Judgement – Unexpected
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon

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Title   Unexpected
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Tue Jul 05, 2011 @ 9:45pm
Location   Ops / Deck 56
Timeline   SD38 14:00

It wasn't often these days that Karen found the time to get to Ops.

These days! she thought with a wry internal smile, she hadn't been here that long herself and it felt like years. Karen was expecting a particular missive from JAG HQ and she didn't want it to get scrambled and lost in the same way the last one had.

The faces in here always changed, it was a big department and the shift rotation made it impossible to pin down who was who. Karen approached the officer closest to her as she entered.

"Lieutenant, would you run a diagnostic on the link between the main communications relay and the JAG facility. Highest priority," she said.

Miranda stood to attention upon hearing the authoritative voice behind her, "Right away." Upon saying this she began tapping away into the panel with a slight feel of nervousness, being one of her first days on the job. She finished by tapping the largest button on the console as a orange bar appeared on the screen. Miranda then turned around to face the officer, upon turning she realised it was Commander Villiers, "Level 3 diagnostic will take approximately 10 minutes, that should check all of the required systems Commander."

"I'll wait," Karen said. "My last communique was scrambled beyond recognition, or deciphering." She didn't yet know if it was a system fault, incompetence or someone external with an interest in delaying communications that concerned the Gabriel case. Karen turned her attention back to the woman as she worked. "You're new, I think," she observed, "You've still got that air of awe about you at the sheer scale of a Starbase operation," she continued, "I had the same thing when I arrived."

"Yeah, I just arrived the other day. I'm more nervous about meeting everybody rather than the task that awaits me" Miranda suddenly was alerted by the red flashing light on the console and turned swiftly to fully face it again. "Hmm, this is strange, I think I know why your last transmission failed.."

"I'm all ears, Lieutenant ...?"

"Well..", Miranda sighed and turned around to face the Commander, "It seems there's some sort of field tuned to the exact frequency wavelengths that these JAG transmissions are sent in on. This field is designed specifically to scramble transmissions.. The field also appears to be emitted locally.. aboard the station"

"And have you located its origin?" Karen asked. It could be major, or it could be some petty criminal wanting to obscure their activities - they couldn't know until it was sourced.

She turned back and faced the console, then began typing into it again "I'm just running a station wide scan for possible emitters, this should take a few seconds" Whatever it was it was well hidden. "There are sixty three possible locations Commander." - They couldn't go searching 63 separate areas of the ship, the transmission would've come in and been scrambled by then. "I'll try to isolate them" Miranda typed into the console again and ran many separate Level 2 scans.

"OK," Karen said as she leaned against the console, her palm flat, and rigid arm suppoerting her weight. "Tell me your gut feelings about the origin?" she asked, the lawyer in her speaking, "Before they're obscured by evidence."

Miranda looked the Commander in the eye, "I think someone doesn't want you communicating with JAG". She then turned back to the console, the scans had finished. "Deck 56"

Karen raised an eyebrow. "Deck fifty six? JAG office, Courts and Diplomatics? That seems an odd source for interference, though I suppose my own back garden is the last place anyone would look," she said.

Miranda began to run further scans, however they only took a few seconds to complete. "It's located somewhere in the Betazoid Embassy Commander", Miranda swerved back to face the Commander and stood up. "Shall we investigate?"

"I thought they were on Deck sixty next to the Romulan Embassy. Has there been a recent move?"" Karen said. "Of course this must be investigated, subtly, Lieutenant. Betazed is a Federation member, and we don't want to upset their representative, do we."

As the pair began to walk towards the turbolift Miranda began to talk to the Commander "Hmm... Strange, there isn't any records of a move to my knowledge, and I regularly keep myself updated with such knowledge. But the computer said specifically the 'Betazed Embasy', deck 56" Miranda continued pacing with a confused look about her.

Karen stopped at the nearest console and punched in her own clearance - the record she called up confirmed that the Embassy in question had not been moved, nor could it have been - not to Deck 56 at least.

"Curious," she said turning back. "The embassy is located exactly where it should be, so why would someone on 56 imply that it wasn't?"

"Perhaps to make sure nothing gets assigned to that area of deck 56? To hide a dampening field generator.. But wouldn't that make a lot of noise..?" Miranda said in reply.

"I don't know - a question for one of the engineers. Deck fifty-six," Karen requested. This was very strange.

"Wouldn't somebody need some pretty influential access codes to authorise that area becoming known as the Betazoid Embassy?" Miranda was puzzled.

"More than that," Karen said thoughtfully as the turbolift hurtled towards their destination, "It would imply someone within Starfleet, or else a dangerous penetration by an external party - in short a deep security breach."

The turbolift came to a halt as the silver lined doors slid open, to reveal a lively deck with many people from many different planets. Miranda looked to the Commander and signalled for them both to leave the turbolift "Shall we?"

This was not exactly new territory to Karen given that her JAG facility was located on this level, albeit in the opposite quarter. "So show me where your signal is coming from."

Miranda flipped out her tricorder and wandered aimlessly down one of the halls with the Commander until they reached a door with a Bolian standing outside, Miranda signalled to the Commander that the signal was being emitted from in that room.

"Commander Villiers, Executive Officer," Karen said to the man. "I require access to this facility." She was ready for the response.

The Bolian grunted at the Commander and began to speak in dorsal tones "You may not enter"

"Yes, I may," Karen asserted without missing a breath. "This area is unassigned and therefore off-limits to anyone other than Starfleet personnel. Stand aside." The latter was not a request.

The Bolian remained infront of the door "Quarzak said noone may enter", Quarzak was a Ferengi 'businessman' who had a history of criminal activities aboard the station. He was well known to both the Lieutenant and the Commander, although he had never done something along the lines of scrambling transmissions.

"I don't take orders from you or from Quarzak. I suggest you go and fetch him," Karen said. "I'm entering that room, one way or another, and I'd hate to get security involved, wouldn't you?"

The Bolian grunted again, and slowly slid to the side of the door, allowing a passage for the Commander and the Lieutenant. He then quickly faced them both "But don't tell Quarzak I let you in!"

Karen raised an eyebrow as she passed. She spoke again as the door closed. Several panels had been stripped from the walls and the conduits exposed - some of which were now linked to other pieces of equipment that appeared to have been cobbled together from defunct machinery and spare parts.

"So what have we here?" she said aloud.

Miranda looked around. "I have no idea..", she began to scan with the tricorder.

"If this does turn out to be what is interrupting my communications, the next question will be 'why'. I think we can trust our blue friend out there to keep his mouth closed for the time being. Can you alter the signal so that it appears to be functioning but still allows my communications through - oh, and tap into whatever else its being used for."

"Well I could..", Miranda was interrupted mid-sentence by the sharp opening of the doors and the loud voice of a Ferengi, that Ferengi being Quarzak.

"Good evening ladies! I see you've stumbled upon my invention!" He said this in high-pitched typical Ferengi tones.

Miranda quickly turned to face him "What is it Quarzak?"

"Why my dear, I could tell you that. But for a price!"

Miranda turned to the Commander after being surprised by Quarzak's sudden abrupt entrance.

"Let's see," Karen said smoothly, "Breaking and entering, Wilful damage to Federation property, interference with priority communications ... your're not in a strong negotiating position," she told him. "I'll give you some free legal advice - start talking."

Quarzak looked puzzled "Interference with priority communications..? What are you talking about" he walked over to the opposite side of the room next to one of the consoles whilst saying this.

"Oh, my mistake," Karen said in a biting tone that admitted no such thing, "all this equipment is just for brewing Andorian moonshine! How could I have been so mistaken. Now get back over here and break the habit of a lifetime, start telling me the truth."

"It's none of your business is what it is", Quarzak was getting increasingly agitated.

At that Karen stepped forward, and cool and calm as ever she grabbed his right ear with her left hand. "As XO, whatever goes on around here is my business. If you want to keep it between us, you'll talk now," Karen said twisting her fingers as she literally bent his ear. She was quite aware that he was likely to enjoy the violent stimulation of his lobes, but that was a given in such negotiations with this gutter rat. Karen pulled him in by the ear and leaned down to his face. "Spill it, Quarzak, who is paying you? Stall any longer and I'll make it official."

Miranda put her hand over her mouth to cover up the fact she was smirking from the sight of a short Ferengi wriggling at the end of the Commander's arm.

Quarzak screamed at the Commander from the pain he was enduring "Ok! Ok! I'll tell you what it is, just put me down!"

Karen let him go, if only to stop the noise he was making. "I'm listening," she said folding her arms.

Quarzak let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his ear "It's a machine which discreetly beams profitable cargo off of ships when they are undocking and swaps it with a fake replica version of the cargo on the ship. So they never know until its too late! And the profitable cargo get teleported to these quarters, and then sold on", the room was filled with various active devices.

Miranda looked around the room "Perhaps one of these devices is emitting the dampening field, preventing your transmissions... But that means somebody else planned to stop your transmissions from a separate location.."

"I'll add Grand Larceny to the list of charges, then," Karen said staring down at the Ferengi. "Anything here that might 'accidentally' interfere with secure comms signals?" Of course there was, if there wasn't then the scam couldn't work in the first place.

Quarzak looked blankly at the Commander "Maybe we could come to some agreement?" he paced slowly towards a small device in the corner, hidden behind a large cargo container, the device of which was wired into the station circuitry with security clamps surrounding it.

"Oh we can," Karen replied. "You will agree to dismantle this trash heap, you will agree to give me a full list of stolen cargos, and you will agree to turn yourself in to the security team that I am going to summon. You have my word that I will throw the book at you. Take it or leave it."

Quarzak looked to the door "I feared you would say that..", he tapped into one of the devices on the floor nearby him. A sharp pop noise sounded and what appeared to be a make-shift forcefield deployed around Miranda and Karen. "I'll be seeing you!!" Quarzak shouted as he ran out of the doors of the quarters. He was on his way to his shuttle, where by the time Ops would be alerted of the officers being trapped, he would be safely away from the station.

Miranda walked up to the edge of the, what appeared to be a forcefield. She touched it briefly with her hand and as a buzz sound emerged, she was sent to the ground with a thud and burnt hand. "Argh!" she exclaimed. Miranda looked at her hand, the outer layers of skin which had touched the forcefield were bright red, she needed to get to sickbay ASAP. She looked to the Commander "This forcefield looks pretty flimsy, got your phaser on you?"

Neither of them were particularly surprised by the exit. What Karen was certain of was that the troll was not going to be coming back to Deep Space Five anytime soon, because the moment even a trace of his DNA was discovered Quarzak was going to end up in the brig post haste.

As it happened, Karen did. "Here you go," she said handing it to the Lieutenant, "It bit you, you have the honour of biting it back."

Miranda stood up, brushing herself off from the fall with the phaser in her hand, she tapped the modulation buttons on the phaser and took aim at the forcefield. "Lets hope this works", she calmly said. Upon pressing the buttons a bright orange beam emitted directly from the phaser to the forcefield, giving of a loud crashing sound, but rendering the forcefield useless. She looked to the Commander and smiled, "There we go!", she then passed back the phaser.

"You never did tell me your name, Lieutenant," Karen observed as she took the phaser back. "Computer, raise a secure field around this room." Karen didn't want the rat remotely activating a destruct sequence.

Miranda was shocked that informing the Commander of her name had ... slipped her mind, despite going through this entire event with the Commander. "My apologies. Lieutenant Aeylon, Miranda" she said softly.

"Well, Lieutenant Aeylon, you need to be sure that we get someone from science down here to examine this setup and extract any useful data that might be within. And Miranda, if you want to grab a drink some time, don't hesitate to ask. I'm Karen Villiers, by the way." Karen knew that she knew that anyway, but it needed saying.

Miranda smiled "Of course Commander, and I look forward to that drink..", she tapped her Comm-Badge and spoke "Miranda to Ensign Faroe, could you send someone from Science immediately to deck 56, section 345-Alpha" a voice then responded through the comm system.

=/= Certainly Lieutenant =/=

Miranda looked at her scalded hands, and then back to the Commander "I better go to sickbay to get these checked out. It's been a pleasure Commander, and i'm glad we sorted this.. issue once and for all."

"I'm sure he'll try to weasel his way back in, but we'll do our best to prevent it. Let's not worry about that for now. Go get that seen to," Karen said.

Miranda then walked out quickly out of the room, crossing paths with two teal-suited officers upon leaving the quarters. She was smiling to herself after this experience, and felt a sense of home aboard the station, along with a growing friendship with its crew. She stepped into the turbo lift and sharply spoke "Computer, Sickbay", as the steel doors slid close, so did the events that had unfolded on her first day of duty."


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Lieutenant (JG) Miranda Aeylon
Chief of Communications