Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Small Matter (Part 1)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   A Small Matter (Part 1)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jun 07, 2009 @ 12:31pm
Location   Captain's Office - Deck 12
Timeline   SD9 06:35

After yesterday, today was going to be a walk in the park for David and he was armed with the pleasantries, carefully secreted in the desk draw, each with their own label.
David watched the yeoman fuss over the table for a few minutes, before deciding enough was enough.

"Yeoman, it looks fine, really it does, now go and do anything else!" He exasperated.

"Sir?" The yeoman questioned, placing one hand on his hip.

"Yes, you heard me." David flicked his hand, shooing the yeoman out of his office. "If I need you I will call." He said, rising from his chair, glancing at the drawer, just to make sure it was closed.

The yeoman sighed as he surrendered to the Commanders order and turned indignantly on his heel and exited.

~Good riddance ~ David thought to himself, walking around the table, inspecting what was laid before him and the guests he was about to call to the office.

The croissants were laid in order of size on a china plate, paper doilies strewn across the table, in what appeared to be a haphazard design, but from above, it silhouetted the Starfleet Insignia. The large silver pot held steaming fresh ground coffee, not replicated and the smaller pot held morning breakfast tea. There were several cups on saucers and biscuits set on the side. The pot sized glass held fresh replicated oranges, freshly squeezed for their juice and at the head of the table, a large bowl of fresh fruit.

"I don't think that's too much." Davies said smugly to himself, before tapping at his comm.

=^= "Will the following crew report to the Commander office,"Commander Da'Nal, Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel, Lieutenant Chelsea Adams, Lieutenant Junior Grade Zorana Kasikova, Ensigns Joel & Wallace, Officer Petro and Major James Darson. Davies out." =^= He closed the comm with a grin, wondering what was going through their minds. He immediately tapped at his comm before any responses could come through.

=^= "Ambassador t'Khellian, would you honor me with your presence in the commander's office?" He asked with a slight aloofness.

[USS Freedom shuttle - Liberator]

Isha glanced across the table at Da'nal as she placed her coffee cup down, "Of course, Commander Davies," she said with the slightest twitch of one eyebrow. "I assume we can transport directly there," she said to Da'nal.

"I can transport you there if you wish. However, I think I had better put my new toy away first..."

"I can wait," Isha said. "The most pressing question would seem to be whether or not you have any concerns about arriving at the same time as me, Commander. Assuming that you have no such objections, I will be patient, and once you have put it in its box, I will consent that you escort me to this meeting which we would both appear to be requested to attend."

Da`nal thought for a moment, then a grin spread over his face. "It would get under Gabriel's skin now wouldn't it?"

"If it would cause Agent Gabriel to itch, I think that I would pretend to be best friends with a Ferengi," Isha said, her tone conspiratorial, though nothing could remove the hint of venom beneath her words.

[Back on the Station]

Jo'el was in the sonic at the time of the message, and he found his comm panel flashing while he dried off. "Kosst," he grumbled, fumbling quickly for his uniform. He was off-duty today, but a summons from the commander was a decry not to be brushed off. Why so many of us?

Chelsea had finally gotten off duty late last night and handed over to Ryan. She had fallen into a deep and exhausted sleep and was enjoying a lie-in when the call came through to report to the Commander's office. Groggily she rolled out of bed and staggered sleepily into the sonic shower. Refreshed she dried, dressed, tidied her hair and made her way to answer the summons.

As predicted, on the way there, she wondered what this was about.

Martina heard the page, ~that was odd, Mr. Wallace wasn't due back until later this morning.~ =^="Intelligence to Commander Davies, Mr. Wallace has not returned from his field assignment."=^=

Davies tapped at his comm and thanked the respondent. =^= "Please ask him to see me at his earliest convenience, it is of an urgent nature." =^= He closed the comm and helped himself to a shining red apple from the top of the bowl.

[Back on the Station]

Jo'el was in the sonic at the time of the message, and he found his comm panel flashing while he dried off. "Kosst," he grumbled, fumbling quickly for his uniform. He was off-duty today, but a summons from the commander was a decry not to be brushed off. Why so many of us?

Chelsea had finally gotten off duty late last night and handed over to Ryan. She had fallen into a deep and exhausted sleep and was enjoying a lie-in when the call came through to report to the Commander's office. Groggily she rolled out of bed and staggered sleepily into the sonic shower. Refreshed she dried, dressed, tidied her hair and made her way to answer the summons.

As predicted, on the way there, she wondered what this was about.

Martina heard the page, ~that was odd, Mr. Wallace wasn't due back until later this morning.~ =^="Intelligence to Commander Davies, Mr. Wallace has not returned from his field assignment."=^=

Davies tapped at his comm and thanked the respondent. =^= "Please ask him to see me at his earliest convenience, it is of an urgent nature." =^= He closed the comm and helped himself to a shining red apple from the top of the bowl.

Petro finished lacing her shoes and rotated her shoulder. The pain was gone and the stiffness, though slight, reminded her that she needed to give it some exercise to keep it from becoming too stiff. She stood and listened to the page. "Morning meeting?" she asked herself. She looked at the Chronometer on the wall and came to the conclusion that the Commander wanted to discuss the days events before everyone began their duties. She wondered if there were any other ships coming to dock or if there were supplies for repairs that were needed. Perhaps there was someone in need of new quarters or maybe....

The list continued on in her head as she left her quarters and made her way to the lift. A few others were rousing and milling about the corridors. She gave them a smile and a nod as she passed them and was greeted in kind. While she waited for the lift, she found herself whistling a tune from some ancient earth song about an orphan. ~It's a hard knock life - for us~ she thought in her head in tune to her humming.

Dorian continued to walk down the hall past his intended location and walked directly towards the turbolift. He had been up for less than an hour and he was hoping that this day was much more mild than the previous. The casualty reports were still being compiled, but they were expected to be considerable. As he stepped into the turbolift he completed the communication that he was drafting.

"Computer, begin recording" Gabriel said. " Commander Da`Nal, my investigation into the recent attack on your family has yielded me no immediate results. There remains the question of Ambassador Isha t'Khellian involvement in either planning or executing the attack on your family. Not surprisingly, she has refused to cooperate in the investigation. As of this date, the investigation remains open and it will be supplemented as further details become available." Gabriel said as he pressed the button on his Padd to transmit the recording to the USS Freedom.

Gabriel exited the turbolift onto Ops and walked towards the Commander's Office as he saw several other officers entering at the same time.

David welcomed each of the crew as they arrived and could see that some were apprehensive about the impromptu call, but he would not divulge the reason for his summons, just offered each to help themselves to the breakfast table.

Da`nal of the House of Varal and Isha Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau tr'Illialhlae entered Ops side by side a surprise to most to be sure after recent events.

Chelsea had reached the venue ahead of them, as had Petro and Gabriel. "I give it one minute before he makes a snide remark," Isha said in an low undertone.

Da`nal huffed a bit at the comment. "If he doesn't spray his drink out first from the shock."

Davies walked toward the large observation window and nearly dropped the half eaten apple from his hand. He did a comical double take, making sure he was seeing what it was he was seeing before finally convinced that it was, by the way Da'Nal aided Isha up the steps to the upper level.

He swallowed the soft chewed fruit in his mouth, before turning to scan the members of crew who had arrived.
~ No Darson, Kasikova or Opaka. Give them a minute ~ He thought to himself as he made his way to the rear of the office, to see some of the reactions at what was about to make an entrance.

"Well, someone has noticed us, at least," Isha remarked as she saw Davies' start, she didn't look at Da'nal, but she was quite aware that he was still there by her side. "Shall we go in? - bISovbejbe'DI' tImer (my source gives that as 'When in doubt, surprise them'), if you'll pardon my pronunciation," she added beneath her breath as they stepped into Davies' office.

