Small Things – Coffee shop
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Coffee shop
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Oct 13, 2013 @ 3:43pm
Location   Earth Blends Coffee shop, prominade level
Timeline   *tbd*
*We'll do this post to synchronize the Little ship of misfits with anything else going on on DS5 plus we can branch out the stuff we want to build on.*

A rare slow morning for the small Deep Space Five intelligence office allowed Rhiana to go the Coffee shop that she frequented, she had a warm cup of a bizarre blend called 'Excellencia'. She liked it, she wasn't a fan of the baking here, but it was edible. She'd received a message that there was a sighting of the mystery ship, she wanted to talk to Bradshaw to confirm one or two details plus she was interested in the status of the arrival of the prototype.

A waitress walked over "Refill?"

A polite nod as the black liquid filled her cup for the second time, she looked up to see the elder Bradshaw alone on this occasion, "So I gather by the message the Torbin colony sighting is legitimate?"

"So far as I know the ship, the falcon sighted your ship and managed to get some very good scans and infact had been able to follow your ship for a couple hours before their courses diverged and the falcon lost sensor contact." Said Wayne calmly he himself was having a scotch coffee and was sipping on it slowly as he talked giving the impression of a friendly visit rather then what the meeting actually was.j

"My information has them landed, which means this is a new ship of some kind, but they haven't been sighted since." Taking a sip again she looked up "Admiral Morgan has made it clear we're not to interfere unless the ship gets attacked."

"That is understandable as most of my ships would not last 5 minutes against anything heavier then a pirate raider or something like that." said Wayne as he took a sip. "I know that the ship beamed something or someone down to that colony before they left orbit but that is all I can tell you given the sensor logs that I was sent from the captain." He added

"I'm still debating talking to the captain at this point about a few things, we don't have a clue as to what this ships mission is about."

"You are welcome to try but the only way to get ahold of the falcon is subspace comms. she is not slated to be back through DS5 for at least another 4 months. I could of course order a return but that would raise questions that neither of us want to answer. The crew may be mostly former starfleet personnel but they still like to talk and you know as well as I do how easy it is for loose lips to sink a ship." Said Wayne calmly before adding. "On another note that prototype you wanted us to pick up and deliver for you should arrive in the next 12 hours give or take a couple hours."

"I'll let the fighter wing know about that part." Rhiana took a long sip as she phrased her thoughts "I hate this guessing game, someone has made a massive effort too cover up who, or what is being transported and why all the secrecy."

"I know how we used to deal with this in the corps or at least how those of us in black units used to deal with this kind of thing. Though we can not do that anymore it is kinda illegal after all." Said Wayne with a chuckle. He knew that she had to be aware of what he had done in the past at least in passing so he did not feel that what he had told her was a breach in any way shape or form.

"I wouldn't mind a break at this point, something to piece this all together." Rhiana said with some irony.

"Well give about 20 men with black ops training, a near death wish and the ability to plan out a kidnapping of say the head of SFI and I can get you the information you want and probably more then you could ever imagine. Of course unless you are damn near untouchable your life is forfeited unless you kill the director which is not something you want to do in the first place." Said Wayne lightly

"I'd be happy with an explanation of who the hell is Winter.." Rhiana said

"Winter hmmm that is a name I have not heard in almost 30 years but it can not be the same man that is just not possible is it." Said Wayne asently as he wracked his brain trying to remember what he could.

"Might be a different alias, the name doesn't appear in anything I have until after a gun battle at the space port of a Romulan colony." Rhiana said another pull of the coffee "And ghost doesn't appear until just after the same shoot out."

"About Ghost you might be right but Winter well I am just not so sure. Let me give you a little history lesson if I may. back in 2353 Was a captain in the rangers. as I am sure you know the rangers worked close with SFI a lot of the time. In my company I had two brothers one was a gunnery sargent and one was a 1st lt. different platoons and different ages but both with the name Winter. The Lt. was a Simon Winter a close friend of mine and a man I would have laid my life and career on the line for in a heartbeat. The other was a William Winter, a quiet but ruthless man an expert in hand to hand CQB and a crack shot with just about any weapon you put in his hand. Simon was killed on a mission that is still classified and I personally brought his body back myself however William was also thought to have been killed in that same battle, however no trace of he man was ever found. He was officially listed as MIA but somethings just never sat right though I could not put my finger on any one thing." Said Wayne flatly

"What if we're not talking about a male....Winter..." Rhiana trailed off

Wayne thought back for a couple minutes. "Keep in mind I only know this because you know how marines like to talk and their unit often times becomes like your extended family Simon mentioned that they had a younger sister though at the time she was only about 12 years old or so. I met her once when I took her brothers body back to their family. cute kid but that is all I could tell you about her. Like I said that was almost 30 years ago though and a lot can change in that amount of time." Said Wayne absently

"What if this person isn't a marine, or even part of starfleet?" Rhiana posed the question.

"I don't know what to tell you. I did not stay in contact with the winter family and have no idea what ever happened to the girl. hell for all I know she could be dead right now or married to some admiral. I suppose I could find out but honestly I do not have the resources to do something like that. I mean be realistic how could I push through the funding for an intel branch and make it look like a logical expansion of my company. ship yards yes casinos yes mines definately, colonies yes to a degree, a PMC was a streach but I managed it as being a logical way to provide protection for my ships and cargo's, the same with putting fighters on every ship and keeping them armed with phasers and torpedoes even if in a reduced manner. However there are somethings that I simply can not do nor am inclined to do." Said Wayne flatly as he took a srink of his coffee and motioned for a refill.

"We can speculate until we go insane, lets just focus on the fighter prototype for now." Rhiana said

"I could not agree more." said Wayne calmly

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

Rhiana T'sehan
DS5 intelligence