Interlude – Let's play nicely together
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Let's play nicely together
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 12, 2010 @ 12:54am
Location   Diplomatic Conference Rooms
Timeline   SD 20
Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis entered the Diplomatic Conference room with the Chief Diplomat and observed the spacious room as the Diplomat continued to speak.

Mathew Was hoping this event would go well and was discussing some de-classified basics on the Ambassadors Trellis would meet. He smiled as they walked in "And so he is just your normal... Ahh we're here I re decorated it myself." Mathew turned to face Trellis "Do you like it?"

Trellis nodded, "Back on Trill it is very typical to change the decorum within places of business on a regular basis. Change means that you are in charge of your own destiny and just do not sit by idly." He said as he followed the Diplomat.

"It is my hope Mr. Totti, that with the 'changing of the guard' within Security, I'm hoping that we all can learn to play nicely. Do you think the other Ambassadors are willing to trust us?" he asked as he took a seat at the table and awaited the arrival of the other diplomats.

Mathew laughed then sighed. "Ahh lieutenant. Ambassadors playing nicely?" Mathew said sceptically. "I wish"

Accompanied by Deletham her Senior Advisor and her aide erie'Riov Liviana i-Mnaeha t'Khev Isha entered the conference room. "I don't think we've had the pleasure," she observed acknowledging that she had met neither of the two men present.

Trellis stood and approached the dignitary. "I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, the acting Chief of Station Security." He said introducing himself.

"Ambassador e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae," Isha said with a curt nod, giving the abbreviated version of her official title. "I do hope the esteemed Lieutenant Commander Gabriel is not indisposed," she said with towering insincerity and a glance at her aide.

"Well, Mr. Gabriel is no longer available at the moment. I will be in charge of all matters of internal security within the station." he replied.

"What a terrible shame," Isha responded. "Gabriel's absence, not your being in charge," she added with a smirk. Then she flicked a hand towards her companions. The tall skeletal one she introduced simply as, "Deletham, my Senior Advisor," and the althletic and uniformed woman as "erie'Riov t'Khev, my aide," in a tone that suggested the woman's responsibilities were somewhat more than minuting the ambassador's conversations.

"So," Isha said, "what do you want of the Stelam Shiar?"

Before anyone had time to answer, the tall and bulky frame of Tharek Getal slid through the door, followed quickly by Lemat.

Deletham whispered something in Isha's ear. The ambassador did not turn towards the door but she did mutter an oath beneath her breath that would not even be repeatable among a gang of seasoned spacedock workers. Fortunately for the ears of everyone else present the graphic colloquialism she used for the act she suggested could not be rendered into any other language by the universal translator.

"I was not aware that this was to be a meeting of all and sundry, Lieutenant Trellis," Isha said with a slight undertone of irritation beneath her genial smile, even this bone-headed Cardassian must have got her message by now.

Tharek swore under his breath in his own tongue. "You told me this was to be a meeting, not a visit to the zoo, Si'Lar."

If Getal was here, then Moqrhat was probably not far behind, Isha reasoned, it was they three who represented the major powers with an interest in the sector ... and the Federation diplomat of course.

"I must say, Lieutenant Trellis," Isha said, "that I am surprised that you have invited an old enemy to the table. Cardassia would have sold you to the Dominion, do you not think they'll do the same the next time someone suggests a better offer to them. Ah!" Isha corrected herself, "of course they won't because they are so shattered that no greater power would bother with them."

"People, please!" Trellis tried to reason with the gathered individuals. He was not well versed in the history of diplomatic relations between the various governments, but he was certain that he was not going to allow Gabriel's abuse of authority to overshadow the mission of serving all races onboard the station.

"I'm sure that we all have much to discuss, but if we could all remain calm and let cooler heads prevail, then I'm sure we can resolve whatever issues may exist." he said calmly from his side of the conference table.

Trellis looked towards Totti to inject himself into the conversation to calm down the participants.

Mathew found Trellis's inexperience humerous but did not think less of him. He stood up an first addressed Isha "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Ambassador." Mathew said in a very diplomatic way.

He scanned her aides visually and then looked to the Cardassian Ambassador who looked irritated. "Hello again Tharek! I trust you're in good health?"

"Vi'kar Gul Getal." He stated bluntly.

Mathew pointed to the large Rhombus shaped table with the respective culture's individualized computer panels programmed in the cultures own language. A design only released a few weeks ago, but an Admiral owed him a favour.

"All right everyone take a seat. Moqrhat Should be here soon."

Tempted to take one of the other stations just to be obtuse Isha found hers but did not sit immediately. It was a nice gesture, of course, but unnecessary in her opinion. "How typical of a Klingon to keep us waiting," was her acerbic observation as she sat. Better they think she was at odds with all the ambassadorial delegations than involved in a personal vendetta against one.

Tharek took the Cardassian console, and glared momentarily at Isha. He then waved Lemat down to his ear. He whispered in Cardassian before whisking her away with another flick of the wrist. "Typical of a Romulan to comment negatively on other races." Tharek retaliated toward Isha.

To which Isha simply raised her fingers to her lips and feigned an exaggerated yawn behind them. "How difficult it must be to lack belief in the position of one's own people to feel the reflexive need to condemn a clear statement from an empire that lacks no such conviction. Take a note, Deletham," she suggested to one of her attendants. And as Deletham's stiff and skeletal frame angled down to her she added audibly, and in passable Cardassian, "I'd say that that Gul over there is somewhat chagrined about being stationed in a backwater. Not much opportunity to regain his former 'importance' ... sad really,"added.

Trellis sighed audibly in frustration. This was becoming much more difficult than he anticipated. The sniping between the two ambassadors was going to make this meeting agonizing.

"People, if we could all come to order, I'm sure the Klingon Ambassador will be here shortly and we can begin this very important mission." he said as he tried to sooth the rising wave of tension.

Mathew heard the comments the Ambassadors were whispering about each other and sighed curious as to why Trellis had called this meeting. He looked at one of his aides standing by the replicator and then pushed a button on his console, signaling for her to bring over the mineral water.

He then whispered to Trellis who leaned his chair over to Mathew , "Trellis I think it's time for you to Inform the lovely Ambassadors why we are all here." Mathew turned to look at him and spoke loud enough for the Ambassadors to hear "Im curious myself!" Mathew's head was starting to hurt at all the tension and adversity in the room. The Ambassadors were projecting some very 'Interesting' thoughts about killing each other.

Toran and his aid entered. He hated being late but in this case it was unavoidable. As he entered the room he bowed his head respectfully to diplomatic offer. "Pardon my late arrival. Unfortunately there was an issues needing my immediate attention." Looking to his Romulan and Cardassian counterpart he acknowledged them as well.

Mathew stood respectful and nudged Trellis to do the same. "You are Ambassador Moqrhat?" Mathew asked rhetorically. "It is an honour! to finally meet you!" Mathew gestured to the empty seats of the table "Please be seated, Lieutenant Trellis is just about to inform us as to the purpose of this summons."

"Thank you." Toran took his seat his aid standing behind him.

"Very well," Trellis said while clasping his hands together in a nervous gesture. "I invited you all here so that we could focus on strengthening relations between the assembled parties here." He said. "It is no secret that there has been tension between Starfleet and various governments that have decided to establish embassies here." He said.

"No small part being due to the behavior of this station's previous Chief of Security." he said.

"The station's 'previous' Chief of Security was Commander Rakka, was it not?" Isha observed with pointed pedantry. "Unless Gabriel is somewhat more than 'indisposed' then he is the current Chief of Security." She wanted a few more details than Trellis seemed willing to give but given his nervous demeanor any one of them might trip him into saying something he had not intended to reveal.

Trellis paused for a moment before responding. "Commander Gabriel is away on leave for the immediate future, and I will be filling in for him." he said in response. In his rush to placate the room he had failed to introduce himself.

"I'm sorry, forgive me." He replied in an embarrassed tone. "My name is Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, I will be overseeing station security." He said in about as much of a confident tone as he could produce standing in a room with dignitaries.

"I wanted all of us to come together and give suggestions on what can be done to help further develop relations onboard the station." He stated to the gathered group.

Tharek burst out into laughter. "I tell you what. Throw the Romulans out of the nearest airlock and I'll go and build you a Bajoran temple!"

"Build a Bajoran Temple and install fifty monks and I'll throw myself out of the airlock," Isha said in a very loud aside to Deletham

Trellis began to massage the spots on the side of his forehead. The stress of dealing with ambassadors was a battle he was not thoroughly prepared for.

"I believe that all interests would be better served if we could avoid making personal attacks against one another." Trellis interjected.

"Now, let's try to provide realistic examples, shall we." Trellis continued.

