Intermission – Ghost in the office
by Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter

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Title   Ghost in the office
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter
Posted   Thu Jul 11, 2013 @ 9:15pm
Location   Chief Intel's Office
Mark wasn't fond of competing with ghost. They always won, because they never played by the rules. Such was the caes with Jarred Wallace. The man had been presumed dead two years ago, but here Mark stood in the man's office. He had work to do though, and he needed to gather some files, then he'd retreat and leave the room to its secrets.

It didn't take long, Mark gathered up the PaDDs he needed then headed out, making his way to his own office which was just down the hall. He started reading through everything pertinent to his new posting. One nice thing about a base, there was always plenty of subspace chatter. Mark relaxed, letting the cacophony of sounds ring through his ear drums while he read.

Nothing too exciting was happening out there, and other then sending a few notes to security, informing them of information regarding inbound ships, Mark was simply getting a feel for the comings and goings around the base. He could get use to this, Adam was certainly excited about the opportunity, and that went a long way with Mark.

It would be interesting to see what the near future held.

LtJg Mark Dexter
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer