Incommunicado – Pushing the Boundaries
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Pushing the Boundaries
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Apr 20, 2012 @ 3:14am
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD57 11:45

Standing at the window, Tasha watched Petro as she retook her seat and beckoned over Rushtone. Tasha smiled as she turned away and tapped her comm.

=^= "Commander Dunham, please report to Ops." She ordered as she picked up the two empty glasses from the table as Rick replied.

Rick who was on his way to the promenade for a much needed 'break' stopped in mid stride and pressed the badge on his chest to reply =^= On my way Ma'am =^= but before he could open his mouth to ask why he had been ordered up to command the captain said;

=^= "I'll explain when you get here." Tahir responded as she placed the items into the replicator and watched the blue swirl recycled the beakers into their lowest forms.

=^= Aye sir =^= said Rick eyeing the bar he was about to go into with a small amount of mournfulness.

=^= "Thank you Commander." =^= And she closed the channel.

A few minutes passed before the tall figure of Rick stood at her open doorway.

"Come in." She spoke and signalled with a curl of her index finger to the Flight commander and as he entered, Tasha pressed the console on her desk silently closing the door. "Take a seat Commander." She offered as Rick pulled back one of the two chairs and sat.

Rick settled into the offered chair, he gave the captain a polite nod "sir" he said as way of hello

Tasha interlocked her fingers and placed her hands on the desk in front of her as she studied Rick for a moment.
"Good to see you back." She began, "I trust married life suits you." She stated as she shifted in her seat. "but to the point, I need you to take a small wing and see if you can find what is causing our communications problems." She unlatched her fingers and retrieved a PADD from from her drawer. "I have transferred most of the data to this." She slid the device across the desk. "We don't have much, but the problem is growing worse by the hour. Three days ago, we lost contact with Starfleet HQ, only getting communicades via starships and relay stations. Then we lost the relay stations and now we are losing contact with ships in this sector. I have spoken to a few starship captains and the further away from DS5 they are, the better the communications. That leads our scientists to the conclusion, that there is something in this sector and we need to know who is blocking or jamming communications." Tasha explained as Rick read.

"This is worst than I thought" mumbled Rick to himself as he scanned through the data. "We've noted the anomaly and I had a meeting with Petro earlier today about communication upgrades to the space fighters. Additionally we have two MIA pilots that went missing in the anomaly"

"Anomaly?" Tasha questioned as if Rick had information that she didn't, "I was not aware we had an anomaly. What else do you know?" She asked as she retook her seat, keen to ask Rick about Petros race.

"Well in the report I submitted sir, we first became aware of this communication problem when we lost contact with two fighters from bravo wing. When we found.....well, we found the fighters, just no crew inside. What ever was going on was playing havoc with our sensors and comms and to be honest with you I cannot confirm nor deny that something else showed on scanners, but I will bet money that there is something else out there. "Rick put a stick of gum in his mouth and started chewing it thoughtfully.

Tasha nodded. "I understand you concerns, that is why I will be sending out Lieutenants Rushtone and Petro with you." The captain leant forward, "Rick, have you ever worked with a J'Naii?" Tasha asked in a quieter tone.

Rick nodded his affirmative. He had, several times, and with Petro, recently, in fact.

Petro rapped on the open door, "You wanted to see me?"

As was becoming familiar, Tasha beckoned Petro in.
"You have met Commander Dunham." Tasha said as Petro paused behind the vacant seat.

The J'nai stepped inside and nodded to Dunham, "Commander," she said, taking the seat next to him.

Rick smiled and nodded back "Lieutenant."

Tasha waited for Petro to make herself comfortable.

"The reason I have asked you back, is further to our conversation earlier. I would like you and Mr Rushtone to accompany Rick,..." Tasha paused as she corrected herself, "Commander Dunham on a fact finding mission." Her eyes fell to Petro. "It is not going to be a simple flight around the sector, there may be dangers." Tasha advised but she could see that Petro was more than eager to to take the ride.

"Well then sir can I suggest that we go in one of the Wallace Light Escort vessels, just in case"

Tasha nodded her agreement. "Commander, it is a scientific mission. You are searching for whatever is causing the problems, not to start an interstellar situation, least not until we have a clear understanding of what the threat is." Tashas order was not strict, nor was it meant to sound so. She looked across to Petro.

"Petro, you ready for a little investigation?" She asked with the hint of a smile.

"Ready and willing," Petro said, almost jumping out of her seat. She stood and looked at Dunham, "Ready when you are, sir."


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer