Beg, Steal or Borrow – Departing is such a joy
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka

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Title   Departing is such a joy
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka
Posted   Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 12:19am
Location   Captains Quarters
Timeline   SD7 06:00
The alarm rang though to her numbed brain as she realised that she must have fallen asleep finally. She had not slept well as she had been debating whether to leave in the early hours or leave as arranged. She had kicked the suitcase off the bed and instructed the computer to awaken her in a few hours, not stipulating a time.
She swung her legs off the bed, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles as she yawned.
"Computer, time?" She asked, not being able to focus on the clock.

"The time is oh 6 oh 1" Came the response.
She sighed aloud with yet another yawn, heading to the shower room, glad that he had left it until the morning to depart.

She returned to her living space a few minutes later, feeling as tired as she was when she entered. She picked her case up from the floor and refastened the catch that had sprung loose, happy with her packing from the early hours, before lifting her favoured black round neck jumper and pulling it over her head. She smoothed it down before picking up her comm badge and attaching it to her chest and gently pressing hand against it.

=^= "Tahir to Commander T'Lan." =^=

The Vulcan responded "Yes Captain?"

=^= "Commander, before I leave for Earth, I must speak with you. Meet me aboard the Castor in the docking ring, east, bay 18. I don't know how you feel about transporters, but they will be quickest.

"I will come immediately." T'Lan responded.

=^= "Thank you T'Lan. Tahir out." Tasha wondered how T'Lan would cope, being new to the station and already having command thrust upon her. She shook her head, knowing that the Vulcan would cope admirably.

She tapped her comm once more.
=^= "Tahir to Commander Rakka, would you meet me and Commander T'Lan at the East Docking ring, bay 18." She requested, repeating the request to Rakka.

=^= "On my way, sir," =^= Rakka replied immediately, smoothing her uniform and heading straight for the docking ring.

With her case in hand, she walked up the ramp into the Castor, whose doors were open ready to accepts it's captain for the journey back to earth. She placed the case into the storage locker and lay the book that she had replicated, onto one of the crew seats.
The ship was cold as she headed up to the control consoles, ready to do her pre-flight checks.

"All ready for you ma'am" A voice boomed from her left.

Naturally, she jumped, her hand coming to her chest, not to clasp her comm, but to steady her heart.
"Jeesh, you startled me..." She glanced at his pips, "lieutenant. I didn't realise anybody was aboard."

He stood in partial shadow and the one side of his face was indefinable, whilst the other bathed in coloured reflections from the engineering console.
"Hastings ma'am. Lieutenant Freeman ordered me to ready the Castor for your departure." He explained.

"O, very well. All pre-flight checks done?" She asked as the pace of her heartbeat returned to a normal rhythm.

"Yes Captain. All done. The Castor is ready to fly. All batteries are at full and ...." He started as a throat clearing drew their attention.

"Commander Rakka. Please, come in." Tasha said, waving her hand, welcoming Rakka on board.

"If you will excuse me ma'am, I have duties to attend to." The enginner stood to attention.

"Of course. Dismissed lieutenant." Tasha replied as he sidled past the security chief.

Rakka approached, curious. "What's going on, Captain?" she wondered.

Tasha made a grunt, which was supposed to be a chuckle. "Heading off a little earlier than planned. I need to give you some freedom of movement and to advise you of our current situation. Last night...." She was interrupted.

T'Lan finally entered the docking ring. "You sent for me Captain?"

Tasha leant around Rakka. "Commander, please, come in." She beckoned her first officer inward bending her hand back and forth. "I was just about to detail Commander Rakka, so your timing is perfect. Earlier this morning, I had a very unusual call from the Romulan Commander. Apparently a federation craft caused some sort of damage to their ship. I have asked that details of all ships entering DS5 between 22 hundred hours and zero 1 hundred hours be passed along to them." T'Lan was about to speak, but Tasha raised her hand. "I have checked that there were no covert ships in the manifest, but I do not want to start any discord with them at our doorstep. Sorry Commander Rakka, I know I should have informed you earlier, and you may not agree with my actions, but I have asked Ayren Kelan and Isha t'Khellian to see what information they can pass back to us. Commander T'lan," Tasha turned to the Commander. "As your going to be in command, its only fitting that we bring your rank up to full commander. I am afraid I have not generated a pip for you, but your promotion has been recorded."

T'Lan spoke, "This is not an ideal time for you to be reassigned Captain. With the situation with the Lytosians, a stable command structure is advised. Preferably a Commanding Officer that knows the situation."

The captain raised a weary smile as she half closed her eyes and shook her head. "I am not being reassigned T'Lan, I have been recalled to Earth to give evidence in the trial of Commander O'Dwyer. Lytosians and Romulans are an equal threat at the moment, but I know that my command staff will be able to handle any situation that arises, we have an excellent team. I will only be off station for 8 to 9 weeks, including travel. I trust that Commander Rakka will help you and Davies to settle on the station, acting as guide." The weary smile widened.

"Understood Captain." T'Lan attempted to hide the emotion that was surfacing. She had grown fond of Captain Tahir in such a short time.

Rakka cleared her throat quietly. "I can't say I'm thrilled with the idea of that shifty Romulan woman having a handle on such a potentially volatile situation."

"I know Rakka, it's not an ideal situation, but with Isha having Romulan contacts far closer to her than any of us, I felt it prudent to try and glean what information I could, but she was less than forthcoming. T'Lan, I need you to co-ordinate any information that Ayren can supply as she spent a few days aboard their missionary craft and has made some progress also." She explained.

The silence was awkward. Tasha had no inkling of what was either of their minds. She took a breath and straightened herself.

"Sorry Rakka, but I have also done the same for you, I cannot have my stand in being of higher rank than my first and second officer, so I have also recorded the same for you. I will need you to 'lean' on Isha a little. She was seeking extradition of a Romulan, apparently in residence on this station, a female by the name of Veralan Iawaain. See what you find out about her and if its worth our while in securing her aboard the station."

"With all due respect, sir," Rakka said immediately, "information gathering is not among my strengths. I thought that was why we have an 'Intelligence' department. Granted, Mr. Gabriel has not exactly proved himself on many recent matters, but I'm sure he at least has the time for such pursuits, as well as a personal interest in the matter. My department is inexcusably overstressed as it is. I have no problem with keeping an eye on the situation as a whole, but to have my department sent to dig into the past of a stranger seems a little much at the moment. I will happily keep in contact with this 'Isha' but my 'babysitting' schedule is rather overbooked." She shot a glance at T'Lan, remembering their conversation about Lt. Gabriel.

"And with you gone," Rakka continued, turning back to Tasha, "no doubt the demands upon me will only increase." She took a deep breath, suddenly wishing she could take back most of what she had just blurted out. She hadn't realized exactly how overwhelmed she had been feeling until she started talking and the word vomit became unstoppable. How could she betray such weakness in front of her commanding officer?!

"I'm sorry," Rakka said suddenly, with a sigh. "I ought to be a person you can depend on right now."

"Apology not necessary. I understand the pressures placed upon us when we lose somebody." Tasha stated, surprisingly relieved to hear yet more emotions coming from Rakka. Riley was indeed an influence on her.

She looked at both of them, eyeing them, looking for what was on their minds, before turning slightly towards T'Lan.

"Commander T'Lan, as the commander of DS5, you will need to greet Commander Davies upon his arrival, which is going to be late tomorrow night." Tasha took a single step backwards, allowing Rakka to take a little less of her view.

"Commanders, look after DS5 until I return." Tasha said with a smile, which was lost to both of them.


CO: Captain Tasha Tahir

XO: Commander T'Lan

CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka