Judgement – K's & Q's
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   K's & Q's
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Tue May 24, 2011 @ 9:22am
Location   Promenade, Level 142
Timeline   Day 37, mid evening

Kaia approached the bar, the crowds were gone for the most part, but a few small groups and promenade walkers were still about. She'd been considerably pensive since she read the news about the discovery of the TI shuttle. There was still the little voice that reminded her that she had never actually met the man. That was perhaps the thing that made it easiest to put the memories behind her. Of course, copious amounts of saurian brandy always helped.

Glass in hand, she moved to an elevated table near a window where she could peer out of the bar at the people walking to and fro. She was midway through her first gulp when she heard a voice beside her.

"Isn't it ridiculous how people just wander around ignorantly, thinking they can run from their problems."

Kaia swallowed her gulp and looked. She was certain she was more observant than that, and had thought she had sat alone. Nearby, a man sat who appeared to be in his mid to late thirties, staring out the same window at the people on the other side.

"Sorry, I thought I had found someplace to sit alone." Kaia replied sardonically. "And you are?" She looked on unamusedly at his apparent moves as he got up and sat at the table where she was.

"An omnipotent super-being of pure energy, wandering around the universe helping people solve the problems they don't like to face."

Kaia stared blankly at the man; whoever he was he certainly seemed desperate. "Right, sure, and I'm one of the most wanted techno-terrorists from a parallel universe of treachery and hatred."

"Certainly not a common response." He said with a grin, "But it's true, I could blink this entire galaxy out of existence with a mere thought. I can do anything."

"Obviously not." Kaia replied. "If you really were a super-being, it seems to me that you'd have the power to entertain yourself. You wouldn't need to sit here putting on your moves and people watching."

"Oh is that what you think I'm doing?" He scoffed. "Your menial perceptions don't even scratch the surface of my intentions."

"Then your opening comment was either a ruse or a statement of your actual intentions, either way for some reason you think conversing with me is important."

"Important? Showing a swell of ego, are we? No, you're not really important. Amusing, yes, important, no."

"I never said I was, I just made the dangerous assumption that there is an actual reason you are still talking."

"Oooh, so fiery. But you are a voyeur as well. Ever since I found out about you you've just sat and watched. For though I'm infinitely greater that you, we're almost kindred spirits of sorts in that regard."

Kaia snickered, then laughed and took another drink of saurian brandy. "Showing a swell of ego, are we? Hypocrite."

"Oh, how sharp the tongue. You might even wound me if I were woundable. Though indeed I sit and observe people like you do because it amuses me. I spoke to you because I cannot limit my perceptions enough to get the viewpoint that you mortals do."

"How flattering." Kaia said snidely. "You want my opinion."

"Succinct, but I suppose that's one way to put it."

"Why would you even care? And for that matter, why should I care? You never actually answered my original question."

"Well, to be perfectly honest my name is two light-years long. I'd try to pronounce it for you but explaining quantum physics would be easier."

Kaia raised an eyebrow momentarily and took another sip of her drink. "Been there, done that, published a textbook."

"I'll assume that's one of your quaint colloquialisms, because, not in this reality you haven't. I would know of it if you had."

"Probably." Kaia answered vaguely. "So you have an actual name or are you just an ego with a face."

"Well, I won't downplay just how wonderful it is to be me, I'm like a shining one man band. But yes, I tell people of limited comprehension to refer to me as 'Kiuw'."

"Kiuw, huh?" Kaia stated somewhat blandly. "Sounds a bit bland and forgettable, but I suppose I have little room to talk. Forgive me for holding off on pleasantries until I figure out if there is anything actually pleasant about meeting you-"

"Of course there are pleasant thing about meeting me!" he interrupted. "Maybe not all realize it as quickly as others, but I bring joy and improve people's lives wherever or when-ever I go."

"I'll have to take your word on that, I've yet to see it."

"Why, even now I've brought several people from this station face to face with issues that they would have otherwise left buried to their grave. And I'm sure they’ll all be better for it."

"Let me guess, the missing Feds everyone's been spreading rumors about? I'm figuring it never really occurred to you that some things are better left buried?"

"Now what in the galaxy could you possibly be referring to?"

"If you know, you know; if you don't, you don't. Either way, it's off my list of conversational topics."

"Pity, though had you the interest, I could give you the opportunity to deal with it until you can accept it."

"Why would I need you for that?" Kaia snorted, "If it was that simple, you don't think I'd already have done something about it? My entire life is about dealing with my past. It's not something I can escape with a simple conversation or confrontation. It's more than just coming to terms with myself, I've already done that. It's a matter of integrating past and present. The present is always changing. I can't just assume the problem is fixed and call it good. Tomorrow always finds new ways of picking the scabs of yesterday. My situation is not about getting a problem fixed, it's about keeping a terminal issue from affecting those around me. As much as I'd love to end my problems, dying is not on my 'to do' list. I don't know who your regular clientele includes, mister self-proclaimed psychologist and do-gooder, but even should you be capable of everything you claim, I'm not someone you can help. Only I can help myself."

Kaia chugged everything left in the glass before her as the man across from her sat in a stunned silence. She then looked towards the bar, snapped her fingers and pointed towards her empty glass.

"I think I love you."

Kaia rolled her eyes at the comment, gulping down her glass of saurian brandy as soon as it was full again and motioned for another refill. "Piss off." She mumbled through a wry smile. "Go find some feds or some other people who have personal convictions to play with. Your brand of help is old hat with this one."

"But that's just it! That's why I sat down here. A mere mortal, understanding what I do! Just how novel is that?"

"Even if my 'menial perceptions scratch the surface of your intentions', it doesn't mean I care or that you or your little crusade are even worth caring about. You want my opinion of your methodology because I have a different perspective than most. I say that regardless of my opinions of your methods, I still could care less about your intent behind it." Kaia took a hefty gulp from her glass.

"Surely you must have some commentary about improving the herds. You certainly seem to have been intent on helping Darwin in the past."


"Sorry, famous human scientist. Thought you'd have heard of him."

"Not a buff of Terran history." Kaia replied, taking a sip. "Besides, I'm all for self improvement. However, it's not my responsibility to improve other people as it seems to be yours. I think it's an individual's responsibility to improve. If they make the choice not to, then they accept the consequences of their choices; and I have no sympathy or remorse for them. As I see it, you're tweaking the decimal point of the giant table of random numbers. I could think of better ways to spend my time."

"Like thinning the herd?" the man said with a smug and half-knowing look.

"Like improving my own survivability." Kaia replied, finishing her drink and standing up. "By whatever means, benign or... whatever. I've got enough problems to deal with, go find someone else to bother..."

"Leaving so soon? Aren't you enjoying my company this evening?"

"I always enjoy the company of a good saurian brandy." Kaia said, walking away. "As for you, Kiuw, well, you need work..."


Owner of Xenology Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."