Beg, Steal or Borrow – Babysitting and dinner part 2
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Babysitting and dinner part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Wed Jun 17, 2009 @ 10:17pm
Location   Da'nal's family quarters
Timeline   As the freedom departed


Turning to answer her he paused as Garath reach up to her wanting her attentions. Smiling as his son erupted in laughter and squirmed in her arms. A flash of mixed emotions began to churn in his gut; anger, grief, regret, longing, but amusement, comfort, and gladness as well. He was upset that it wasn't their mother they were enjoying, but glad that there 'was' someone the kids could bond with. "They both have several items preprogrammed into the replicator. If you could pull up one of the meal plans that would be ideal."


His feelings washed over Ayren in rappid succession and for a moment she halted her movements, letting them pass through her. Relieved that it ended in a positive emotion, she continued. Gently she put him down and ushered him to his father. She could get so wrapped up in children that she could overstep boundaries quickly and unknwowingly.

'Will do," she said and busied herself to get their meals. The smells filled the room as the replicator did it's job. She took the plates abd placed in on the counter. "Can I get you anything?" she asked as she was closest to the replicator.

Shaking his head as she waited on his order. "It is I that should get you something." Pulling a chair out and motioning her to take a seat. He had to admit he had to admit that he would enjoy the company. "What would you like?"

Haltingly she walked towards the chair, glancing at him. "Thank you," she said at his pulling the chair back and pushing it exactly right under her as she sat down. "A glass of dry white wine would go down well," she said. "How long have you served in Starfleet?" she asked as he walked away.

Calling up her wine he order on for himself as well. He set the wine down in front of her. "I graduated from the Academy on Stardate 56403. Its been an iteresting ride I must say. How did you get to be a Diplomat?"

"My father was a diplomat ... as you know and I had been interested as long as I remember, veered off and became a counsellor, which I enjoyed. But this is my passion... so when I saw the post advertized I took a chance and applied. And here I am.." she asnwered, not mentioning the exactly how and why she did get the post.

Knowing full well that one didn't just 'apply' to a Diplomatic post. There was obviously other things involved but as she left those details out so be it. "Last we spoke you mentioned the Bat'leth instructor at the academy on QonoS. Do you still practice?"

"I haven't for a while," she admitted. "There isn't a lot of people here who I could practice with and the Klingons well... they are not really interested to fight the 'weak'" she said shrugging lightly with a light chuckle.

"Strength is only part of the of the fight. Just learn to use your opponents strength against him. Nothing will deflate a Klingon's pride more than loosing a match to someone he...or she considers inferior. Is there any particular Klingon on the station that you would care to take down a peg or two?"

An evil grin almost made it to her mouth, but the mischief in her black eyes revealed that she had almost answered his question with a 'why not you', but then she kept herself in check. "There is the restaurant owner, but we wouldn't want to loose a good cook," she said as if really considering it. "Other than that , anyone will do...wait, There is also this woman at the Klingon Embassy... what is her name...A'dar... she drives me nuts..." she said now seeing visions of her on the floor in front of her. Suddenly the idea became rather appealing.

Smiling a bit as he saw the glint in her eye. "Well we'll just have to get some training in an then see what happens. Have you to sparred before?"

"Nope... I am too scared I will hurt her.." she joked. "No, she is just so insulting whenever I have to deal with the Embassy.. sees me as a lower class being. I know Klingon culture, but she infurites me... you know, she can say what she wants, but if I get annoyed, I am the bad Federation Diplomat and she complains to my bosses. I would love to kick her ass," said the normally composed and graceful diplomat. "Sorry.... I don't really go off like that easily...but that woman.....," she said shaking her head as she took a sip of her wine. "So .. are you offering me the way to deflate her a bit?" she asked with a grin.

Grinning with a n air of mock innocence. "Well I would never aid some one for purely selfish reasons I would train anyone that wished to sharpen their skills. After which if they choose to challenge some other individual to test be it."

"And I would never dream of being trained for pure selfish reasons, that wouldn't even cross my mind. But of course, if I happened to be trained and I am provoked so that the only honourable way is to fight, then so be it.." she said matching his innocent expression. "I would like to sharpen my skills, in case such a situation would present itself.." .Ayren lips widened into a very sweet grin as she sipped her wine.

Grinning himself as he to took a drink only to see his daughters hand go up and come crashing down, catching the side of her dish and sending what was left of its contents all over Ayren. As she froze Da`nal could help but roar with laughter. He tried to hold it back but it was no use.

Pulling some unidentifyable piece of food from her cheek and across her one eye, she shot D'nal a feinged glare. She then places the piece of whatever in her plate. It was a shock of course, the very same stuff also landed in her hair, on her top, even on her pants. Klingon baby food was not something you want to walk around wearing. Slowly a smile spread across her face and she started laughing, first in a frew chuckles but then she leaghed untill tears were in her eyes.Pushing her chair back, she got up. She placed an arm around the little girl who had a bit of a fright. "It's ok.." she said. "You daddy will get you more food and he will clean up everything you messed,/" she added glancing at Da'nal with a sweet grin, who was still shaking with laughter.

"I need to get cleaned up," she said inspecting her blouse, the brunt of the damage still invisible to her.

Rising as she did, his laughter calmed to a chuckle. Waving a hand towards the back. "If you would like to replicate a new outfit, please feel free to use the clothing replicator in my room. He moved around to Ariella ruffing her hair a bit as he cleaned up the table. and got her some more food.

Ayren left for the bathroom adjoining his room to get cleaned up. As soon as she looked in the mirror, she realized that she would need to shower and wash her hair. With a shake of her head and a smile at the unpredictability of children and food, she got undressed and replicated her favourite shower gel and shampoo and stepped into the shower, choosing water.

Da`nals head popped up as he heard the shower activate. Deciding that it was understandable that she didn't want to go parading throught the station with food in her hair. He recycled the dirty glass replacing it with a fresh glass of wine.

As Garath and Ariella finished their food he set them down hearing the shower turn off. Taking a drink. A few moments later the door opened to his quarters as Akhil stepped in.

Ayren dried most of the water from her hair and left the bathroom as she had found it. Da'nal would have to deal with the sublt womanly scent of lavender that would remain there for a few hours. All she needed now were some clothes. The moment she tried to replicate clothes from the clothing replicator in his room, she remembered that it would need Da'nals code. She tried anyway, hoping that he might have deactivated it, but he had not. So with a towel wrapped around her she padded through his bedroom door and stepped into the lounge.

While he and Akhil still had the room he had planned on questioning her activities and remind her that she could keep he matchmaking activities to herself. No sooner did his mouth open than Ayren stepped in with nothing but a towel around her. His head darted from Akhil to Ayren and back to Akhil.

Bowing with a slight smile on her face. "Excuse me my lord. Pardon my interuption, I shall return later." She then stepped back out the door feeling surprised yet proud of herself at the same time.

Da`nal merely looked back to Ayren his head shaking. All he could do was laugh.

"Why did Akhil seem so ...proud of herself..?" she asked shooting a mock glare to Da'nal, although it was hard to look intimidating if you were the one with a towel wrapped around you body.

"Klingon women are notorious for matchmaking. Not doubt my mother has given her that task before she was sent out here."

"Matchmaking?" she said and laughed and then got an evil grin. "Well perhaps we should play along.. tease her a bit.." Ayren said impulsively. The idea of matchmaking wasn't so foreign to her, but she had never quite understood it. "Oh forget it.. I don't really know you well enough," she smiled, having put her foot in her mouth. "By the need to input you code here, I can't get clothes otherwise."

Raising an eyebrow at her suggestion as the thought ran through his mind. "Well I'l fix that." Walking towards her, the towel fitting her form nicely. Stepping past her, "Excuse me." As he entered his room she followed. Al the while he thougth why bother with the lock out anyway. "Computer, remove lock out on this replicator. "

"Voice pattern, recognized. Lock out deactivated."

Turning towards her, "There you are no more lock case this happens again." Realizing what he said only after he said it.

She wasn't going to let that pass and her lips curled in a smile, matching the mirth dancing in her eyes. "Ahh yes, for all the times I will get caught without clothes in your bedroom..." she said with mirth.

Looking her up and down grinning,. "Well there is a first time for everything....OH wait. This is that first time."

Her eyes locked with his for a moment and after looking him up and down too, she grinned. "Indeed, but now I need to get dressed...." she shooed him out, starting to untie the towel.

"Then I will leave you to it then." Bowing low he retreated to the living room. When he entered the room Garath and Ariella had curled up together and were sleeping soundly. He stood there watching them for a moments. Kneeling over them he ran his hand over their heads.

Ayren got dressed in a a pair of jeans and fitted orange top, while she pached her other clothes in a small bag. Like most of the work clothes she owned, they were not replicated. She doors whispered open and she stepped into the lounge, watching the father silently for a while, not wanting to disturb the scene. When he eventually looked up, she smiled gently. "Can I help you to put them to bed?" she asked in a whisper.

