Intermission – What went wrong here?
by Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   What went wrong here?
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Jul 29, 2013 @ 6:54pm
Location   various
Timeline   SD73
=^= "Kato to Trellis." =^=

Trellis sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes vigorously as he tried to ascertain the location of the voice he kept hearing. He fumbled blindly across his nightstand, knocking down bottles, some of them still carrying various levels of alcohol.

He finally pressed the button for his comm unit and spoke aloud, yet muffled.

"Trellis here. . ." he groaned.

=^= "Sir, I've just been in sickbay, trying to interview a Klingon civilian," =^= said Deborah. =^= "He was beamed over a few minutes ago from a restaurant on the Promenade, severely injured, looks like knife wounds. He refused to tell me what happened, but he had Commander Rakka's comm badge. Have you heard anything? Apparently she went AWOL early this morning." =^=

Trellis' mind still foggy, he did not have any ascertainable idea of Commander Rakka's whereabouts since he had retreated to the solitude of his quarters. He slowly sat up as the words "civilian" and "sickbay" began to repeat themselves.

=/= "Wa...wait. . .how did the civilian end up in sickbay?" He asked, this time more alert.

=^= "The Klingon will not say, sir. However, it is apparent that the knife wounds were not self-inflicted." Deborah responded.

=/= "Send a team to investigate the civilian's last known location and FIND COMMANDER RAKKA." Trellis said as he began to stand up. However, his desire was more powerful than his physical capability to maintain his balance. The room continued to spin for several moments as he made his way to the bathroom.

=^= "Yes, sir." she responded as she cut the signal and turned back towards the medical staff.

~ What went wrong here?~ She thought



It was still dark in the back room when the Security team entered, led by Ensign Kato. Rakka squinted against the light they let in, holding up a bloody hand to shield her eyes. There was a lot of blood--it was pooled on the floor around the carcass of a slaughtered targ, splattered on her uniform, smeared across the lower half of her face, and coated both of her hands. Three distinctive shades were discernible on close observation--the deep red of targ blood, the pinker shade of the Klingon yInchu''s, and then Rakka's, a more purplish hue.

"C-C-Commander Rakka?" Warrant Officer Muln'sh stated slowly as he and the other officer were led by Ensign Kato. He was not given the full details on what to expect or even what had happened. He was only told that he and another officer were needed to check on the status of Commander Rakka.

He knew that there was more to it than Kato had let on. Why would Security be necessary to check on a Senior Officer. Moreover, once he arrived he noticed that Medical was nowhere to be found. Now he stood in a room that could easily pass for any location during the Battle of Cardassia with blood strewn across the room.

"Commander," Kato said as she stepped closer. "We're here to help you." She said pointedly, as if trying to convince the Commander.

The Nausicaan lowered her hand and stood slowly from where she had been squatting amid the carnage. In her opposite hand she still clutched yInchu''s long, curved slaughtering knife. Slowly, sleepily, she glanced down at it as if mildly surprised to see it there. She looked back at Kato and cocked her head curiously. Had she said 'help'...? Her thoughts were moving with maddening sluggishness. She knew she had hurt yInchu' very badly, and she just assumed he would have wasted no time in telling exactly who had taken out his eye.

"I know... why you are here," she rasped slowly, each word sounding laborious for her to form. She opened her hand and let the knife clatter to the floor. There was a deep cut across her palm, which she seemed to pay no attention to. She began to languidly lick her fingers.

Warrant Officer Muln'sh saw the knife in her hand first. He immediately drew his sidearm and drew down on the Commander. He knew that Kato's first instinct was to talk and ask questions and everything else that would be more appropriate for the Science Department. Here, he had a Nausicaan with blood dripping from her fingers.

"Commander, please step away from the weapon and place your hands on top of your head." Muln'sh stated in an affirmative tone as he kept his weapon drawn on the Officer.

"Warrant Officer, please, be calm." Kato told the security officer who stood beside her with his weapon drawn. "This is Commander Rakka, she is not a threat." SHe said as she turned back to the Nausicaan. "Isn't that right, Commander?" She said, with a slight tinge of uncertainty in her voice.

Rakka sidestepped carefully away from the knife and lifted her hands in response to the Warrant Officer's instruction. Her eyes, which still had a dark, predatory glint from her recent feeding, shifted to Kato. "I'll go... peacefully," she pronounced carefully.

Kato breathed a sign of relief as the two officers quickly moved to placed the much larger officer in restraints. She did not know what had happened, but she knew that there had to be some explanation for the Klingon's injuries. Something beyond just a brutal knife-attack.

"Take her to Detention Cell 8, be sure to have medical meet you there to check her for any injuries. . .or clues. . ." Kato instructed.

Rakka went quietly, as promised. But what a disorienting feeling, being led away in restraints... and how humiliating. She hung her head and tried not to look at anything but her own feet as she was escorted to the brig. She would not be able to handle the stares.