Interlude – The Tragic Mulatto
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   The Tragic Mulatto
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Fri Jun 25, 2010 @ 4:01pm
Location   Promanade
Timeline   shortly after Personal Motivation
Dorian decided to take a stroll onto the promenade. Before his suspension at the hands of the Executive Officer, he would always prefer to patrol the station during this time of the day. It was less crowded and he was able to keep an eye on everything without the worry of typical back-and-forth or being bothered by people asking dumb questions such as where the nearest replimat was located.

He also was still feeling the affects of the Saurian Brandy and felt that a nice walk and casual people-watching would be good for him. Dorian stood by the rail and observed the various inhabitants of the station passing by him. It was only a few moments later when he saw two persons of particular interest passing his field of vision.

"Frack!" Rianni groaned as she saw Gabriel standing on the Promenade, staring at them, "Come on, Arrienye, let's go some other way."

Arrienye looked over to Rianni before turning her gaze over to where hers was, to the man standing several feet away.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat brought in. A Romulan and her. . ." he said as his voice trailed off while looking towards Arrienye. "Her. . . newest girlfriend?" Dorian said in a tone that carried a slight slur.

"Mister Gabriel, I'd like to inform you that you're addressing Romulan Consular personnel, and as such we enjoy diplomatic immunity." Rianni began, "Even an ill bred fool like you understands that means if I light you up there's nothing that can be done. Now, go away before you get your ass stomped by a girl."

"Or two," t'Merek added.

He glared at the other Romulan for several moments before returning his attention back towards Rianni. "I had heard about your 'sudden departure', but to actually see you wearing a different uniform, I must say. . .I'm surprised it took you this long to realize the truth." he replied.

"Before you go, answer this one question for me!" He shouted to the woman as she began to take a step in the opposite direction.

"Why do you insist on wasting your time and mine you piece of garbage?" Rianni sighed, "Make it quick, I haven't got time for fools."

"How does it feel?" He asked in a simple manner.

"What? To tell you you're an idiot?" Rianni asked, "Pretty sad actually, since you don't seem to be doing anything to improve yourself."

"I mean. . .how does it feel to finally accept who you are. To finally accept the truth that everyone has known since you first put on a Starfleet uniform." he asked as his intent became more clear. "It must feel liberating to finally reveal yourself for who you truly are. . .a failure." he said with a genuine smile.

"How am I a failure?" Rianni snarled, "If anyone here, hell, if anyone in the universe is a failure it's you. You hounded me and my family for months simply because we were of a different race, and you could never do anything until you had your high command buddies toss me out on a medical discharge, you had to have someone else finish your dirty work because you aren't man enough to do the job yourself. Then, these self same friends, turn their back on you and put you out of their misery like the worthless little lapdog you are. I'd call you garbage, but you'd need to be promoted five steps on the evolutionary scale to make garbage."

"You think I need my uniform in order to be better than you?" he asked incredulously. "I'm better than you because I have a sense of purpose that doesn't waiver. When I go home this evening and lay my head down I will rest knowing that I serve only the Federation." He said proudly.

"But you. . .Sub Commander will always do battle with the ever-present recognition that you will never be accepted by either us or them." He said as he jerked his head in the general direction of Arrienye.

"Maybe your mother did have some intelligence. Perhaps she was right to just up and abandon you, because at the end of the day no matter what uniform you put on or what uniform you take off." He said as he took another step into her personal space.

"You'll never be anything more than a tragic mulatto." he concluded.

"You seem to have us confused, houseboy." Rianni replied, "Unlike you, my mother never abandoned me. I guess she knew how you were going to turn out and didn't want it associated with her name. Threw you away to save face."

As he took another step into Rianni's personal space, he suddenly felt himself pushed lightly, but quite firmly, back a few steps by Arrienye. The dark haired woman gazed at him intently, a cold confidence appearing even icier by her blue eyes. "That's close enough," she told him. "And since we're suddenly in the art of asking questions, let me ask you one, Gabriel. How does it feel for you?"

Dorian gave her an quizzical look.