Seeing her leaning against the door way smiling, he returned the smile and nodded. "Yes thank you. That would be most helpful." Scooping up his daughter he stepped back as Ayren walked over and lifted Garath, following her into the children's room. After changing their clothes and covering them up they made their way back into the living room. "Are you hungry? Can I get you anything to eat?"

For a brief moment she hesitated. "Well yes actually," she then said. It was either eating here or eating alone tonight, and she didn't quite feel like that. She would end up working and she was exhausted as it was. "I would like a bowl of hot curried Thai noodles and mixed vegetables please," she said, realizing that she had not eaten the whole day.

Nodding with approval. "Thai food sounds perfect." While many humans considered Thai food spicy he did not. However it had a strong flavor. With his human ascesrty being of Oriental decent he was familiar with many of the food from that region of Earth. Turning to the replicator he produced her order as well a bowl for himself in addition sides he ordered: Kaeng Hang Le (a pork curry that relies on ginger, tamarind, and turmeric for its flavour), Khao Soy (a curry broth with egg noodles and meat, topped with spring onions, pickled cabbage and slices of lime), and naem (a spicy pork sausage - served raw, slightly fermented). removing the tray from the replicator he spread the food out.

"That smells really good," she said appreciatively as she took her bowl from him. "You are an excellent cook," she grinned. taking the chop sticks in her hand. "Where did your ancesters come from?" she asked as she waited for him to settle down.

Replying to her 'cooking' comment. "It was nothing should try my field stew when I go out hunting." Taking his seat he looked over to her. "Klingon or Human?"

"Human first," she said taking a bite to eat, while watching him intently.

Placing his glass back on the table he settled into his chair. "Well once upon a time my grandfather was included in a delegation sent to Earth to learn about the Empire's newest ally. Of course back then relations with the Federation was still considered by most Klingons as an alliance of neccesity and many expected things to fall apart after Qonos was restored after the Praxis incident. After walking out of another lecture he left the Starfleet compound. He decided he would learn on his own."

My granfather was of the mind that the past of a people dictated its future. Anyway after a few inquiries he found it interesting the differences in the developement between Earth's eastern and western societies. He thought the western Kingdoms and Empires to be decadent and corrupt but the further east looked, the more....honorable they seemed. Whether that was the case....I leave that to the historians. Though I do see where he would find similarities to Klingon culture. He was particular interested in the ancient warrior societies particularly of the Samurai of Japan."

During his travels he found himself in Japan walking through the many historical sites. One site especially held a wide array of ancient weapons and armor when he was approach by a woman, Kordai Moritsu, my grandmother."

She explained the history, of the culture, the weapons, how the Samurai came to be and how they evolve and eventually faded into history. At first he thought she was a mere scholar, a......bookworm. Well all that changed when she took him to watch a sword being made in the tradition style. At the end of the tour she showed him a sample of the sword master's completed work. He would say that it was here he began to feel an attraction for her. She took one of the blade swinging it expertly through a form. She ended her display by coming at his stopping the blade a mere centimeter from his neck."

"That is one way to impress a Klingon," Ayren said with a grin, completely taken by what he was telling her. "It is soo romantic...carry on.." she urged.

"Well over the next several months he found himself spending more and more time with her. He came to learn that she could trace he family back for centuries. Her family included political & corporate leaders of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, all the way back through some of the strongest Daimyo (Feudal Lords) of Japans ancient past. Her ancestor included Lord Takeda Shingen, and Yamamoto Kansuke, one of Takeda's most trusted generals."

Even before he learned she was of noble blood he was already taken by her. They told me of a time wear the Klingon delgation had been invited to attend a Human custome called a 'costume party'. Well naturally he asked her to accompany him, instructing her to wear 'tradition dress'. When he arrived to pick her up she used to tell me she he looked like he had stepped right out of history. He wore a complete suit of Samurai armour, completely authentic from the under garments to the katana and a wakizashi at his waist."

Ayren smiled dreamily, "That is amazing.. I can imagine a Klingon in Samurai armour...They had more in common than one would think. What happened next?" she asked him.

"Needless to say they married. My father married their daughter and as they had no living sons the two Houses were united into one, under the control of my grandfather. When he died my father took over.

"And here you are," she said cocking her head to one side, seeing him in a different light as her eyes played over him. "And now it seems Akhil wants to add Betazoid blood to the mix," she mused with some humour.


