Unity – Is their a Counselor in?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Is their a Counselor in?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 10:36pm
Location   Counselor t'Jay's Office
Timeline   SD16

Dunham had been putting this off for a long time. Some how he had managed to get away with it. But now he had know choice. He had to go and see a starfleet counselor. Dunham had only been on the station for just over a month. Even though it was standard procedure to see the a councillor at your new posting Dunham had managed to avoid this. But since his star fighter was torn apart by the temporal anomaly only a few days ago and even though the wonders of medical science and a damn good doctor had patched up the third degree burns, the broken bones and the punctured abdomen he still had to get signed off by a ships councillor before going back to active service.

He had made his way to the councillor offices on the station he was apparently excepted, as a young ensign greeted him warmly and ushered him towards an office it was marked Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay assistant Counselor. THe ensign let him be so Dunham pressed the door chime for entry.

Kreallia sat in one of the blue lounge chairs that sat in her office adjacent to one another as she heard the chime ring. First Patient! Kreallia thought in an overly giddy tone. “Come in.” Kreallia addressed the chime.

Dunham smarted out his uniform as he entered the room with a little trepidation. "Hi I'm Rick" he said offering his had for a shake.

Kreallia smiled."I'm Kreallia bree Shore t'Tay." Kreallia said as she extended her light olive hand to meet his.

Dunham took her hand and shook it fondly. "Pleasure to meet you Counselor. So urrrm how does this work then. Its been a while since I have been to one of these." ~Not since my last posting three years ago~ he thought to himself.

"Well now that we're past the introductions, you just need to tell me why your here seeking advice from a Romulan." Kreallia said in her calm and spunk tone.

Dunham looked around for a chair. Found one and sat down. Leaning foward giving his full attention hands clasped together. "Well" he said with a smile. "I didn't really have much of a choice you see.....Its urrrm procedure that I come and see you. So I can get signed off as fit to fly again."

"My wing got stuck near the temporal anomaly. Every alarm bell and warning light went was going off insistently as my fighter went into a spin. With its shields down due to the effects of the anomaly I had been totally blown off course and the tip of my wing had come clear off. Sparks flew above my head fire erupted inside my cockpit. I could feel my leg burning but I could not bring my self to look at it as my concentration was purely on trying to keep the fighter out of her flat spin.

The fighter was now tumbling wildly towards the anomaly. A tidal wave of temporal distortion was hitting the fighter. In the cockpit my console blew outward. chunks of burning metal embedded themselves in my upper chest making sizzling noise. But I couldn't keep the ship under control the last thing I remember is passing through the anomaly to the other side and having to eject just as my small fighter collided with the USS Sarek ."

"I woke up in sickbay. Thanks to Dr Adams their was no permanent damage. She managed to fix me up a treat. But after an incident like that its procedure to get signed off by a councillor before being allowed to fly again. So if you could just give the all clear. That would be great." he said with a friendly smile.

Kreallia sook her head. "I cant just sign you off Rick, I need to know that your fit to fly in that cockpit. Now why don't you describe everything in detail, before the accident." Kreallia said with her calm almost logical tone.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin. "Well we were out on close flight patrol around Deep Space five air space. When this great big temporal anomaly opens up. I don't know the science but i heard from our guys up in ops that it happened due to that tricobalt warhead that fire off into the USS bunker hill by 'accident' during the war games. It somehow effected space time and opend a rift. As the deployed wing my team were first on site. But the thing caught us in its waves of temporal energy. I managed to re-route enough power to the engines. But that thing was shaking about more than a cocktail maker. I gave the order to fall back. My wing man clipped my wing and that put me in the spin. Luckily they got out."

Kreallia fixed the last to memory. "What type of fighter were you flying? Valkyrie, Razor?"

Dunham gave a nod of respect to the councillor for knowing her star fighters. "Valkyrie"

Kreallia nodded. "Was anyone with you in the fighter? Or was it a single pilot varriant?" Kreallia asked.

Dunham massaged his fingers on his forehead. "I was flying solo that day.....what are we getting at." He said with a little confusion.

Kreallia nodded. "I'm just trying to repeice the event from your point of view, its setting the state of mind." Kreallia said.

"Hmmm" he said to the room in general. "Interesting what else would you like to know?" he smiled

"What were you feeling when you were making the flyby of the station, anxiety? Calmness?" Kreallia asked on the edge of the blue chair.

"Well before it all kicked off I was feeling great. Flying is what I am. I'm more comfortable behind the stick then in my own bed. Then this whole thing with the anomaly happened and well I was feeling the usual adrenalin pumping and trepidation....but you know sometimes I think to myself that the worst it gets the more fun it is."

"Okay, and then from the time when the anomaly appeared to the time you got there, what were you feeling?" Kreallia asked.

"Little bit awe. THis thing beautiful to look at. Then the training kicked in and it was all professionalism. Even when the thing got us I was just concentrating on staying alive really. "

"Now what were you thinking when the anomally closed on you and you collided with the Sarek?" Kreallia asked.

Dunham let out a little laugh. "Your not serious are you?" but he could tell by the look on her face that she was. "Well if wasn't for the fact that my leg was on fire and I had a chunk of red hot metal in belly at that point, I probably would of been thinking 'Hell this is it'. But I didn't . I just seemed to be focused on the flying. You know trying to block out the pain and the whole might possibly die thing. Then I ejected."

Kreallia put up one of her olive hands to stop Rick. "And now after all that, do you feel anxiety? Do you feel that the next time you fly a fighter something will happen and you wont get luckly like the last time?" Kreallia said as she stood up and rounded the chair.

Dunham gave half smile. "No. And you know why? You see lucks got nothing to do with. Training, skill, speed, agility. These things make a good pilot and danger comes with the job. Their won't be any anxiety next time because I'm damn good pilot."

Kreallia stood with an annoyed stance. ~of all the pilots on this bloody station I ended up with him~ "Thats what you believe, thats what you think, but you dont know do you Lieutenant?" Kreallia said in a stern, almost a shouting tone.

Dunham realised something might be up here. "Do you want drink?" he said getting up and walking to the replicator. "Computer one cup of Chi. Little bit of milk. Three sugars." Dunham took out the steaming hot mug from the replicator and took a sip. "Your absolutely right councillor." he said calmly. "But I'm pretty Zen on this, and i got good karmic feeling about."

"Good, thats the first step. But I cant clear you for flight." Kreallia said with a more relaxed tone.

"Ah but how do you know whats going to happen unless you let me fly?"

Kreallia shook her head. "Well I cant clear you based on karma." Kreallia stated.

Dunham sat back down in his chair both hands wrapped around the warm mug. He took a couple of sips deep in thought. "Well we won't know unless we try, so how about we take small shuttle, we go out for a quick spoin. If you have any worries you can take over and bring us back to the barn?"

Kreallia thought for a moment. It was an acceptable arrangement and Kreallia had flown a Star Courier once so she could take over."Alright, tomorrow o'eight hundred, dont be late." Kreallia said as she sat back down in her chair.

Dunham gave a heart felt warm smile. "Brilliant. Sounds like a plan. Thank you very much for your time Counselor.


Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader
Deep Space Five

Counselor (LT JG) Kreallia t'Jay
Assistant Counselor
Deep Space Five