Her pronunciation was off slightly, but it was close enough. Under his breath he replied. "Absolutely..."

Jo'el was still straightening his comm badge as the turbolift deposited him on ops. He was a bit taken aback as he made his way to the commander's office. Well, that's interesting he thought as he saw the backs of Da'nal and Isha heading into the office together.

As the turbo lift deposited Major Darson in the middle of Main Operations, he received more than a few stares from the actively working crew. It wasn’t his cloak, they were used to that by now. It wasn’t the fact that his hood was down revealing his mask and his right arm was drawn up and out, suspended immobile in a black sling either.

Rather, it was the simple truth that he was wearing enough expensive jewellery to gold leaf the entire station. Chains of rare metals hung down from around his neck, and he wore a fantastic purple sash Pancho Villa style across his chest. The most ostentatious thing of all though, was the circlet he wore on his head.

Crafted out of pure latinum, and inlaid with various precious gems, it was fit for royalty, and in Darson’s opinion looked quite nice on his head. Add to that whole ensemble the enormous battered container he was balancing delicately on his shoulder with his one free hand, and he made quite the sight.

With a small grunt, he hefted the case to a better position on his shoulder and strode calmly across the operations room; the only sounds being made were the jingling of the chains. He left Ops and ascended the steps to the Commander’s office with apparent ease.

By the time Petro arrived at the Commander's office, there were already a few people there. She recognized some but not all of the faces and, as usual, was her normal taciturn self. She watched as they milled about, seeming to be at ease with whatever it was that was going on. Petro, on the other hand, was confused by the varying personnel in attendance and by the colorful assortment of voedsel on the table. She leaned against the wall, feeling a bit out of place considering the rank of the others in the room. She was, after all, the only enlisted person in attendance.

Gabriel looked at the room past the Human Commander and his lowly date towards Darson. The Task Force had returned from the station overnight, but Dorian had not received any information as to what happened. The only thing he knew was that his Officer, Ensign Michael Duquesne was laying in sickbay recovering from a concussion, several broken bones, and a phaser wound. To make matters worse, Dorian was forced to sit without any questions being answered while Darson strolled into the office without a care in the word.

"So the Jester has arrived," Gabriel said to himself as he crossed the office and walked directly to Darson. "What the hell happened out there" Gabriel said in a low tone so only he and Darson could hear.

Darson cocked his head to the side as he was accosted by an obviously infuriated Lieutenant Gabriel. As much as he loved toying with the man, he had no interest in relating what went on during the mission…at least not yet, “Patience Lieutenant,” He said in a flippantly patronizing tone, “all will become clear in due time. Now if you would be so kind to get out of my way? This box is heavy and I wouldn't want to drop it on your foot.”

David shook his head as Darson strode in and it seemed to overshadow the entrance of Isha & Da'Nal. Taking a freshly filled glass of juice, he looked across the room once again.

"Computer, Locate Zorana Kasikova." He asked, not realizing that she was on the Castor with Captain Tahir as Claire entered the office and made a beeline for the commander.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Kasikova is not aboard the station. Currently she is aboard the USS Castor enroute to Sector 001" The computer informed Davies as Claire drew up to him.

"I'm sorry Commander. I got here as soon as I heard you call for Zorana. I was tied up with a patient. Would you like me to stay?" She asked.

"Thank you, I just found out. Sorry to drag you up here, but now that you are, you may as well stay for the department heads meeting that will follow." He smiled, refraining from placing a hand on her shoulder, he didn't want it to be misconstrued.

"Excuse me." He said, leaning towards her and making his way towards the Major and Gabriel.

[End of Part 1]

CO: Commander David Davies

Intel officer Cadet Martina Perth
by Jarred

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie Chief Counselor

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Opaka Jo'el

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Cmdr Da`nal
CO: USS Freedom

Warrant Officer Petro

Lt. Chelsea Adams