"Knowing that the very system you believe in and idolize so feverishly has turned it's back on you? Knowing that, for as long as you believe in it, it will never accept you for who you are and what you believe, despite your complete confidence that your views are right. Even though your views, while you believe are best for the Federation, are against everything that institution stands for and it will never hesitate to brush you aside and is probably ashamed of you." Arrienye explained, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The term 'owned' seems to be fitting right now, doesn't it?" Rianni laughed at Gabriel, though she wished Arrienye would've let him come one step closer, ~Last step that motherfracker would've ever taken.~

Dorian stared at both Romulans for several moments before decided that the conversation had come to its natural conclusion. The smaller Romulan had struck a cord within him, but he wasn't going to admit it in front of them. Instead he would leave them with a certain reminder.

"Enjoy this." He said to both of them. "Enjoy this moment, because in due time, your Aunt will dispose of you in the same fashion that she has done everyone else. You'll lose that uniform, that ship, and even your guard dog here." He said with a directed glare towards Arrienye.

"And when that happens, I'm sure you will try to solve your problems in a cowardly manner once again by trying to take your own life. But whether you succeed or fail, it is my sincere hope that the last thought to run through your mind. . ." he said as he stood up and straightened his shirt.

". . .is that I was right, all along." He concluded as he walked between the two of them towards the corridor on the opposite side of the area.

That was all Rianni was going to take from this son of a bitch. Pushing past Arrienye, she walked up and grabbed Gabriel's shoulder and turned him around, "I'm a coward? You're the one running." Rianni stated, emphasizing it with a hard shove in his chest, "Now if you have any balls, you spawn of a whore, why don't we settle this now?"

When he didn't answer fast enough Rianni spat in his face and shoved him again, "Come on, asshole, you've been begging for this since the day we met and now that you don't have that badge to hide behind you're going to get what's coming to you. Come on, let's play for blood."

If Dorian was in a more sober state of mind, he would have ignored the insult and simply laughed at the pathetic individual. However, this was a different circumstances. His alcohol-induced mind was not weighing the consequences of striking a diplomatic officer. Instead, he was contemplated how quickly he could drop the woman and her companion before either one could reach their weapon.

"You stupid bi--" he snarled as he took an aggressive step towards her.

"Is there a problem here?" a voice called out from the adjacent corridor. Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis stepped rather quickly towards the three individuals and tried to gauge the situation.

"I truly hope there isn't one, because then we'd have to break up this friendly gathering." Trellis said as he looked from the Romulan diplomats to the enraged security officer.

"There's no problem," Arrienye answered, pulling Rianni gently and discreetly by the back of her uniform, giving her a knowing, slightly criticizing look. "We were just leaving," she told the man. She knew it wasn't her place to talk for her senior officer, but Rianni wasn't in full control of herself and needed to calm down.

Rianni considered struggling away from Arrienye and kicking Gabriel's ass the way he needed, but Arrienye pulling her away from the bastard's throat had given her time to think about what this would turn into for Isha and her father, so she simply went where Arrienye pulled her.

Trellis smiled in response. "That's good, I'm sure neither one of us wish to see this escalate to something else." he said in his most diplomatic tone, hoping to defuse the situation. "Right, Commander Gabriel?" he said addressing the still fuming officer.

Giruana had been watching from a distance, hoping her old friend wasn't going to do anything to make his situation worse, but, sadly, he did. Walking over to him quickly she produced her idea, "Hi, yeah, I'm from State, Mr. Gabriel is with me." She then turned and focused her intense brown eyes on Dorian, "And we were just leaving."

Rianni just laughed, ~Hiding behind his girlfriend, how cute.~

Dorian wiped his shirt off and turned to walk away and muttered under his breathe as he left the entire episode behind him. "Stay the hell away from me," He said bitterly as he briskly passed by Giruana.

Giruana just shook her hairless head in disgust, he was always ugly when he drank and today was no exception, ~Come here to save his career and he's not making it any easier.~


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
involuntary vacation

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of Security
Romulan Consulate

erie'Rvio Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan/Ready to Kick Gabriel's Ass

Agent Giruana
Federation State Department/About Ready to Let Her