Judgement – Open For Business, Part 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus

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Title   Open For Business, Part 2
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus
Posted   Tue Sep 06, 2011 @ 7:01am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD 39 0915

Pelin saw Alexia Jackson sitting at her desk and smiled briefly. He remembered her from last night, the last of the customers to be ushered out of the door, three sheets to the wind and full of righteous indignation over her star-crossed crush on the old head of security. But she looked like she was nursing a hangover. This did not bode well.

With Edward and the lawyer, Harold Wicks, flanking him he moved across the entrance to security to stand in front of her desk, coughed nervously and said. "We'd like to see Lieutenant Trellis. It is a matter of urgency."

Alex wondered why everyone had to shout this morning. "If you would just wait here, please." she said in a sheepish voice, wincing as she got up and made her way gingerly to the inner office door to ask Si'Lar if he would see the visitors.

"There are three gentlemen from the Box of Delights to see you Sir, they say it's urgent." She pressed the chime, slipped in and told Trellis why she was there.

Trellis sighed. More and more and more people continued to flood his office. He knew that anybody from the Box of Delights was going to be more trouble than he was ready to deal with this morning. He placed the cap back on the bottle and noticed that the brown liquid within the bottle had decreased at a much faster rate than he originally thought.

He stood up slowly and straightened his uniform as Alex contacted him. "S-s-send them in," he said as he stabled himself. "Send them into my office." He placed the bottle out of the view of his incoming visitors.

The woman ventured back into entry just as Wicks was finishing an aside with the two, "...it's like it was never chopped off in the first place."

Alexia sighed as she stood sideways in the doorway with her arm outstretched to offer them passage to the room within.

"Lieutenant Trellis will see you now." she announced and allowed the door to close behind them once they were inside.

Harold didn't skip a beat. He held out his hand to shake, "Harold Wicks. It's a pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Trellis." Wicks' nostrils flared as Trellis hesitantly shook his hand, "Nothing like a night cap to get the morning started, eh Lieutenant?"

The Lieutenant was not amused.

"How can I assist you, Mr. Wicks?" Trellis asked as he walked back to his chair and quickly sat down, attempting to hide his general disinterest behind a veil of professionalism. He noticed the other two gentlemen were the 'concerned citizens' that questioned his original order to shut down the Box of Delights.

~ Why is everyone in such a rush to throw their money away in a stupid bar? ~ Trellis asked himself.

Edward noticed the look that the Security Chief gave himself and Pelin. It wasn't quite a scowl, but close. He hoped Wicks was as good as he seemed to think he was.

The lawyer began, "It is my understanding that you have deemed it necessary to shut down the Box of Delights. Such action was the result of the impropriety that manifested within its walls." He looked right into the security officer's eyes to gauge his state of mind, "I can imagine you feel your decision was for the long-term welfare of this station. Is that not your mission here as a Starfleet security officer?"

Trellis rubbed the bridge of his nose warily. "Mr. Wicks, I am not in the mood for this roundabout discussion. Please get to the point." He demanded it moreso than asked.

He sat up in his chair and continued to monitor the three individuals in his office. Part of him was greatly offended that the same civilians that he had dedicated his career to protecting were questioning his decision. A decision that he made for their own safety and well-being. He slowly rocked himself back and forth in his chair as he listlessly tapped his fingers, awaiting a response from the oddly-dressed caricature before him.

Harold obliged the Trill with a confident retort, "Closing down the Box of Delights was a mistake, Lieutenant."

The Trill stood to his feet quickly. "Thank you for coming down to my office, Mr. Wicks. I will be sure to take your opinion into advisement." He said dismissively as he walked towards his door, gesturing towards the exit.

"We're always here to assist you all." Trellis added as he continued to gesture towards the door.

Edward was having a hard time controlling himself. He decided Trellis was an incompetent boob, and the possibility of resolving the problem logically was quickly swirling the drain. He mentally willed the lawyer to be persistent and not let the officious buffoon get away with dismissing them out of hand. But he held his ground, concerned that in his growing anger, he might say something that would jeopardize Yolanthe getting her business reopened.