"No attacks were made, Lieutenant Trellis," Isha observed, "personal or otherwise. We call this humor. Do you have a sense of humor on your world?" she inquired.

"I do; however, I also recognize the need for civility amongst all of us. I would like to know if there are perhaps any projects that all three of your governments would wish to do jointly?" he inquired.

"We are ambassadors, Lieutenant Trellis," Isha said crispliy, "and we are not at war. If we wish to negotiate with one another we do not require a neutral fourth party to mediate and facilitate discussions," she told him, rather irked that he should presume to assume this role.

"As much as I hate to admit it, t'Khellian's right." Tharek interjected. He then turned to Isha, despite the previous shooting, he hated the Federation more than her. Just slightly. "I wonder why the almighty Federation wants us to get along so well?"

Toran pulled at his beard listening to the exchange. Both were correct and repeating what had already been spoke would be pointless. So he sat and listened intently, motioning to his aid...whispering an instruction.

Trellis' frustration was becoming apparent by this point. He was obviously not a diplomat, he was trained to identify a problem and resolve it in as efficient manner as possible. However, the subtle nuances of dealing with diplomats and their relationships with each other was quickly going beyond his head.

"Well in that case," Trellis said in a weary tone as he sought some sort of guidance within the meeting. "What suggestions do you all have in terms of certain procedures security or otherwise, on the station as it relates to your respective embassies.?" He asked.

Isha could at least acknowledge the comment and she did so with the slightest twitch of her eyebrow towards the Cardassian. "Some might feel that any security presence to date has been not for our protection, but our unnecessary containment," Isha observed through a smile as she turned her attention back to Trellis, "I wonder what Gabriel had to say about that ... what does your report suggest?"

"I cannot speak for Commander Gabriel's previous intentions;" Trellis stated more confidently. "Additionally, I am not at liberty to disclose any reports from within our department, ma'am." he responded. "However, I can assure you that the Security department is here to help each and every one of you all.

"Well," Isha said, looking for any signal that her unspoken and temporary alliance with Moqrhat was in play in this particular meeting. "It can help me by respecting my ambassadorial status and cease seeking to cast aspersions about my presence and intentions.

Trellis perked up, "What do you mean by that Ambassador? Was there a particular action that Commander Gabriel had taken against your office or you in particular?"

"You must all have the exact same amount of staff as the other embassies." Tharek said, quoting Gabriel. "If the Federation is going to impose ridiculous rules on us, then why should we be so quick to jump at an opportunity to help the people who seem it fit to limit us?"

"Because we are all here in the spirit of cooperation. The Federation does not wish to hinder your governments in any significant way." Trellis replied quickly, looking towards Totti to reassure the gathered individuals that the Federation was here to help them in whatever way possible.

"Remove Gabriel's rules, allow me to bring in the necessary staff and I will increase the cooperation between the Union and the Federation." Tharek stated, leaning back.

Trellis thought for several moments before responding. "Done, I don't see why there would be any issue if each embassy had less restraint in regards to its personnel. As long as you communicate with station Administration in regards to station access, there shouldn't be any issues." he replied.

"Naturally," Isha said, though the idea that Getal could pack out his embassy with a crock of conies was less positive.

"Does anybody else have any requests?" he asked everyone.

Mathew had chosen not to pry into Trellis's thoughts before the meeting to know what he called the meeting and regretted it. Mathew stood up and walked around the table full circle clockwise in a menacing manner. "I'd say Lieutenant Trellis is being very fair to you all, and I suggest you take the opportunity that you have before you, and be happy." Mathew smiled and then said in an innocent tone gripping his seat to sit back down. "So does anyone else." Mathew paused. "Request! anything from the Lieutenant?"

"I request that you keep your suggestions to yourself until you are asked for them, Lieutenant," Isha advised him, this meeting was turning into another pointless waste of time that could be put to much better use elsewhere. She was quite capable of determining herself whether someone was being fair or not and even on short acquaintance Isha had established greater respect for the security officer, who had a job to do, and the diplomat, who appeared superfluous.

Mathew was incredibly insulted but should have expected something like that to be said. He also sensed some anticipation from Isha, but decided not to show any anger at her previous comment.
Mathew spoke up smiling in a melancholy tone eyeing Isha "Request denied, anything else Isha?"

