Interlude – Ouch! Part 2
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Ouch! Part 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 10:54pm
Location   Sickbay/Box of Delights
Timeline   SD31 early evening (Backpost)

Jana returned back to sickbay to meet her new friend. She wondered what Rick would say if he knew that they were going out for drinks and dinner. "Hi Chelsea!"

Chelsea looked up from a conversation she was having with Ben, her ACMO. "Oh hi Jana!" she smiled. "Jana, this is Ben. I'm sorry, I'm afraid an emergency has just cropped up. I can't come out tonight but Ben has offered to take my place. Isn't that nice of him?"

"Hey Jana!" Ben held out his hand to shake Jana's. "Nice to meet you."

"Hey, no problem Chelsea. Hi Ben." She smiled. For the first time since her arrival she felt welcome aboard the station.

"So? Where are we going?" Ben asked, his handsome face lit up with a smile that would melt an Andorian Iceberg.

"I've booked a table at The Box of Delights in half an hour's time." Chelsea smiled. "You kids have fun!" She was about to hurry off to see to the emergency patient just being set up for surgery in Theatres.

"Hmm?" Jana asked and was caught still looking at Ben, she blushed. "Of course, see you in half an hour." She said as he left.

"The Box of Delights" Ben called out as he hurried off to get ready. .

"I have not seen him before." Jana whispered to Chelsea. "But...I have only been back for a few days..."

"He's new too. He only came aboard 10 days ago." Chelsea replied with a light smile.

"You'll love him. He's gorgeous!" She said, grinning sheepishly.

"I think I have already fallen in love with him...and you are right...he is gorgeous." She smiled. Jana needed some fun since her encounter with Krem. She wasn't ready to talk to Chelsea about it and she probably never would.


Box of Delights - 20 minutes later.

Ben walked in to 'the Box' and looked around to see if Jana was already there. He wasn't sure if she would be but he was really pleased when he saw her sitting at a table near the window. He beamed at her and went over.

"I'm so glad you came!" he said. "I wasn't sure if you would, what with being thrust into this with a guy you've never met! But thank you for coming. I'd have been a sorry sight here alone waiting."

Jana smiled, "of course I came! What good manners would it be if I stood you up? Besides...I am fairly new to the station too...I come and go because of my work. I have only been back a few days."

"So we're both pretty new..... we should go exploring then!" he enthused. "How about tomorrow?"

"Or we can go tonight after drinks and dinner...I am not expected to be back in sickbay until tomorrow morning." She raised her left wrist that was still bandaged and splinted. "Definately will teach me not to take the safety protocols off again." Jana laughed.

"You poor thing. You need 24hr medical supervision for that!" he smirked, teasing her. "As for late night exploring... You're on!" The waitress came over for their orders.

"Um.... what are you having?" he asked Jana.

"Something that doesn't require you having to cut anything for me...I'll have the chili. What about you?"

"Awww. But as a Surgeon, I'm expert at cutting!" he protested with a grin.

"Roast Andorian Targ Goulash" he ordered from the waitress "with plenty of meat so I can cut it and torment my friend here!" He waved an empty fork before Jana's lips to demonstrate his nefarious plan.

"Fine, then I would like strawberry dumplings." She replied sitting straighter in her chin.

As the waitress left the table, Ben looked quizzically at Jana as if trying to figure something out. "What made you change your mind?" he asked with a smile.

Jana shrugged, "you were teasing me. Perhaps I can ignore the pain and cut the dumplings myself." She smiled.

"NOT a chance! I'm not going to miss the opportunity to get closer to you!" Ben was laughing but there was an element of honest admission in his comment.

"So you are going to cut up my food for me and feed me too eh?" She asked leaning forward being careful of her left wrist. Their lips inches away from each other, "and what happens if I try and be...say independent?" She laughed softly.

"I'm enough of a cad to cheat and invoke *doctors orders* so as you can see, resistance is futile!" he laughed, forking a small piece of dumpling with a juicy strawberry on it and offering it to her.