Completely ignoring Trellis' insistence, Wicks continued, "Lieutenant, are you familiar with the idiom 'Better the enemy you know'?" He walked up to just behind the Trill to speak over his shoulder, "Crime and dissidence on this station was regulated through the existence of the Box of Delights. By removing that focal point, you are forcing criminal elements on the station to dissociate. Even if criminal activity didn't rise, which it will most surely do as a result of the closure, it will prove much more daunting a task to manage than when the Box of Delights centralized everything." He then leaned slightly forward and said in a low voice, "It is a necessary evil for the greater good of the station."

Pelin's draw dropped open at the slanderous, shocking, outrageous claims, and then shut it with a click. They'd hired this guy to get the bar open, but this? But it was a convincing argument. If they couldn't get Trellis to be reasonable, maybe they should appeal to his interests.

Edward looked equally as surprised, both eyebrows raising up his forehead. The unexpected verbal angle that Wicks used was not what he'd had in mind at all. Half of him wanted to interrupt, while the other half had to admit that the argument, while skewed, might sway Trellis. Mentally he struggled with what to do.

Trellis stopped and looked at the man, and tried to keep from reaching over to choke the increasingly aggravating individual.

"Mr. Wicks, my security department is MORE than capable of handling any disturbance or violation of Federation law on this station!" Trellis said with growing impatience. "And if there is anyone who doubts such a claim, then I have an entire suite of brigs available for immediate occupation."

"Hubris much?" Wicks challenged. He had to make Trellis angry if he was going to make any progress. "Look, it's just one little joint, right? Whataya got to be afraid of?" Harold slowly moved behind Trellis' desk. "You reopen the Box and everyone goes back to schmoozing in public. On the other hand, if you keep it closed, my friends here send a few bricks of latinum my way and I file an injunction against you." He plopped down in Trellis' chair and casually leaned back, resting his hands behind his head and flopped his feet onto the desk. "Now I dunno about you, but that's a pretty petty reason to stay sober weeks on end for." He leaned forward and pulled up his pant leg to reveal a flask. Withdrawing it, he held it up, offering it to Trellis, who stared angrily back. Wicks took it as a refusal and shrugged, opened the flask and leaned back again to take a swig. "I prefer the status quo, where everyone can drink in the privacy of their workplace." He motioned to the officer with his flask, "It's your decision, Lieutenant."

Trellis quickly swung his hand outward and knocked the lawyer's feet deftly off of his desk as he started intently at the man before him.

"Get your feet OFF of my desk and get the hell out of my office!" He shouted directly to the attorney, but with the intent of the others to hear him.

"Go ahead and file whatever the hell you want! That Den of Inquity will stay in whatever condition I see fit for this station!" he continued to harrangue.

In a surprisingly uncharacteristic portrayal, the lawyer stood to face his assaulter with stern calmness, "You are as stubborn as my wife Mr. Trellis. That is a trait my kind preys upon." He offered the enraged security officer a smirk, "I'm sure after a lengthy deliberation your superiors will see my point of view." His smirk turned to a grin as he revealed the bottle Trellis' was nursing earlier in his grasp. "Especially after they realize how many of these you've been burning through." He tossed the bottle at Trellis' who jerked forward to catch it.

Wicks made his way over between Edward and Pelin again, turning to offer one last retort, "You have nothing to win and everything to lose by drawing this out. I; on the other hand, make tons of latinum win, lose, or draw. If you want to spite me Mr. Trellis, then I suggest you quit while you're ahead and give these two gentleman their employer back." He put his hands on the shoulders of the two men to motion them for the door. "Good day, Lieutenant."

Trellis continued to hold the container in his hand as his anger continued to course through him. Several cracks began to develop throughout the glass as Trellis' grip became tighter and tighter.

"Alexia!" Trellis shouted into the lobby.

"Ugh, please sir, not so loud." She responded as she pushed her fingers against her temples. "What do you need?"

Against his own better judgement, Trellis made the decision, "Tell whoever is stationed at the Box of Delights that they can allow patrons to re-enter the establishment."

Alexia did as she was asked without arguing for a change.

Edward, Pelin, and Wicks all grinned in unison as they heard the order muffled on the other side of the turbolift doors. Harold let out a quick huff to conclude his strife, "Well, it would seem you two owe me several drinks. Promenade."


Rosh Pelin,
Assistant Barman
The Box of Delights


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
The Box of Delights


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Harold Wicks, Esq.
Attorney at Interstellar Law


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Security Secretarial Assistant