people that she met were initially uncomfortable near her, probably hence her various implants. "Well, Mr. Quinn. I haven't seen you before on the station, so I presume that you are new here, aboard our mighty outpost?" She smirked. Saria was usually a woman that would smile all day long, sometimes even uninterrupted. "And excuse me if I'm mistaken. I tend to remember most faces aboard the station, but sometimes... one of them slips out of my mind."

She watched John closely, trying to memorize his face. The beard and the glasses were quite distinct, but the face seemed relatively familiar to her. Probably someone else that looked like him. His accent confirmed Saria's thought.

"Aye, just arrived yesterday." John replied, omitting the entire day's events leading up to this point in time. It was enough to drive him mad, so he could only imagine how much it would bore someone else. "Thanks for the welcome." He grabbed Chromie, the dog, by the collar and pointed to the floor. The dog fought against his desire to play and reluctantly sat down. John could feel the smile from the Trill still beaming. He looked up and returned the brief smile again. He felt like he had to say something.

"So, you wouldn't happen to know where the best place to walk a dog would be, would you?"

"Well, you're lucky to have the dog already with you. Normally, it had to get checked first or go into quarantine." She said. "Especially if you had that Bolian rascal on duty. He isn't really into pets, you know. Well, maybe if he can serve them as food, but other than that..." Saria rolled her eyes.

"In fact, I do know where you can get your little friend to walk. Deck 410, the Arboretum. I bet there should be some other dogs there as well. I'll bring you there." She said, pointing to the nearest turbolift.

Quinn stuttered over his words slightly. This was an awkward situation. He had the impression he was being ambushed, perhaps scouted. He looked at the tall blonde Trill, with optic cyber implants, and decked out in the blue of Starfleet's Science Department.
He wanted to turn on his heel and go the other way, but Chromie was already on his way towards the turbolift.

"Aye... why not." Quinn said reluctantly.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer


John Quinn