"You wouldn't dare." She replied taking the bite from the fork. She closed her eyes as she chewed, these weren't as good as her mother's but they were still mouthwatering.

"Ah, but can you risk calling my bluff and finding yourself wrong?" he grinned, watching her face as she enjoyed the taste.

"I grew up with four male cousins who were more my brothers than anything else. I know when someone is bluffing and when someone isn't."

"Dammit!" he grinned, selecting another morsel and delivering it to her lips. "But then again, it'd be worth a try, just to spend more time with you."

"All you have to do is ask Ben." She smiled warmly and accepted more dumpling. "Although...I have just been promoted to Chief Science I am not sure how much that is going to limit my I made full Lt!" Jana blushed.

"WOH! Congratulations!" Ben bubble with genuine pleasure for her. "That's awesome and I'm sure very much deserved!" He offered another rather large strawberry, forgetting to cut it in half in his enthusiasm.

Jana blushed and was only able to take half of the strawberry in her mouth. "Thank you Ben, where should we go explore after this?" She asked.

"You're the promoted one, you should choose!" he offered but added some suggestions. "What about the Arboretum? The Promenade view-walk to see the stars or the holosuites where we can go anywhere we choose?"

"Let's do the holodeck, but let's keep the safety protocols on...I really don't feel like breaking my arm again, I think Chelsea would kill me!" She laughed, ~I am already in trouble with Rick.~ She thought to herself but kept a smile on her face. "There is a beach I always went to when I was visiting my friends in Alberta. We could go there."

"Perfect!" Ben agreed and scooped a mouthful of his own chilli followed by more of Jana's which he offered to her.

"Here." She said taking her own fork, "you eat, and I think I can manage, as much as I like it when you are feeding me..." She giggled.

"It's my pleasure" he said honestly. He then ate his chilli, making small talk about life the universe and everything until they had both finished. "Would you like a dessert? or coffee? Or both? Or shall we get a replicated dessert on that beach of yours?" he asked.

"Let's go to the beach. It is safe with my arm do you think? long as I don't get it wet?" She asked.

"Totally, especially as you'll be taking medical supervision with you!" he grinned.

Ben called the waitress and settled the bill by thumbprint and they stood up to leave.

Jana wrapped her right arm with his as he lead her away from the restaurant and headed towards the holodeck. "We could go back to my quarters and we can have dessert there." She blushed crimson when she realised what she said and how it sounded. It was too late to take it back, she hadn't had much luck with men and she was hoping that he didn't think she was 'easy'. There were times when Jana wished that she was telepathic so she could hear what men thought when she spoke.

Ben looked at her and saw her blushing, he thought about this. "I would love to say yes and rush you there before you can change your mind but that would be unfair and ungentlemanly. Why don't we go to the holodeck and *if* you still want to invite me tomorrow, then I won't feel like I took advantage." he offered, watching her face to see how she would react. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel he was saying no but from her blush he deduced she might not have meant that offer in quite the way it seemed.

"Sounds good to me...thank you Ben." She laughed, she leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked. "So how long will I be under 'medical supervision'?" Jana asked smiling up at him. They were nearly at the holodeck.

"oooh!" He pretended to be calculating something. "I think about two hundred and ... let's say fifty years, just to be safe..... " he grinned and winked at her.

Jana laughed again, she couldn't think of another time she had laughed this much except...she pushed the thought away. "Can you handle me...or my attitude for 250 years?" She stopped and looked at him, eyeing him carefully but letting him know that she was teasing.

"Only one way to find out......!" He grinned back. "Besides if I have too much trouble with you I can always pull....nooo, I can't even pull rank any more! Darn that promotion of yours!" he pretended to look vexed but there was a sparkle in his eyes that said the opposite.