Taking a bite he nodded. "So it would seem. My Klingon history is typical of many Houses, battle and bloodshed. We stood with Gorwon during the revolt as well as Martok when several House tried to seize the Chancellorship from him. Our House was hansomly rewarded for our loyalty. Our holdings were increased and we gained cotrol of a ship newer ship yard as well. Which significantly added to the family's fleet."

Before taking another bite he turned her question on her. "So tell me more about yourself. OH before you do I have a.......request."

Her head cocked slightly to one side. "And that would be..." she asked curiously.

"Would you be interested in helping me turn Akhil little scheme back on her?"

"I mentioned someting like that earlier... I am alway sup for some do you propose to do that, though..?" she asked with a conspiratory smile.

Returning her smile. "Good. As to what we could do...? Well I can 'engineer some dutied that will need someone to what the children. They will grow fast but will still need supervision. Or prehaps I could have her visit your office for some purpose. No doubt she would take advantage of that opportunity. The more we let he 'control' the situation, the more she will think she is succeeding."

Ayren's eyes gleamed with mischief. "That sounds like a plan," she said grinning. "I am just glad you will be the one who has to deal with her if she finds out," she chuckled,

Laughing at her naiveté. "I wouldn't count yourself in the clear that easily. Remeber....It takes to to Tango. That is the correct saying isn't it?"

Ayren shrugged and wagged a chiding finger at him. "Oh no... nice try......I am the innocent outsider... she works for your family, so you are responsible," she said. "I want to have the fun and you can have the trouble," she said gigling at her own logic.

Chucking. "You can't have your cake and eat it to you know. You aren't afraid of an old woman are you?"

"Oh yes I can.... that is why I am a woman..,, and a diplomat, that is my job, and afraid.....that's your job," Ayren said laughing.

Laughing with her. "Well don't say I didn't warn you when she comes to get even with you. So how do think we should implement our plan? I could ask her to escort you back to your quarters. As a Betazoid you could...project or give her the impression that you," with a slight tilt to his head, "enjoyed your time here. Given what she walked in on I'm sure she thinks that already."

"That's sounds good, but I wouldn't have to lie, I do have a good time here," she said in all honesty. "But not in the way I would have her think," she added with a wink.

Chuckling slighlty, "Well we wouldn't want you to be too deceitful now would we. So what shall we do while we wait for Akhil to return."

"You want me to be 'truthful' when I give her impressions?" she asked with a slightly arched eyebrow, surpressing a mischieveous smile.

Laughing loudly, his mind a mixture of conflicting thoughts. While found his guest was very attractive, and obviously fit. She was similar in stature to Anita, but stronger. He knew Anita's death had been honorable. While she had not died in battle she had died bringing life into the galaxy, and while he had accepted her death he still missed her. But day. A wry grin spreading across his features, "I thought you already said you would be being 'truthful'".

"Yes, I did and I do have fun here. For a moment I thought you had meant something different." She sobered slightly as she became aware of the feelings he experienced and looked up at him. "Tell me about your wife... that is if you want to?" she asked interested.

Seeing the change in her demeanor he realized he had 'spoiled the mood'. "She died from complictions from childbirth. It had been a difficult pregnancy for her. She wasn't the...sturdiest of women. Actually about your height but with a slightly smaller build."

"I am sorry to hear that," she said with empathy, studying the man across from her, while continuing to eat. "How long were you married for?"

"Officially....never. We had take the Oath of Union and when the wedding wa to take place Anita's complication began and she was placed on bed rest. My mother was disappointed too. It was to have been her first marriage as the Mistress of our House. But we were together for too short a time...." His words trailing off. Then looking up at her. "Tell me can you tell if Akhil is near by?"

"Yes I should be...." she said and turned her head towards the door as if listening intently. "In fact, I believe she is closeby..."

Da'nal stood and listened intently. He quickly moved to her and pulled her up to him into a loose embrace, nothing too close but close enough.

Ayren knew what he was doing so, she played along, letting her rest casually against his chest.

As the door opened his head darted towards the door and he took a step back.

"My apologies again My Lord...'

"No no...Akhil, if you would take Ayren back to her quarters."

Ayren stepped back too, managing to seem like she was hiding being caught, as her arms drop to her sides. "Thank you, I would appreciate that," she said and smiled at Akhil.

Some loud laughter bind her, brought Ayren's thoughts back to reality, just as the Freedom left spacedock, gliding silently into the blackness that surrounded it, turned and diapprered in the familiar flash of warp.....



Ayren Kelan

Then - CStrat Ops: Lt. Cmdr Da`nal