And also lacked any understanding of how diplomacy worked. Isha rose, "I hope you have all you need Lieutenant Trellis," she said ignoring the posturing diplomat for a moment. "Lieutenant Totti, you are not in a position to grant or to deny me, or any of my fellow ambassadors anything," she said, it was a gross insult to use a person's given name without permission, "and until you learn to use the correct form of address I suggest that you keep your mouth closed before somebody closes it for you permanently."

Trellis knew this was the time to step in and calm the rising tempers. "I think this has proven to be a very productive meeting." Trellis said with a smile as he arose from his chair. "Ambassadors, I'd like to thank you all for taking time out of your demanding schedules to meet with me and Lieutenant Totti." he said politely.

Toran stood as well. "Your thanks is unwanted. You call us together and treat us as squabbling children. My embassies presence here was at the Federations request following an incident with Romulans." He knew the truth about that incident but he remained silent on that. Curious to see if either Officer knew what had happened. "Security for my staff and even this station is provided by the garrison of warriors I brought with me. This has been an area of unrest between us but that is not my concern. If either party has an issue with the Klingon detachment...." He glance ever so slightly in the Cardassian's direction, "...I don't care. To date most of our difficulties could find Gabriel's involvement. Keep him out of our hair and I think you will see far fewer problems. Those that didn't involve Gabriel..." ~time to stir the pot~ "...I'm sure were a Cardassian issue."

Isha had been ready to sweep grandly away, yet she paused though she did not resume her seat. She wanted to see how this "discussion" worked out; it was no time to interrupt.

"What are you implying, dog?" Tharek said as he stood fully erect. "The Cardassian presence onboard has had nothing to do with any of the recent 'issues' on this floating piece of crap. Where have the Klingon's been though, whilst all this was going on? There was no sign of your ship, or you, at the time of most of the recent events!"

Toran turned to face the Cardassian. "I did not say you had or had not, but you are very defensive on the matter. As for my presence and that of my ship....I do not answer to you! And you will address me as Ambassador Toran! You address me in any other way you'd better have a blade in your hand!"

Trellis knew that he should have requested gaurds at the doors. "Gentleman, please! This is not the way to appropriately aire your grievances with one another!" Trellis said as he tried to interject himself between the two men. "I would hate to ruin the positive gains of this meeting by having to call other officers into the room" He said, attempting to maintain order without having to call in the riot squad.

Completely ignoring Trelis, Tharek spoke again. "I need no blade to teach you your place Klingon!"

Trellis was losing his patients with these. . .CHARACTERS. He was tempted to pull out his weapon and stun them all, but then that would only create even more chaos.

"Mr. Totti, I think now would be the best time to end this gathering, before anybody else says something that they do not mean." Trellis said as he motioned for a nearby Security officer to enter the room.

Isha nodded to her attendants. As they moved she turned her head to Trellis. "Lieutenant, if I articulate a thought, I meant to," she said in very clear and unmistakable Federation Standard, "the same applies if I act," she added with a glance at Getal, seeing him once again incapacitated on the floor of the turbolift. With a flick of her head she moved on without even acknowledging the Klingon Ambassador; Isha assumed that given their agreement Moqrhat would not disapprove - it only served to further imply that they had no affinity.

As she swept from the room Isha's attendants followed.

Had the others not spoken he would have taken great pleasure in reaching across the table and taking the Cardassian by the throat and strangle the life from him. But instead to his head turned to watch Isha's departure, the snarl on his face still obvious. Once she was gone he turned slowly back to the Cardassian, his eyes locked on the fellow ambassador for a moment. Then without a word he spun on his heel his robes flowing and he left the room, followed by his aid.

Tharek chuckled in his throat and made a sharp gesture to Lemat, who quickly retreated out of the door. Tharek followed, hulking back toward his embassy. Pity. It would've been a good fight.

Mathew sighed as the Ambassadors walked out slowly mumbling, their aides following like lapdogs. "Well that was fun wasn't it?" Mathew said sarcastically.

Trellis shook his head wearily. "I thought this was going to be a simple meeting between enlightened individuals. I can't imagine what would happen if we were enemies." He said as he sank back into his chair.

Mathew laughed dryly "I managed to piss Ambassador t'Khellian off. I'm sorry if I disturbed you meeting with my rudeness but it's one of the only ways of getting respect from the Romulans."

Which was a particularly gross misjudgement. That was in fact a sure-fire way to guarantee that one is dismissed as a fool, something that the Federation Diplomat would learn to his cost.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security