Jana stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "You can, you are the doctor remember?" She stated and entered the holodeck. "Computer, activate Kasikova delta-three." The scenery came alive. They were on the prairies, the Rockies off in the distance. Across the blue lake was a field of wheat ready to be harvested. Jana closed her eyes, smiled and raised her arms as the wind blew passed them. She felt like she was back on Earth at her favourite place that she and her friends would go.

Ben gazed at the joy and happiness in Jana's beautiful face, her arms aloft, the wind blowing her hair around her neck. He was filled with a rising desire to sweep her into his arms and ... ~Do it, what are you standing there for?~ a voice inside him demanded.

He stepped forward, put one arm across her back just beneath her shoulders and swept her legs from under her, spinning both of them around as fast as he could. His strong arms lifted her easily and as he turned she was held safely against his chest, but her arms were still free to be held out, this time not so much above her head as out behind her as she turned through the air horizontally.

Likewise her knees were safely over the crook of his left arm but her feet were free to stretch out still. She was cradled against him with no fear of falling but held loosely enough to feel the freedom of being spun in the wind, the panorama of the beautiful landscape around them, circling as they turned. Ben slowed down after the first couple of spins so that she could catch her breath and enjoy the scenery.

He adored the way she let her head fall back as she laughed exposing her exquisite, ivory neck which he would have given anything to bend down and kiss right now.

Holding that thought, he forced himself to concentrate on the joy of just being crazy together in such a wonderful setting. He couldn't afford to move too fast and scare her away. He was really getting into being with her, she made him feel so good about everything, whether it was something as simple as putting food on a fork and feeding it gently into those lovely lips or feeling like the whole universe was out there just for the two of them, the way he felt right now.

Jana laughed as they spun around, she hadn't felt this free since...well for far too long. She felt alive again and it was all thanks to Ben. As they slowed she concentrated on his face and his dark eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Leaning in, still safely in his arms she kissed him as the sun began to set over the blue lake and fields of wheat.

Ben's heart leapt as she leaned in and kissed him. ~Result!~ he thought, returning the kiss deeply, his feelings perhaps much more apparent than he would usually allow. It was too easy to wear your heart on your sleeve too soon and end up spoiling things but then again, Jana was so sweet and open, it would be worse to be anything less than totally honest with her.

As they kissed softly, Ben loosened his hold on her legs and gently allowed them to slide down his side until she was back upright, guiding her shoulders so that she didn't overbalance or drop too fast. He kept their lips together in the kiss all the time and once she was standing on the ground again, his arms encircled her.

He wanted to deepen their kiss but he was still being cautious so he drew back a little and placed a tiny little kiss on the tip of her nose followed by leaving his lips lingering against her forehead. "This is awesome." he murmoured, smoothing her hair gently where he had tousled it spinning her. He didn't make it clear if he meant being together like this or the magnificent setting, but he hoped she might guess.

"Yeah it is isn't it?" She whispered looking up at him. She felt him hold back slightly and she wondered if he had gone through anything like she had in the past. Had he lost someone before? She didn't want to ask and ruin the moment. Jana closed her eyes and hugged him, burying herself in his chest. "I am so happy." She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear over the breeze.

Ben didn't move for a while but then, gently, he suggested: "Should we think about that dessert we came here for?" His charming lopsided grin showed her he was teasing.

"Hmm?...oh I completely forgot..." She whispered and blushed. "There is a basket over here...that is if you want dessert." Jana looked up at him, ~I would much rather stay like this.~ She stepped back up on her tiptoes and kissed him again.

"Well, if more kisses are on offer as an alternative, then I'd be happy to forgo the dessert?" He suggested, allowing his arm to linger around her waist, preventing her from rushing away to get the basket.

"Kisses it is then..." She replied smiling kissing him again. Jana was comforted in his touch and kiss, and she couldn't of asked for a better ending to dinner date.


A JP Between:

Lt Ben Kensington
ACMO - NPC'd by Jools


Lt. Jana Kasikova